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Tag: reading books

Oct 17
5 Ways to Develop the Habit of Reading

As John Dryden an english poet has said, ” We first make our habits and then our habits make us.” With the advent of technology and the internet, the world has become small, there are no boundaries anymore, everything and anything has become possible. It is so easy to access a summary of a story […]

Oct 01
10 Benefits of Reading Books for Students

This article discusses the benefits of reading in student's life. There's a perusing kind for each educated individual on the planet, and whether your preferences lie in old-style writing, verse, design magazines, accounts, strict writings, youthful grown-up books, self-improvement guides, road lit, or romance books, there's something out there to catch your interest and creative mind. Reading is significant in light of the fact that it builds up our contemplations, gives us perpetual information and exercises while keeping our brains dynamic. Books can hold and keep a wide range of data,…

Sep 29
Are the Gen Z kids over with reading books?

Reading was once a part of important recreational activities. It used to be something the children, the teenager’s and even the young adults used to love to do. There was no rush on using mobile phones or playing computer games. Life was pretty simple if seen from the young adult viewpoint. However, in today’s changing time,  […]

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