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Tag: sleep

Oct 09
Concentration Power

If you want to know all about concentration power you are in the right place. Concentration difficulty can be explained as a decreased ability to focus your thoughts on something. Concentration difficulties can be related to difficulty staying awake, impulsiveness, intrusive thoughts or concerns, overactivity, or inattention. They can be caused by medical, cognitive or […]

Sep 30
6 Self-Study Tips

If you want to know 6 self-study tips, you are in the right place. For most of us, just listening to the classes and taking notes might not help to retrieve learnt topics in our long term memory. Even when we have many inspiring teachers who teach us through the best possible methods and passion, […]

Sep 29
9 Ways To Eliminate Stress Effectively

In this article, we will go through different methods that can help you out in eliminating stress in an effective manner. Stress has several negative effects on our life. However, we still do not accept the fact that this could either be or lead to a serious mental disorder, if not taken care of at […]

Aug 12
10 Ways to Reduce Stress for Working Professional

Even before Covid-times, work related stress or burnout was, unfortunately, a common occurrence for many working professionals. So much so that, earlier last year, World Health Organization – WHO recognized burnout as a disease. Now, due to Covid and extremely low number of active and even dangerous employment opportunities has only increased the stress at […]