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Tag: impacts

Oct 27
6 Impacts of Covid-19 on Indian Economy

Introduction The episode of Coronavirus illness 2019 (COVID-19), first distinguished in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei, China, in December 2019 and from that point forward having spread niversally, has been perceived as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11 March 2020. India is generally influenced by this pandemic. As of 29.04.2020, more […]

Oct 27
8 Impacts of Covid-19 on education

Most of the information gathered on the number of understudies and students affected by COVID-19 has been determined dependent on the conclusion of formal instruction frameworks. The UNESCO Institute for Statistics gives figures on understudies affected by COVID-19 relating to the number of students enlisted at pre-essential, essential, lower-auxiliary, and upper-optional degrees of instruction [ISCED […]

Oct 13
All about substance abuse in India

The pestilence of substance maltreatment in a youthful age has accepted disturbing measurements in India. Changing social qualities, expanding financial pressure, and decreasing steady bonds are prompting inception into substance use. Cannabis, heroin, and Indian-created drug drugs are the most oftentimes manhandled drugs in India. Medication use, abuse, or misuse is likewise basically because of the idea of the medication mishandled, the character of the individual, and the fiend's quick climate. The cycles of industrialization, urbanization, and movement have prompted the releasing of the customary techniques for social control delivering an…

Oct 03
Social Media And Suicide Among Teenagers

Web-based media and self-destruction is a generally new marvel, which concerns online media's impact on self-destruction related conduct. Self-destruction is a main source of death around the world: roughly 1.54 million individuals will kick the bucket from self-destruction in the year 2020, as indicated by the World Health Organization. Suicide has been distinguished as an individual wonder, yet additionally as being impacted by social and natural factors. Additionally, there is expanding proof that the Internet and web-based media can impact self-destruction related behavior. As the web turns out to be more…

Oct 03
Social Media And Student Life

This article is about the use of social media among students. It discusses the various features and impacts of social media and spreads awareness about its usage and addiction. As per a review directed by Pew Research in 2018, Facebook and YouTube rule the web-based media scene, as outstanding dominant parts of U.S. grown-ups utilize every one of these destinations. Simultaneously, more youthful Americans (particularly those ages 18 to 24) stand apart for grasping an assortment of stages and utilizing them often. Some 78% of 18 - 24-year-old youths use Snapchat,…

Oct 01
Exam stress and anxiety among students

This article discusses the various causes and effects of exam stress among students. It also gives solutions and tips for preparing for exams and keep stress away. Test anxiety is more than feeling somewhat anxious before a test. For understudies who battle with test tension, a touch of pre-test anxiety transforms into incapacitating sentiments of stress, fear, and dread, which can contrarily affect execution. Understudies can battle with test tension at any age. The awareness regarding exams and the stress they bring along with them must be spread among as many…

Sep 21
Peer pressure and student life

this article discusses what peer pressure is and it affects a student's life. As discussed in the article, there are positive as well as negative effects of peer pressure. It is not a topic that can be ignored but is of great significance and the message conveyed through the article must spread to every teenager or a student. This will help a student to get motivated by knowing the positive impacts of peer pressure. It will help students to focus on their goals and work towards achieving them.

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