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Tag: For Students

Aug 16
8 ways to convert your weakness into strength

In Short, There is nothing in life that you will achieve without hard work, not everything is going to be easy to find or something which someone else can do for you. You have to work on it and try to find what you truly like to do. Your efforts and passion for improving yourself are awarded down the years. You may not notice it but someone is noticing the littlest thing you go through or achieve in your life. The soul searching you do is something that you do for…

Apr 19
All you need to know about the Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT)

“Success is not determined by attitude, but rather by aptitude.” Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) is an entrance exam test for the architect students, students who wish pursue further in JEE Advance and want to study Bachelor’s in Architecture, This exam can also be held at the national level in which students are supposed to use their JEE […]

Apr 13
7 Tips how to overcome fear of failure

Fear is one of the most common traits which people feel, when they feel something is either not right or taking a turn as per their terms. We fear when we are about to lose something, you know you are afraid with you feel your stomach turn upside down and you feel those anxiety butterflies. But you can easily get over these irrational fears of failure, there are many ways through which students can overcome such irrational fears of failures.

Aug 17
Information on law school admission test

In short, Students who are interested in pursuing law in the future need to give an entrance exam before they can plan anything ahead. Students are supposed to give a LSAT entrance exam to be able to take admission in any desired or preferred colleges of their choice. LSAT is Law School Admission Test and this is an Indian entrance exam conducted by the Law school admission council also known as LSAC for the admission for the undergraduate as well as postgraduate level courses.

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