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Tag: interview

Dec 07
Top 25 Questions Asked In Internship Interviews

WHAT IS AN INTERVIEW? – Interview is recognized as a process which is structured to accumulate necessary information from a candidate through oral communication medium. Interview can be described as a series of questions asked by an interviewee to extract out oral response to assess the capability of a candidate. A classic interview procedure inculcates […]

Dec 07
Top 10 mistakes that can make your interview worse

In this article we will quickly explore the common interview mistakes and how to avoid them with the support of real life instances. Here is the list of top 10 interview mistakes. Dressing Inappropriately Individuals sitting straight, hanging tight for prospective employee meeting. At the point when you meet for a work, it’s basic to […]

Oct 16
How could a fresher crack a job interview

If you are wondering how you could crack a job interview as a fresher, you are in the right place. Freshers always lack experience and tend to be in a difficult situation facing lots of nervousness when they are called up for an interview. Not always an academically good student cracks an interview because it’s […]

Oct 16
Common questions asked in a job interview

If you want to know which common questions are asked in a job interview, you are in the right place. Before going to sit for an interview almost everyone is tensed regarding how the interview session is going to be or what kind of questions will they ask. It’s not that they are just going […]

Sep 25
How to deal with Interview Stress

Interviews can make or break our chance for getting selected. It is one of the most intimidating process we go through, the entire concept of the interview is to challenge us and see how we manage ourselves under pressure. A good interview can offer us a very big leap over others, but that stress to […]

Jul 20
Top 5 common interview questions and answers

There are many questions amongst the people going to or are in the professional world about the interview questions they are going to be facing in an interview. It’s certain that the questions are different as per the field of profession, but there are few questions which are found out to be common in every […]

Jul 11
5 Interview Tips For Working Professional

One of the most common fears that a working professional has is of the interview. They clear multiple written exams and even GDs but somehow, they get nervous during or just can’t handle the interview and lose their dream job because of that. It is not new to have a fear of interview but it […]

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