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Tag: counselling for youths

Sep 28
Homosexuality and its acceptance among the Indian youth

Today, the Indian youth is having and making conversations about homosexuality and queer groups like never before. Not only conversations but also the acceptance and awareness is rising with every passing day. However, if we talk about the awareness of the LGBTQ community inside the household environment, the freedom to express one’s gender is still […]

Sep 28
Today’s youth need to talk of cybercrime

Cybercrime in simple words refers to any crime that happens over the use of any electronic device with the use of the internet. It is a crime that can happen against an individual or a group of people almost affecting their mental health of bringing to the other kinds of trauma that may affect their […]

Sep 22
Community service and its need among students.

What exactly is community service? Before you understand what is the need for community service, let’s find out what is community service. It is a sought of volunteering program for people of all ages to conglomerate and do things that benefit society. Community service not only teaches compassion to people but also helps build individual […]

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