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Category: Career Counselling For Working Professionals

Jul 20
10 Social entrepreneurship business

A hybrid model of business which serves both social and business development cause. It is a great way to contribute in society. It is an unique way of success in entrepreneurship. This way of business has a great impact over the public. It is really a great way to do entrepreneurship for working professionals who […]

Jul 20
8 tips for working professionals to become a millionaire

Everyone wants to be a millionaire. Persistence and consistency in their work defines how much faster they are going to achieve their goals. There are two types of work, one is hard work and another is smart work, if you don’t work smart then it becomes hard to have displacement in life. Hence, hard work […]

Jul 20
10 successful CA working professional

Parent’s popular commerce profession is CA-Chartered Accountant. This course has a very tough examination that takes years to clear. Being a chartered accountant you can have flexible working hours. You always have the option to join a firm or open your own firm as you wish. You can be a Chartered accountant only based on […]

Jul 20
Success story of Amul

Everyone of you must have heard of Amul right? Amul is the biggest milk provider of India right now. Amul has launched so many products over the time that they are unstoppable now. They provide with so many varieties and their product are satisfactory too. But many of us doesn’t know how Amul started and […]

Jul 20
Top 5 common interview questions and answers

There are many questions amongst the people going to or are in the professional world about the interview questions they are going to be facing in an interview. It’s certain that the questions are different as per the field of profession, but there are few questions which are found out to be common in every […]

Jul 20
7 career options for agriculture working professional

Farmers are the soul of India. Without them, we would not get our food. Farmers work independently or under some agriculture working professionals with a lot of ideas. Most of the people believe that when you work in the field of agriculture, you can just become a farmer. Many working professionals are teases about that […]

Jul 20
7 career options for working professional in pharmaceuticals

One of the most unnoticed and underrated working professions is a profession in pharmaceutics. Not many working professionals know about this and that gives it a great opportunity space. There are multiple career options for working professionals who want to work in the pharmaceutical field. Due to less competition, it is rather easy to set […]

Jul 20
7 tips for interior designing working professional

One of the most difficult jobs to do is to interior design. It takes a lot out of you. You need to apply every skill and trick you know to make your interior perfectly. Many interior designers struggle to find new ways to design and desperately need tips to improve themselves. So, we here, at […]

Jul 19
10 Successful MBA Degree Working Professional

As you would have already known what this article is about, so it is obvious that each and every person mentioned in today’s list has done Masters in Business and Administration (MBA degree). I have talked a lot about how to get an MBA degree and what you can achieve after that in my previous […]

Jul 19
Ways to become CEO for working professional

CEO is the most popular job. People are attracted towards the job due to its power and money that it offers. All the decisions in the company are made after the CEO’s permission. To be a CEO, a person needs to be willing to upscale their skills and be able to give their time in […]

Jul 19
Top 10 successful start-ups

Start-ups have been a huge craze among the IITians. Start-ups also help one learn more and helps in personal growth as well.  Majority of the start-ups are done by IITians because they are quick at learning and executing, and also have got an excellent alumni network. So, here are the top 10 successful startups do […]

Jul 19
7 Ways Data Science Helps Working Professional

Data science is a very recent technology and is basically the study of data. It includes developing methods of recording, storing, and analyzing data to effectively extract useful information to be precise simple words. The principal purpose of Data Science is to find patterns within data and also to gain insights and knowledge from any […]

Jul 19
12 Ways Post-graduation Help Working Professional

Basically, working professional do post-graduation for more learning, to know the depth of a subject and we also do it mainly for better packages and easier promotions in our career life.  Post Graduation adds value to your first degree and makes it easier to find your first job. Doing post graduations will help in  Career […]

Jul 19
5 online business ideas for working professional

As you must have known, there is a lot of competition in the world and it is very difficult to survive in this competitive world with a single job. You need some side business to survive and that too online as it is not easy to open a business in the real world as it […]

Jul 19
7 Importance of talented working professionals

You must have heard people say that they would hire 1 horse instead of 100 donkeys. What does this statement mean? This means that a person would hire a talented working professional instead of many untalented working professionals. Talented working professionals are very less so there is a lot of value of them in market. […]

Jul 19
6 inspirational games for working professional

Right now, if you introspect, you will find that you still are passionate about playing games but somehow due to peer pressure and listening to society, you stopped playing games. Many people believe that games are a waste of time and discard people who play games. But in reality, games can be really motivated and […]

Jul 19
7 Best TEDx Talk for working professional

Genuinely, one of the best ways to motivate for a working professional is to watch and listen a motivational story. And what’s better than TEDx Talks, right? TEDx Talks are one of the most well-spread motivational videos and it really life changing if you listen it with all your concentration and focus. Sometimes you have […]

Jul 18
5 Ways to Increase Productivity for Working Professional

Everyone knows that right now; the world is not in a good state and it is very difficult to survive out there. There is so much competition in the world that you need to be to at your best and top of the game for every time. One way to survive this extreme competition is […]

Jul 18
Success story of Lamborghini for Working Professional

Every one of you must have heard of Lamborghini, right? Lamborghini is the leading motor company which is very famous for its unique cars and extremely beautiful designs and speed. The road to make Lamborghini as it is today has not been nice. Do you know that a humiliation by the owner if Ferrari started […]

Jul 18
5 best Indian TEDx Talks for working professionals

Table of Contents Many of you would have heard of Indian TEDx Talks. TEDx Talks is the biggest platform for a professional to share his/her life story and inspire people. Learning from mistakes experience is good but when you can learn from different people’s mistake, it is even better. So, listening to TEDx Talks are […]

Jul 18
5 Best Comics TEDx Talk for Working Professional

Everyone thinks that a comic’s life is really easy and all they have to do all day is to write jokes. But in reality, they have to go through so many hardships, pains and sacrifices to reach where they are today. We are blessed that many comics had the chance to share their story openly […]

Jul 18
Success story of Elon Musk for working professional

If you are an active Instagram user or reads news, you probably would have heard about Elon Musk by now. Elon Musk is the owner of Tesla, Space-x and many other companies and he is multi-billionaire. His success story is truly inspirational and can help us to motivate ourselves and influence ourselves to become better […]

Jul 18
Top 5 Hollywood Movies for Working Professional

If you have seen Hollywood movies, you know they are pretty awesome, right? Not only the VFX or the CGI, they have extremely good production and even better scripts. The sole reason why everyone loves the movies produced in the foreign is the quality of script and the messages they give. Their movies are really […]

Jul 18
Top 5 Bollywood movies for working professional

It would be not wrong to say that today’s standard and script of the films are just going down. Today’s working professionals need good movies to watch. So, we are, at careerguide.com, are going to list a few movies that will motivate and inspire a working professional. We tried to list some movies which are […]

Jul 17
7 reasons to work in HP for working professional

You must have heard of Hewlett- Packard or HP, right? HP is mostly famous for their incredible printers and laptops but HP is obviously more than that. HP is an American multinational IT company. Many IT working professionals want to start their career with HP because of multiple reasons. So, we here, at careerguide.com, are […]

Jul 16
7 Ways in which Data Science Helps working professional

What exactly is Data Science? Data science is a very recent technology and is basically the study of data. It includes developing methods of recording, storing, and analyzing data to effectively extract useful information to be precise simple words. The principal purpose of Data Science is to find patterns within data and also to gain […]

Jul 16
8 Ways in Which Qualification Helps Working Professional

Qualification basically means to have an educational background. Having it, will ensure that you are good at your basics and have deeper knowledge about those subjects.  Having better qualification will fetch you many advantages. Qualification plays a major role in working professional‘s life. One of best ways to stand out is to have a good […]

Jul 16
10 Reasons for Working Professionals to Work at Infosys

We know that Infosys is a global technology services firm founded by N. R Narayana Murthy that defines design and delivers information technology-enabled business solutions to its clients. working at  INFOSYS has almost around 242K+ employees and is one of the top leading IT company and is the most preferred choice of working professional. Infosys […]

Jul 16
Importance of Promotion For Working Professional

Promotion basically means elevation to a higher job accompanied by increased pay and privileges.  It is an upward advancement of an employee in an organisation, which commands better pay, better status, higher opportunities, higher responsibilities and better working environment. Giving promotions for working professional also impacts their work and business in a great way and […]

Jul 16
10 Ways to Develop Personality for Working professional

PERSONALITY is what makes a person unique amongst many working professionals.  Personality Development is basically development of organized pattern of behaviour that makes a person distinctive. We should always aim at becoming best versions of ourselves incourse of time.  Today time has been totally changed due to the increase in competition, gain personality development become […]

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