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9 points on How Career Counselling impacts 12th Student’s Life

Life throws many crossroads at us. The most difficult is perhaps when students are asked to choose a stream in the 10th class. And another just two years later, when students are left to fend for themselves in a world with new colleges and exams erupting every single day. This time can be extremely stressful for class 12th students as not only do they have to focus on their board exams and/or coaching classes but also have to decide and prepare for their desired colleges. Since they are provided with innumerable options between colleges and the programs these colleges offer, students tend to make decisions in the spur of the moment and might regret it later. Here is article on 9 points on How Career Counselling impacts Class 12th Student’s Life

Career counselling helps an individual realize their strengths and domains, suggests career and professions related to their interests and potential but can help students in so many more ways as counsellors are trained and experienced individuals. In this article, we mention 9 points on how career counselling can impact and useful for 12th students.


Removes Confusion

Career confusion is a problem faced by millions of students at some point in their life, whether they admit it or not. Many times, students don’t even give much thought about their career until they’re in the 12th standard and due to that, their preparation is too little too late. They start following the herd because they don’t have enough time to think and decide properly. A counsellor has the experience and knowledge to help you clear your mind and make better decisions.

Entrance Exams

This comes as the biggest challenge to students as there are a number of entrance exams that serve the same purpose. There are Institutions that accept a few certain exams and there are few who don’t. Career counselling will help you determine which is best for you and how you can get into your dream college through the right competitive exams.

Colleges and Institutions

Entrance exams and admission into college go hand in hand. One cannot exist without the other. That’s why, once you have successfully written your exam and fulfilled certain criteria to gain admission, you are eligible for one or more colleges. Career counselling will help students choose an institution and a program that suits them best.

Suggestions and Recommendations

When students do, in fact, know where their strengths and weaknesses lie, they can be guided by the counsellor on what job roles and profiles suit the students accordingly. Just because you are interested in pottery, or good at pottery doesn’t mean you need to make a living by being a potter. This can have underlying meanings such as being patient and having attention to detail in your work. A career counsellor will help you analyze all of this and suggest multiple options for your future. This tip helps you to know how career counselling impacts 12th Student’s Life.

Career Scope

If you do have a career in mind, or need help choosing one, counselling will save the day. Everyday, millions of new jobs are created, new titles and roles start existing. A career counsellor can help you see what the scope of job is in the next few years and how it could impact you. Moreover, they might also suggest jobs that are thriving in the present day such as technological jobs.

Your Potential

Students can have a hard time realizing what they’re good at. Many times they feel as if they’re being too pompous when they admit to their strengths. However, this is not the right way, an individual must be proud of their potential and abilities and career counselling can help you work on the strengths and make the most of it through your career.

Your Weaknesses

Career counsellors help open your eyes toward your shortcomings and even help you accept it. The only way to conquer your weakness and turn into a strength is by acknowledging it. 

Job Satisfaction

Love the work you do, and do the work you love. Build a life you don’t need a vacation from. How many of us have read or come across phrases like that? Many. How many of us have come across real people who put those phrases to practice? Hardly anyone. Most people work 9-5 for a job they don’t even like. Studies show that 1 in every 4 working people would like to “start over” in their careers. Counselling helps you find jobs that cater to your needs, interests, ability so you don’t find your work dull or boring in the future. Prevention is always better than cure. This tip helps you to know how career counselling impacts 12th Student’s Life.

Comprehensive Analysis

Counsellors will provide you with a detailed assessment of your interests, how it affects your job in the future, how popular your profession might be in the future, and so on. 

Whether you decide to undergo career counselling is totally your choice, but in order to make a decision that you will not regret later in life, career counselling is highly advised.


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