Today computers are being used everywhere, from workplaces to households to coffee shops. These day to day usage, have created a lot of scope for challenges and issues for the users. Today we hear of money fraud crimes, Cyber coercion, Cyberwarfare, cyber extortion, fraud, Hacking, ineligible downloading, piracy software/websites, and whatnot. This type of crime […]
Who are the Gen Z kids ? The kids born after the year of 1996 are the kids of the generation Z. However, the Gen Z kids are not the millennials. The millennials are the ones from generation Y, who came during the time of great recession around the globe. However, after the Covid-19 hit, […]
Psychometrics is a field of study concerned with the idea and technique of psychological measurement. Generally, it refers to the sector in psychology and education that’s dedicated to testing, measurement, assessment, and related activities. Practitioners are described as psychometricians. Psychometricians usually possess a particular qualification, and most are psychologists with advanced graduate training. Read further […]
If you want to know about the top 5 colleges for graphic designing in India, you are in the right place. Graphic Designing a process involving visual communication and problem-solving with the help of space, type, and image. Graphic Design is an emerging creative career in India with ample of job and growth opportunities. A […]
Interviews can make or break our chance for getting selected. It is one of the most intimidating process we go through, the entire concept of the interview is to challenge us and see how we manage ourselves under pressure. A good interview can offer us a very big leap over others, but that stress to […]
If you want to know when to stop holding on to one-sided love you are in the right place. Today I’ve come up with a very common topic that is searched by all the people from the entire world. That’s because most of us have faced this situation at some stage of life. Something I […]
Watching films can be extremely therapeutic. Cinemas are like a tale that spurs our imagination in visual and auditory forms. It is used as a form of escapism for many, it helps us dive into a world far from our own reality and indulge in it excessively. Films are a great tool used to teach […]
Moving away from home is a mixed bag of emotions. A part of you looks forward to this freedom, but another part may be scared about being all alone in a totally new place. But Living away should also be a bucket list item in your life. This kind of experience guides you more about […]
This pandemic has turned everything haywire. Idleness is certainly killing us; markets have been gravely affected by this pandemic. Similarly, job markets are scarce and it has become a really tough task to secure a job. Our economy has been very much affected because of complete lock-down of all forms of works. Many lost their […]
A balanced diet is a diet that contains differing kinds of foods in certain quantities and proportions so that the requirement for calories, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and alternative nutrients is adequate and a small provision is reserved for additional nutrients to endure the short length of leanness. A healthy or balanced diet has no definition […]
In this new tech-savvy era and a world upscaling on digitalization and commercialization, it is hard to have a similar trend in the choice of careers as before. With more available options and ways of commutation, the work environment has evidently evolved to a new level. Today there is the scope of learning while working, […]
If you want to know how you can top in 12th biology exam, you are in the right place. Biology is the part of science that deals with life. Though it’s the easiest subject in 12th science (according to my opinion) but somehow students are not able to focus much on it due to huge […]