In this article, we will discuss 9 tips for how to clear the NPAT UG entrance exam after 12th. 9 TIPS TO CLEAR NPAT UG ENTRANCE EXAM AFTER 12TH. Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies’ National Test for Programs after Twelfth, also known as NMIMS NPAT in other words, is an entrance test conducted by NMIMS University for undergraduate as well as other integrated courses. Every year, the exam is conducted digitally covering a wide range of topics and subjects such as General Intelligence, Numerical Ability, English Proficiency, and so on. Here is article on 9 Tips to clear NPAT UG entrance exam after Class 12th
The exam needs some proper strategies and methods to prepare for all the sections with focus and make a grip over their concepts. Let us discuss some of the tips below to focus on the tips and tricks through which you can clear the NPAT UG entrance exam after 12th with a good percentage.
Challenge Accepted
To clear this examination, you need to make yourself sure that yes you want to crack it. There should be a proper determination, dedication, and motivation in your mind in order to give a right beginning to your preparation strategy. You need to know the paper pattern so you get briefed about the topic to how and through which method you can prepare yourself for it. Beginning with the task, go through some of the past year papers to know the paper pattern and take guidance for what books can be helpful for you to prepare for the exam.
Do not mock the mock test
Mock tests are such a useful tool for this exam which cannot be ignored. You need to take care of the advice that does not forget to take some mock tests as they are going to provide you with not only the question pattern but also the confidence to solve it. It will help you to take care of your shortcomings so that you can give time to work on that. Keep in mind that mock tests are very important and super necessary to practice on it in order to get familiarised with the paper format and the question trends.
Potential to its fullest
After clearing the class 12th exams, you must get aware of the fact that the competitive entrance exams are not like your school question papers. Preparation for these exams takes a lot of effort, time, and hard work in order to get the desired results and outcomes. Considering this fact, you need to start solving these mock tests at least a month or two before the exam date and try to give as many tests as possible. The point that the more you practice, the more you can get the topics printed in your mind is very much apt here.
Relate your grip with time
Time is very precious to prepare for your entrance examination. Take care of the fact from day1 of your strategy that the paper is of 120 minutes in which you have to solve question sets which are nearly 3-4. You will get less than a minute to solve one question. So keeping in mind the view of the situation, make sure that you cannot lag behind. Maintain your speed from the early days so that you get a sufficient amount of practice with your speed of solving the problems.
Revise and Review on D-Day
You will be having a lot of questions, discussions, and a lot of nervousness in your mind. Keep your mind calm on the exam day and go through the notes which you have prepared earlier. A quick glimpse will increase your confidence in yourself. Try to complete the exam a few minutes before so that you can review the answers you have given in the remaining few minutes. This will help you to analyze yourself after the exam that how it went.
No Compromise
Do not compromise with your studies at any cost. Try to isolate yourself with your books so that you do not need to face any distractions which might act as hurdles in your path of hard work. Also, do not think to leave any topic thinking that this is the least likely to come or this is the most likely to come. Keep a constant amount of effort on each and every topic as you cannot say what question might be there in store for you. Be prepared and study with no shortcuts in mind.
Read other than academic books
Do not just stick to the academic arena only. You need to have a rich knowledge of the vocabulary as well. To get knowledge about this, what you can do is to read magazines and newspapers. Magazines and Newspapers have a rich vocabulary and expressive content as well as impressive writing style. Read these two things on a daily basis, mark the words which are hard for you to understand, search it up in the dictionary and try to memorize it. The entrance exam contains a section for English assessment skills for which you need to have good English proficiency.
Skip and be back
While attempting the question paper, you will be going through some question papers which we more difficult and time taking. Try to skip those questions without taking much time and go through them again later when you complete the whole exam paper. This method will help you save time so that you can give some extra amount of time to those questions in which you think you will take more time than expected.
No cheat days
Usually, there is not much time for the entrance exam after you complete your class 12th. Since you have to fix your practice in the particularly framed strategy of yours, you cannot afford a cheat day where you cut yourself from the efforts and practice for a whole day. This day will make you lag behind the situation and you will definitely face problems. So for some particular time, keep your study schedule regular so that you do not face problems before the entrance examination.
In this article, we have discussed some of the tips below to focus on the tips and tricks through which you can clear the NPAT UG entrance exam after 12th with a good percentage.