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Category: Career Counselling for 12th Class

Apr 17
Know more about B.Sc. in Anthropology after 12th

Courses in Anthropology encourage budding Anthropologists to try and understand how people interact in social relationships, dress and communicate in different societies and use their accumulated knowledge of biology, culture, types of communication, and past ways of human living to achieve set goals. Special emphasis is given to the study of   Archaeology, Biological    Anthropology, Cultural  […]

Apr 17
8 tips why internship is important for students

The internship is something that allows a student or trainee to participate or work in a company or an organization etc. Students get a chance to have a hands-on experience and gain a little plus or an add on in their CV or Resume. This helps them in their future endeavor in the work sector. Here […]

Apr 15
9 career tips about VITEEE after the 12th class

Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination (VITEEE). VIT admits bachelor students through its own engineering entrance exam, called the Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination (VITEEE). Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) is a private university in Tamil Nadu, India. Founded in 1984, as Vellore Engineering College, by G. Here is article on 9 career tips about VITEEE […]

Apr 15
All you need to know about marine engineering

Marine engineering includes the engineering of boats, ships, oil rigs and any other marine vessel or structure, as well as oceanographic engineering or ocean engineering. Specifically, marine engineering is the discipline of applying engineering sciences, including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, and computer science, to the development, design, operation and maintenance of watercraft propulsion and on-board systems and oceanographic technology. It includes but is not limited to power and propulsion plants, machinery, piping, automation and control systems for marine vehicles of any kind, such as surface ships and submarines.

Apr 15
Top 6 Unconventional Career Options after Class 12

An unconventional career is any profession or occupation that is considered outside the mainstream or traditional career paths. It could be a career that involves creative thinking, innovation, or a different approach to problem-solving. Some examples of unconventional careers include. Here is article on Top 6 Unconventional Career Options after Class 12th Introduction Animation Event […]

Apr 15
Know India’s best schemes after the 12th class

The hard truth of this life is – to study more, we must pay more. Many students in India dream to go to college but fail to achieve their dreams due to their financial background, or lack of it thereof. Even students who somehow manage to pay their fee might need an extra hand to help […]

Apr 15
Should I do Engineering after 12th? 8 tips

Engineering is one of the most popular and selected courses or programs in our country. It’s either a doctor or an engineer, Engineering is found in the science field and the field of engineering is very vast like there are may further branches in engineering. Here is article on Should I do Engineering after Class […]

Apr 15
7 tips on Interior Designing course after 12th

In short, a career in Interior designing is a safe as well as great job. Students learn a lot from this course, they discover new ideas, new options and gain a lot of satisfaction when their work gets recognized as well as more attention. This course is all about how to make an aesthetic and comfortable environment for each and every individual. It is about building something beautiful not just to fill the space but to fill an imaginative gap and turning it into reality. An interior designer is someone who…

Apr 15
8 Tips for a career in BCA

In short, Computer Application is learning of software application which is a program or a bunch of programs which is made or designed for the end users. Computer application has many software applications like- Spreadsheets, a word processor, a web browser, an email client, an accounting application, a file viewer, a media player, simulators, a console game, or a photo editor and many more software application. This course is the perfect course for students who have great interest and deep knowledge about computers. Students in the world of technology has much…

Apr 14
10 Tips to write SEO friendly articles

Article writing is the order of the day. Almost all aspects of our lives require writing and reading, and the demand for article writing skills is very high. There’s no doubt that all sectors of the modern economy can use article writing services.Here is article on 10 Tips to write SEO friendly articles Write the […]

Apr 14
All you need to know about Rheumatology after 12th

Rheumatology is a branch of medicine devoted to the diagnosis and therapy of rheumatic diseases. Physicians who have undergone formal training in rheumatology are called rheumatologists. Rheumatology in India is still a budding specialty, and is faced with the enormous challenge of providing treatment of the huge burden of rheumatic diseases in the population. Rheumatology is a rapidly growing medical specialty with advancements owing to new scientific methodologies for prior identification of diseases pertaining to rheumatology and immunology. The Rheumatology Research Foundation offers a wide range of awards and scholarships for…

Apr 14
7 benefits of pursuing Bachelor in Journalism and Mass Communication

Journalism and mass communication is an ample favorite course these days. Nowadays, there is a huge competition in the market and the media field is growing very fastly. This course especially excites youths as they choose to work in a profession that is unique and wants their extraordinary working technique. If you are in this […]

Apr 14
How can you build your career as YouTuber?

YouTube gives you the golden opportunity to build a career out of something you love. There are several examples of You Tubers who started out small but due to their immense talent and hard work are doing really well for themselves. Creating a channel and making it successful would require a lot of hard work […]

Apr 14
7 Unconventional career options after 12th

In short, Unconventional career options are the type of career which are not recognized as “real” careers in the eyes of the society. It is a type of career which people don’t conform to in our society. There are 7 unconventional career options which students can opt for after 12th. The support the child and the families with any requirements they need to help in fulfilling. This is one of the most fascinating and precious job a person can have.

Apr 14
Top college for B.Tech(Chemical Engineering) in India!

The students who are willing to pursue B.Tech in Chemical Engineering and want to perceive their career in the given field can find related information about colleges and their eligibility criteria. The content will make the students know what all job opportunities are available in this field. Also, they will be able to have options to get acknowledged with and decide which college is suitable for them. This can allow the students in the science stream to know further scope in chemical engineering.

Apr 13
Top Physiotherapy Colleges in India

Physiotherapy is like any game or sports. Early starters have advantages than late starters, so if you wish to work as a physiotherapist start at an early age. There are many top colleges for Physiotherapy. Here is article on Top Physiotherapy Colleges in India Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Institute for Physically Handicapped School of Physiotherapy, […]

Apr 13
Top Radiology colleges in India 2020

In this, article you will read about top radiology colleges in india 2020 based on your NEET-PG score. This article will let you know about different parameters to keep in min while choosing top radiology college in India. Here is article on Top Radiology colleges in India 2020 Radiology course overview Christian Medical College, Vellore […]

Apr 13
Top colleges for B.Sc.( Environmental science) in India!

The students who are willing to pursue in B.Sc. in Environmental Science and want to perceive their career in the given field can find related information about colleges and their eligibility criteria. The content will make the students know what all job opportunities are available in this field. Also, they will be able to have options to get acknowledged with and decide which college is suitable for them. This can allow the students from any stream to know further scope in environmental science.

Apr 13
Top colleges for M.Sc.(Horticulture) in India!

The students who are willing to pursue in M.Sc. in Horticulture and want to perceive their career in the given field can find related information about colleges and their eligibility criteria. The content will make the students know what all job opportunities are available in this field. Also, they will be able to have options to get acknowledged with and decide which college is suitable for them. This can allow the students from any stream to know further scope in horticulture.

Apr 13
Top Colleges in India for Journalism

Journalism and mass communication is a trending course these days. Hence, the number of students who want to pursue a career in this field is increasing. The market is full of competitions and the media field is growing day by day. Alongside the promising profession in the field of journalism and indifferent roads, have made […]

Apr 13
Top colleges for B.Tech(Civil Engineering) in India!

The students who are willing to pursue B.Tech in Civil Engineering and want to perceive their career in the given field can find related information about colleges and their eligibility criteria. The content will make the students know what all job opportunities are available in this field. Also, they will be able to have options to get acknowledged with and decide which college is suitable for them. This can allow the students in the science stream to know further scope in civil engineering.

Apr 13
7 tips to have a career in BMM

In short, BMM is known as Bachelor’s in Mass Media, this is an undergraduate degree and takes up to 3-years to finish this course. The students have to focus on various forms of communication and learn a lot about different cultures as well as learn who the world depend majorly on communication to determine the public opinion and also show how effectively our media platform works. Students who have a curious and creative mind, work well in this field as well as students who have great communication skills, networking skills, have…

Apr 13
7 Tips how to overcome fear of failure

Fear is one of the most common traits which people feel, when they feel something is either not right or taking a turn as per their terms. We fear when we are about to lose something, you know you are afraid with you feel your stomach turn upside down and you feel those anxiety butterflies. But you can easily get over these irrational fears of failure, there are many ways through which students can overcome such irrational fears of failures.

Apr 12
Top colleges for B.Tech(Electrical Engineering) in India!

The students who are willing to pursue B.Tech in Electrical Engineering and want to perceive their career in the given field can find related information about colleges and their eligibility criteria. The content will make the students know what all job opportunities are available in this field. Also, they will be able to have options to get acknowledged with and decide which college is suitable for them. This can allow the students in the science stream to know further scope in electrical engineering.

Apr 12
7 Scopes Bachelor in Journalism and mass communication

journalism and Mass Communication is a degree in which they teach us how to convey or transfer the information about any individual or a company to the whole world. The medium is television, blogs, websites, radio, movies, newspapers, books, and magazines. Nowadays, youths get fascinated with this course as they want to do something different […]

Apr 12
7 Reasons to Study Medicine in Singapore

Though Singapore is a small country, it has got a good reputation for world-class education in Medicine and research in the world. From learning with innovative teaching methodologies to being trained under experienced faculty, medicine is considered to be a top discipline in Singapore.Here is article on 7 Reasons to Study Medicine in Singapore You […]

Apr 12
Best Institutes for Medicine in Singapore

Singapore is a hub for medical education, research, and practice. It boasts a range of institutions that offer medical programs, including undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate degrees. Here are some of the best institutes for medicine in Singapore Here is article on Best Institutes for Medicine in Singapore YONG Loo LIN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE ACADEMY OF […]

Apr 12
7 Reasons to prefer Humanities after 12th-

Humanities is all about culture, art and language. It focuses a lot on different aspects of life, it shows us life as it is and how colorful it is. It is one of the easiest yet challenging courses one can study. It doesn’t rely on facts and proofs but more on critical analysis, on ideas and different perspective. This degree is perfect for you if you are passionate about- art, music, writing and learning about history.

Apr 12
9 career tips to be SEO specialist

In short, SEO Specialist or otherwise known as Search Engine Optimization- is a person who is responsible and known for optimizing websites to get and acknowledge a higher ranking in search engines. An individual who is a SEO Specialist has the basic knowledge of multiple websites, SEO specialist have great knowledge of how it works and how the SEO tools work as well. SEO are people who help people identify products as well as information on multiple search engines like- Google, Yahoo, or Bing and many more. A SEO Specialist are…

Apr 12
8 career tips of Networking Engineering after 12th

“Google has helped raise the importance of DNS above the networking engineering community, which has been really good.” – David Ulevitch. Network Engineering is a career in which people are known as ‘Network Engineers’ or ‘Network Architects’.  A network engineer is a tech knowledgeable guy, he is basically a technology professional person who is skilled […]