It is one thing, when you stand up, walk into a room and………………………………….. ..and you forget why exactly you came into the room and when you try to go back to doing what you were doing before, guess what? YOU’VE FORGOTTEN THAT TOO NOW. Or when you accidentally eat dog food instead of, well, your own junk food. But, it could actually be a dire issue when this forgetfulness drags itself into your work space. It could make you forget work that is extremely important or even something as simple as forgetting names (you might come out mean for this).
So let’s try to look at what could working professional do to prevent memory issue and maybe improve memory.
Avoid blue-light before bed
Using mobile phone or similar devices that emit artificial blue-light just before sleeping could more vastly affect your brain than you can imagine. It squarely messes with your internal clock which is responsible for your body’s need to eat, sleep, stay awake, enable metabolism and such. Using phones to sleep is almost redundant because it would make you feel alert when you need to sleep and when you wake up next day you’re tired and sleep deprived.
This could majorly affect your memory and your ability to think creatively. So better to keep away your phones at least an hour before going to bed.
Learn a new skill
Learning a new skill can be fun as well as challenging. But more importantly it could actually make your brain sharper at grasping new information related to it. That’s why, when we try to teach kids, or sometimes even our parents, how to use a computer or any new tech, they tend to remember even the trivial details.
There’s hardly any drawbacks about meditating. Although, it could be difficult to meditate with all the chaos and hustle-bustle around you, but meditating for 15 to 20 minutes could calm you down and ebb your concentration like no other thing.
You could also use noise-cancelling headphones to block the chaos.
Please sleep
Sleeping properly works like a wonder when it comes to your memory skills. It improves memory. A well-rested body has a sharper and focused mind. And with lower levels of stress, you could have more mental space to remember important and necessary things. Having dimmer lights when trying to sleep would enable you to sleep quicker and calmly.
Repeat, Repeat, Repeat
Repeating the things that you need to remember, out loud (not so loud to interrupt other colleagues and make them forget their own things) can help you to, well, not forget them.
You could also group them or number them so that you know how many things you need to remember.
Mnemonic devices
Mnemonic devices or memory devices are nothing but easy and unique techniques to associate certain information in your brain so that you remember it for a longer period of time. Different mnemonic devices include music, for longer and complex information or acronyms, for memorizing a list of things like for example – VIBGYOR, or image, for memorizing things as an image in your mind, for example people’ names with their faces. It improves memory.
Mind mapping
Mind mapping is when you visually imagine a map or diagram to correlate several things into one whole diagram. For some mind mapping comes very naturally given its complex sense. Though, it could be learnt with smaller and simpler group of things.
Organise your mess
Its strenuous to remember everything when its in a chaos. Its only clever to organize and unmess your things or work so that you don’t lose anything or miss any meeting for that matter. A clearer work calendar reflects a clear and sharper mind.
Avoid multitasking
Although, multitasking could give you a sense of over-achievement or even a sense of being busier than most people, it can certainly leave your brain overwhelmed. Not just that, it could also compromise the quality of your work. And while doing this, if you forget a thing or two, it only makes it difficult later.
Thus, try to work on a particular thing at a time.
Brainy foods
If you ever ate those over soaked almonds before going for exams to stimulate your brain properly then you’ll be familiar with the idea of foods that can aid you with better memory skills or well, at least healthier brain. The list of such items is actually very long. Anything that has antioxidants and omega3’s is great for your brain. Fishes like salmon and trout with higher quantities of omega3’s work well for better memory skills. Berries, nuts, appropriate portions of red wine and even coffee works fine.
With higher amounts of antioxidants, dark chocolates are a great aid for your brain.
Well, that was it. Hope working professional remember these things to at least try once to enhance to improve memory skills.
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