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Day: September 18, 2020

Sep 18
8 Beneficial Tips for journalists

exciting and fast-paced career, journalism is a great fit for recent grads who are interested in current events and passionate about storytelling. If you’re considering a career as a journalist, then you’re probably wondering how to get started.Journalists are generally helpful and sympathetic people, especially when it comes to helping those wishing to enter the profession, Here are some top pieces of advice for young journalists.  1. Contacts and networking Networking is important in any field and it’s especially important in communications- focused fields like journalism that rely on strong professional…

Sep 18
All You Need To Know About IIMs

Do you know everything about IIMs? If no, you are in the right place. IIMs (Indian Institute of Management) is the top best higher education institutes for management studies in India? It is the dream of any aspirant who wishes to pursue a management course to obtain a seat in these reputed and prestigious institutes. […]

Sep 18
Reasons to work with Alphabet Inc.

Alphabet Inc. offers various healthcare, financial and other employee benefits. It is the parent company of Google. It has a net income of $34 billion. The employees of the company are given healthy and free food. The company expects its employees to give 80% to their jobs and 20% to their passions. This not only attracts creativity but also helps the employees realize their potential. The employees also get to use the products of the company before they are launched in the market.

Sep 18
Man of wisdom…Ratan Tata

Man of wisdom…Ratan Tata “Take the stones people throw at you and use them to bulid a monument” .These golden words are said by one such person who has been inspiring thousands of people with his struggle and noble deeds and that person is Ratan Tata, who is the chairman emeritus of Tata sons. Ratan […]