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Day: September 1, 2020

Sep 01
How JEE examination will impact the students in a pandemic?

There is a growing concern nationwide not just among the students but the whole academic varsity to how the JEE exams will take place this year. Several questions and several concerns are put into question and various problems have come to the light as a result. So, below are some of the most serious questions which are coming up in the mind of the students during this time of crisis. These are the most common questions which are being asked by the students who are looking for giving their JEE examinations…

Sep 01
Top 5 gadgets for working professionals

Its 2020, anything you could imagine could be an actual thing or at least could be developed easily with enough motivation (maybe not water cars, but you know what I’m saying). This motivation has led us to develop and innovate gadgets that are so easy to use, they often become necessary. While using these gadgets […]

Sep 01
How to Join Indian Army? Requirements and Procedures

Have you ever been wondering how to join the Indian army? Do u know or idolize any Army officer? or are you fascinated by the work? do you want to serve the Country? If u want to join the Indian Army, this particular article is worth the read. The Indian Army professional, well trained, and […]

Sep 01
Liberal Arts Subjects In India Top 5 Liberal Arts Institutions in India

 Liberal arts subjects in india Liberal arts or liberal education has many myths around its very concept. It is important that the myths need to be debunked so that you can understand what exactly liberal art actually is. The big myth is that liberal art only includes humanities disciplines such as psychology, political science, sociology, […]

Sep 01
Best Canadian Universities for Humanities & Social Sciences

Humanities and Social Sciences are the upcoming disciplines apart from conventional sciences and medical streams. The subjects that include in Humanities are performing arts, music studies, literature, etc. Social Sciences focuses on anthropology, archaeology, and politics. The study of these, subjects enhances many soft skills of a person. The skills that you can develop through […]

Sep 01
Best Universities in Canada for Liberal Arts Studies

Liberal Arts are getting a replacement trend in current times. Liberal art permits you to possess a multi-disciplinary education. you’ll prefer to study completely different combos of subjects instead of selecting one subject. Liberal arts studies consist of science subjects, humanities subjects, and science subjects. Canada is home to several acknowledged world universities that area […]

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