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Day: October 7, 2023

Oct 07
What is MCX full form: Introduction, Role, Functions, Trading

Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited (MCX) is a commodity derivatives exchange based in India. It was established in 2003 by the Government of India and is currently based in Mumbai. MCX is India’s largest commodity derivatives exchange, offering trading in a wide range of commodities, including bullion, industrial metals, energy, and agricultural commodities. Introduction […]

Oct 07
What is NSE full form: Introduction, Stock Trading, Stock Market

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) is a marketplace where people can buy and sell shares of companies. Shares are small pieces of ownership in a company, and they give shareholders the right to a share of the company’s profits. The NSE is the largest stock exchange in India, and it is one […]

Oct 07
What is BSE full form: Introduction, Understanding, Impact

Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. (BSE) is a stock exchange located in Mumbai, India. It is the oldest stock exchange in Asia and the largest stock exchange in India by equity trading volume. The BSE offers trading in a wide range of securities, including equities, derivatives, currencies, and debt securities. The BSE is used by a […]

Oct 07
What is BPS full form: Introduction, Basis Points in Finance

BPS full form is Basis points, bps are a unit of measurement used in finance to describe the percentage change in the value of financial instruments or the rate change in an index or other benchmark. One basis point is equal to 1/100th of 1%, or 0.01%. In decimal form, one basis point appears as […]

Oct 07
What is Indeed Meaning in Hindi

Indeed का हिंदी अर्थ है निश्चित ही, सचमुच, वास्तव में। यह एक क्रिया विशेषण है जिसका उपयोग किसी कथन को सत्य या निश्चित रूप में प्रस्तुत करने के लिए किया जाता है। उदाहरण के लिए: यह indeed एक बहुत ही सुंदर दिन है। (This is indeed a very beautiful day.) मैं indeed बहुत खुश हूं […]

Oct 07
Bangalore University: B.Com Admit Card, Placements

The Bangalore University Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) syllabus is divided into six semesters, with each semester covering a different set of subjects. The syllabus includes a mix of core and elective subjects, which allows students to specialize in a particular area of commerce. Highlights Important Dates How to Check B.Com Result Syllabus of B.Com B.Com […]

Oct 07
Bangalore University: B.Com Result 2023, Syllabus

The Bangalore University Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) syllabus is divided into six semesters, with each semester covering a different set of subjects. The syllabus includes a mix of core and elective subjects, which allows students to specialize in a particular area of commerce. Highlights Important Dates How to Check B.Com Result Syllabus of B.Com B.Com […]

Oct 07
What is means of transport

Means of transport are vehicles or other devices used to transport people or goods from one place to another. They can be classified into three main categories: Land transport: This includes vehicles that travel on the ground, such as cars, buses, trains, and trucks. Water transport: This includes vessels that travel on water, such as […]

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