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Tag: Anxiety

Nov 01
Mental Abuse – Signs and Ways to Overcome

Though we all know the signs of mental abuse, when it comes to actually identify them at the peak moment of getting abused, you actually forget them. Mental abuse can be of various types like someone controlling you, or trying to make you insecure, or trying to frighten you or isolate you and a lot […]

Nov 01
Know About Signs of Depression

If you want to know about signs of depression, you are in the right place. We often tend to use the term depression whenever we are feeling sad or getting a headache after having a bad day but depression itself it not such an easy term. Depression has a lot more signs and symptoms to […]

Oct 19
Signs that you are insecure about yourself

If you want to know if you are insecure about yourself, you are in the right place. Everyone wants a perfect or at least simple life that consists of dear family members, loving friends, a caring partner and few goals in life to achieve. But when things fall apart or don’t go according to how […]

Oct 19
Myths and facts about Obsessive Compulsion Disorder

We all know what Obsessive Compulsion Disorder or OCD is right? We always tend to confuse perfectionism along with OCD and tend up cracking jokes on them. But do you know how severe OCD is or how difficult it could be for a person to cope up with OCD? Well, in this article I’m gonna […]

Oct 16
Myths and facts about anxiety

If you want to know about myths and facts about anxiety, you are in the right place. Who doesn’t know what anxiety is? Who hasn’t faced it yet in life? Like this mental health issue is so common in our everyday lives. Every one of us has gone through anxiety at one point of time […]

Oct 11
Know more about Bipolar Disorder

Mental health issues are not just stuck in depression and anxiety. It has a lot more types which you have probably never heard of. In this article, I’ll share a few things about people having bipolar disorder in order to make the readers understand the basics before judging someone straight away. So please read this […]

Oct 11
Signs that you are self-harming

Self-harming is not always about intentionally harming your self to cause yourself pain. Sometimes it’s about harming yourself unintentionally. I know it sounds weird but has you ever thought deeply whether you have actually ever tried to harm yourself with the actions you take in life?Today’s article is all about the signs that are causing […]

Oct 07
FOMO: Fear of Missing Out

WHAT IS FOMO? FOMO stands for Fear of Missing Out. It is a real phenomenon and one of the most extensive unfortunate consequences of social media. FOMO is a kind of anxiety or fear and a feeling or perception that happens when a person is scared of missing out on a good experience that someone […]

Oct 05
Signs that a person is suicidal

If you want to know about the signs to know if a person is suicidal, you are in the right place. This pandemic is snatching away lots of lives of our closed ones. After that, there’s no option left rather than standing and wondering what just happened to us. No matter how hard we wish […]

Oct 04
5 Ways To Clear Negativity From Your Mind

If you want to know about some of the effective methods which can be used to clear negativity from your mind, you are in the right place. Negativity is a popular yet unmentioned event that occurs in each person’s life. There is no doubt that the person who goes through a rough patch of their […]

Oct 01
Exam stress and anxiety among students

This article discusses the various causes and effects of exam stress among students. It also gives solutions and tips for preparing for exams and keep stress away. Test anxiety is more than feeling somewhat anxious before a test. For understudies who battle with test tension, a touch of pre-test anxiety transforms into incapacitating sentiments of stress, fear, and dread, which can contrarily affect execution. Understudies can battle with test tension at any age. The awareness regarding exams and the stress they bring along with them must be spread among as many…

Sep 29
How to deal with COVID-19 Stress and Anxiety

Do you get strongly disturbed whenever you hear any news concerning COVID-19? Do you frequently question yourself if you’re the only one who isn’t growing during this pandemic? You are not alone. As COVID-19 swept across the globe, it is enough to cause some mental health issues that need to be addressed. The havoc of […]

Sep 28
How to know that you have toxic parents

If you want to know if your parents are toxic, you are in the right place. Parents are God’s best gift that a child receives. Nobody can be as important as a parent in a child’s life. In a world where everyone tries to take advantage, parents are the only precious people who stay with […]

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