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Category: Career Counselling For Working Professionals

Sep 03
10 Highest Paying Entry-level Tech Jobs

If you are interested in jobs in the tech industry, now, it could be a great opportunity to jump in. According to the data retrieved from the job platform in 2019 tech industry is considered to have a great job opportunity as their millions of tech gigs open in the United States. Not only that, […]

Sep 03
Smart Tips for Setting the Pace at Your New Job

When you start a new job, it is important for you to begin your career relationship as long as you want to be in that job. You are in the driver’s seat, so it is important to set a work pace in 90 days. During this span of time, you should be able to decide […]

Sep 01
Top 5 gadgets for working professionals

Its 2020, anything you could imagine could be an actual thing or at least could be developed easily with enough motivation (maybe not water cars, but you know what I’m saying). This motivation has led us to develop and innovate gadgets that are so easy to use, they often become necessary. While using these gadgets […]

Aug 30
Tips for digital marketers

Facebook and Twitter regularly tweak their paid advertising platforms and algorithms, you’re in for a wild ride if you don’t keep on top of the latest changes 4 – Regularly Assess Business Performance The performance of your marketing goes beyond the strategy that you implement. In order to determine how your marketing program is impacting your company, be sure to regularly assess your business performance and truly understand where your business is heading.Surround yourself with people more talented than yourself.  The people you meet will be your ongoing support network when…

Aug 30
10 blue collar jobs after covid 19 

The corona virus pandemic has left a deep remark and has quite a changed the outlook we understand and will further acknowledge to.  About 100 to 120 million blue-collar workers, accounting for over 70-80% of the industry, have gone without income in the past month due to the nationwide lockdown imposed in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, staffing agencies and businesses. Experts say the covid-19 crisis has impacted close to 60% of the total contractual workforce in India, across segments telecom, retail, real estate, electronics manufacturing, and ho

Aug 30
10 tips for web developing working professionals

maintained by one famous report, Alphabet C0, and its subsidiary company Google, handles 20 petabyte of data each day. That is of an equivalent to 20,000,000 gigabyte of data in one single day.  The total of this startling and humongous amount of data is generated through just one source. Websites.  Websites and web development nowadays stands up and to the most bizarre and interesting sort of ventures to seek to. With almost unlimited amount of daily information processing and the kind of data generation positions web development as a prime area…

Aug 30
Tips for young architects

believe the way people live can be directed a little by Architecture”  Architecture can safely be ranked as one of the most hectic majors. It is a field that requires 100% of your time and commitment. You must become fully aware that you have embarked on a highly challenging journey the moment you entered an Architecture school.Architecture school. Architects are busy people, and their work is of utmost value. Their work requires efficiency, effectiveness, resilience, and a clear mind. So here are a few tips on how to be an efficient…

Aug 30
10 tips for working professionals in chemical industries

For things we cannot solely control mechanically or physically like killing bacteria off surfaces, mixing two or more metals, extracting metal from their ores and the like, we have sought chemical solutions. So much so that, these chemical solutions have become an integral and necessary part of a larger process. And to enable that we […]

Aug 28
10 tips for working professionals in textile industries

In a primarily agricultural based country, the textile sector in India is by and large the second largest employment generator. Currently, employing more than 50 million people, both directly and indirectly. Being the largest cotton producer globally, we stand next to China in the line of largest exporters of clothing and apparels. Textile industry in […]

Aug 12
Reasons to opt Maths after 10th

In short, this blog talks about the career opportunities and college eligibility requirements. As well as all the benefits like- Pursuing math’s is one the most amazing decisions one can make whilst enjoying and learning something so basic at an advance level. It’s true math is not easy but with more practice, and challenging problems one falls quickly for such equations and want more. So, do pursue this degree if you have a positive attitude towards such challenges and problem-solving skills.

Aug 12
9 tips before becoming a teacher after 12th

“Teaching is a calling too. And I have always thought that teachers in their way are holy- angels leading their flocks out of the darkness.” – Jeannette Walls. A teacher is also known as a lecturer or professor, a lecture is someone who gives lectures, give instructions, and even teaches students as in educating them […]

Aug 12
10 Group Discussion Topics for Working Professional

Usually, group discussions are conducted prior to the selection of a candidate either while mass recruiting employees or while selecting applicants for college. Group discussions tend to evaluate a person’s temperament, their interests, team spirit, their ability to perceive information and to react to it, their ability to persuade others as well as look at […]

Aug 12
New Education Policy 2020- Changes and Challenges

  Overview.                                                                                                       The much […]

Aug 12
10 Ways to Reduce Stress for Working Professional

Even before Covid-times, work related stress or burnout was, unfortunately, a common occurrence for many working professionals. So much so that, earlier last year, World Health Organization – WHO recognized burnout as a disease. Now, due to Covid and extremely low number of active and even dangerous employment opportunities has only increased the stress at […]

Aug 11
10 Ways to Improve Memory for Working Professional

It is one thing, when you stand up, walk into a room and………………………………….. ..and you forget why exactly you came into the room and when you try to go back to doing what you were doing before, guess what? YOU’VE FORGOTTEN THAT TOO NOW. Or when you accidentally eat dog food instead of, well, your […]

Aug 11
5 ways to Perfectly Schedule Work for Working Professional

Everyone is as different as their fingerprints with varying mindsets, personalities and working abilities. There are no hard and fast rules to follow for you to become productive. Though, there are basic ideas that you could lookout for before sticking to that perfect schedule you will come up with in the end. So let’s get to […]

Aug 11
Top 10 Blogs for Working Professional

There are so many books published every year for any and all sorts of working professionals be it for entrepreneurs or working class professionals, for a tech start-up or a freelancer. But there are only so many books you could read all year round with your own busy schedule and yet sometimes you don’t connect […]

Aug 11
10 Necessary Accessories for Working Professionals

In today’s fast and ever so advancing world, it becomes necessary to be well equipped. And for a working professional, you don’t want to waste your time in looking for things that are frequently used and extremely unavoidable. Its better to have these things with you rather than be embarrassed and borrow it from other. […]

Aug 11
Top 10 Courses after Graduation for Working Professional

Life, after school, isn’t as simple as it was back in school. For one, you start getting the gist of things and realize there’s so much more to learn and understand. Another thing is, well, college and what to do after that. Many of us, when it comes to choosing a stream for the +2 […]

Aug 11
Top 10 Books for Working Professional

As a social animal, our biggest invention has to be books. Maybe, not a particular book but the idea of a book that contains our understanding of the world, things around us, ourselves, even things beyond our world, it has all our wisdom and failures too.  Basically, any book is a record of our feelings […]

Aug 11
10 Necessary Apps for Working Professional

Apps are nothing but antidotes to almost all of our problems. From apps to remind you to drink water (only to be ignored), apps that bring food to your doorsteps, apps that help you to sleep, to apps telling you to keep your phones aside because it’s been 17 hours since you last blinked. In […]

Aug 11
10 Time Management Apps for Working Professional

The ingenious, Douglas Adams, in the astral Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, mentions, “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” Even if, you love deadlines (do you, really?) for totally different reasons, they do go by in a snap. Especially, when one enters the social media wormholes and […]

Aug 10
10 Courses on Coursera for Working Professional

Working professionals, sometimes, find it difficult to manage their working hours, let alone their not-at-work hours. And if you work overtime, at the end of the day you’re tired as a log. The only time you have to yourself is while returning from office to your bed. Basically, you don’t get enough time for yourself […]

Aug 09
10 Courses on edx for working professionals

The Internet is a lot of things but it is the biggest platform to learn any and all things, especially to learn those things that you are afraid to be publicly ignorant about (we suggest, never be guilty of being ignorant as long as you’re willing to learn about it). The good folks at MIT […]

Aug 07
10 Web Series For Working Professional

Well, on most days, it just feels like too much efforts for a few hours of fun. On those days, get on your phones, laptops, PCs, smart TVs and hook yourself to Netflix or any other OTT you wish, like you care for no soul in the world. Grab your favourite snacks and go on […]

Aug 07
10 qualification for working professional for the steel industry.

Steel industry, as a whole, has been a great  employment generator. It created no less than 25 lakh direct employment opportunities and at least twice that, indirectly. However, with newer technologies developing everyday, the hard labour involved in this industries that was once carried out by humans, has been replaced by huge efficient machines. These […]

Aug 04
10 additional skills for working professional

Even if, you are an expert of your field and can bet a million to prove your claim, you still might require additional or rather soft skills to sustain at work (or at least till you win a million on that bet). These skills are, more often than not, self-taught. These additional skills are usually […]

Jul 25
Some-best-online-platforms-to learn Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) is a part of computer science which is also called as machine intelligence, is the intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals.(edited from Wikipedia). In this blog I’m going to tell few best online platforms to learn AI/ML. AI/ML is a part of Data Science […]

Jul 21
Job opportunities for working professionals pursuing MBA

By having an MBA degree paycheck has a probability of increasing from 30% to 70% per annum. Most people pursue an MBA for good pay job but it is good to master skills in the profession you are already in and expand yourself in that particular field unless you are interested in an MBA. As […]

Jul 20
Top 5 healthy drink options to take office

Why drink cola or bottled juices? While you can have yummy and healthy drinks to take office. Health and taste are two words that are hard to find together !! I have brought 5 fresh drink options which are easily made at home with just 5-10 minutes preparation time, full with vitamins and health benefits. […]

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