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Category: Career Counselling For Working Professionals

Jul 16
6 things to ask yourself before leaving a job

Not to offend anyone, but nowadays it is like a trend to just leave a job and pursue a “passion”. Many working professionals, following this trend, leave their well-paying job for making a career in something that they just ‘like’ and they really don’t have passion in. They try to show themselves as cool and […]

Jul 16
6 Ways to Overcome Work Stress for Working Professional

As you all know, the life of working professionals is very hard. They have to think about work all day long, even in their free hours. Working too much can create a lot of work stress for them. One thing a working professional should never do is to take the stress. If they take unnecessary […]

Jul 16
Step by Step Guide to Make an Awesome CV for Working Professional

Every working professional right now knows that it is very difficult out there for professionals looking for new jobs. There is a lot of competition in almost every field and it is very difficult to get a job. The number one thing which a working professional can do to increase their chances to get a […]

Jul 15
7 Benefits of Creative Working Professional

Creative thinking is basically the ability of one to a new approach and thinking out of the box. Nowadays every company expects creative working professionals in their company. One has to develop the skills of creative thinking. Being creative has many advantages and benefits. Being creative is one of the X factors of showing professionalism […]

Jul 15
7 Benefits Of Experienced Working Professional

Often when you are applying for a job. In your resume and cover letter, you have to mention about your previous work experiences. If you have a lot of working experience. It will immediately catch the eye of the person reviewing and will help you get the desired job easily. It is very important to […]

Jul 15
6 Impact of Demotion on Working Professional

When someone is working in a big corporate or doing some job in small business they have to face challenges so that they can secure their jobs. But even a little mistake can lead someone to the doors of demotion or sometimes even firing. Corporates avoid firing people with potential. So instead of firing them, […]

Jul 15
UPSC success story – Kanishak Kataria

Union Public Service Commission or UPSC is considered one of the most difficult exams in India. It is very difficult to clear it. Constant motivation is required to crack this complex exam. So to motivate all UPSC aspirants, we here, at careerguide.com, are going to tell a success story of a working professional who cracked […]

Jul 15
5 Best Netflix Web Series for Working Professionals

  Netflix is known for its iconic movies and web series. They provide a bunch of content for people to watch and most of them are really great and worth a watch. There are many web series on Netflix that can really inspire a working professional or that can educate them on different levels and […]

Jul 15
5 Ways in which LinkedIn helps a working professional

If you are an active working professional, then you must have, at least once, heard about LinkedIn. For all those who have no idea what it is, LinkedIn is a wonderful website available to anyone. It has many benefits and advantages which a working professional can get. If you have the right skill and if […]

Jul 15
6 Reasons for Working Professional to Work in Google

You must have heard someone say that their dream job is a Google job. But why do they say this? There must be some reason to support their statement, right? Absolutely. Aside from the fact that the average salary of a Google employee is 9.8 Lakh rupees per annum, working for Google has multiple advantages […]

Jul 15
7 Tips for teaching working professional

One thing that everyone can agree to is that teaching is not an easy profession. A lot of patience and skill is required to teach a whole class or even a single student. It is very difficult for a teaching working professional to stay calm and work properly. Many working professionals right now are planning […]

Jul 15
7 Tips to Make Connections at Workspace for Working Professional

An important characteristic that every working professional should have is to make connections. Making connections at a workspace is very important. You can make new friends, open new doors for yourselves and can create new career opportunities as well. Therefore it is very essential to make connections and increase your network at a workspace. So, […]

Jul 14
7 ways for working professional to motivate themselves

There’s a time when everyone needs motivation. Motivation is one of the key reasons a person becomes successful. Your productivity depends on the amount of motivation you have towards the work. Therefore we here, at careerguide.com, are going to list a few ways for working professionals so that they can motivate themselves and improve their […]

Jul 14
7 Career Options for B.Sc. Maths Hons. working professional

Confused what to do after B.Sc. Maths hons.? Many working professionals have the same query. Therefore, to ease your search and select a preferred career option for ahead, we here, at careerguide.com, are going to list 7 best career options for B.Sc. Maths Hons. working professionals to choose from. It would help you choose your […]

Jul 14
Job Over Business- 5 Reasons for Working Professional

Every once in a while you must have gotten a doubt in your mind that whether you should pursue for a job or you should start your own business or you would have doubted that whether you should continue your job in the same way or quit and start a business. Both of these options […]

Jul 14
Top 10 Companies for Science Undergraduate Working Professional

Everyone says opting science will open multiple doors for you, the saying is true which leads us to a problem. So many jobs to select from. There are thousands of jobs out there with hundreds of companies. Therefore, to ease your search in jobs we here, at careerguide.com, are going to list top companies for […]

Jul 14
Top 10 Companies For Commerce Undergraduate Working Professional

Selecting a company after under graduation is a difficult job. There are so many companies out there that one might get confused. So here, we at careerguide.com, are going to list top 10 companies for undergraduate working professionals with commerce background so that they can ease their job search. Getting a job in these companies […]

Jul 14
7 Valuable Skills Every Working Professional Must Acquire

Today, in the world, there is a lot of competition. Nowadays a lot of people are scoring perfect scores in academics and performing flawlessly in practical work too. Therefore to survive in your field, you need to learn some valuable skills which can distinguish you from other working professionals. Mostly every recruiter expects these skills […]

Jul 14
5 Pros and Cons of Online Jobs for Working Professional

Due to the coronavirus breakout, everyone has faced a lot of difficulties. A lot of people lost jobs and many lives are lost too. People are not permitted to go outside of their homes so one of the solutions that a person has to secure his/her job, is to work from home online. Online jobs […]

Jul 14
6 Free Online Digital Marketing Courses for Working Professional

As we all know that there is a lot of competition in today’s world. It is very difficult for a working professional to survive today. Therefore, every now and then they should be learning what’s the thing which will help them survive in this competition. Learning new skills will definitely benefits a working professional. One […]

Jul 14
5 Questions Before Making a Career Change.

A known fact is that most of the working professionals right now are not happy in the career they are in. They always have a sense of feeling that they don’t belong there and need to their career and quit this job. Many are forced to continue the job due to money-related problems. Some are […]

Jul 13
5 Importance of Setting Goals For Working Professional

One of the most important things that a working professional should do to make their future better and bright is to plan things ahead of time. Planning of things ahead of time basically means setting goals for the future. Setting goals for the future is very important as it helps in a lot of ways […]

Jul 13
6 Tips to Crack CAT for Working Professional

Everyone knows that CAT is a very important exam. A working professional’s career is dependent on this major exam. CAT is given by graduate working professionals for MBA. It is very hard to crack this exam but not impossible. There are many useful tricks and tips that might come in handy while preparing for the […]

Jul 13
Working in Amazon to the biggest e-commerce company- Flipkart’s Success story

Most of you must have listened about Flipkart, right? Flipkart is the biggest Indian e-commerce company right now. Flipkart was founded by Sachin and Binny Bansal. Today, we are going to discuss about the hardships and struggles they both had to go through to achieve such heights. Their story is really inspirational and will definitely […]

Jul 13
World’s Youngest Billionaire: OYO Inspirational Story

As we know, in today’s world, the youth is struggling to find a living. There is such a competition among people that you have to stand out to live. Today, we are going to discuss about such a person who stood out of everyone, against all odds, and became the world’s youngest billionaire at a […]

Jul 12
5 Best Amazon Prime Movies for Working Professional.

Nowadays, there is a lot of pressure on working professional. They are regularly dealing with work pressure, family pressure and social pressure that it’s hard to concentrate on their work and stay motivated. A simple way to inspire yourself and motivate is to watch an excellent movie with a great message to think about. Many […]

Jul 12
6 Importance of Creativity Skill for a Working Professional

In this competitive world, everything is changing so drastically that one has to keep up with the world or else they will fall back and may never recover. Now, one important skill to learn to be in the game is creativity. Creativity is the now-a- days the most important skill one can acquire.  It may […]

Jul 12
5 Best Work From Home Jobs for Working Professional

Everyone knows that we all are facing difficult times today. Due to this global pandemic, most of us are not able to go to work and many of us are losing our jobs on daily basis. Now that we have to stay at home, why shouldn’t we utilize this time to be productive and earn […]

Jul 12
5 Ways To Manage a Team For Working Professional Working From Home

Everyone in this world is suffering from this pandemic. It has caused all of us to stay at home. As most of the working professionals are now stuck at home, they are asked to do work from home jobs, which sounds great right? It is good news for the working professionals who are given this […]

Jul 12
TOP 6 CV Templates For Working Professional

Everyone is hustling to get a job nowadays. It is very difficult to grab a job in today’s time but clearly not impossible. The first step that one has to take to get a job is to submit a CV. A CV is THE most important first impression that the recruiter or hirer gets of […]

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