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Tag: career counselling for 9th

Sep 01
Extracurricular Activities For Class 9th

Extracurricular activity for class 9 students are the activities that we choose to do other than our regular school schedule; it’s an extra academic activity, performed by students class 9 activity . These are not obligatory but are valuable in developing the skills of the student. These skills  boost leadership skills, socialization, making new friends, creating […]

Aug 04
How to study without tuition in 9th class?

You have successfully been promoted to class 9th and are now a high school student. The words “high school” comes with its own set of fear and excitement is tuition necessary for class 9. On one hand, you might be excited for progressing in your academical journey and having high hopes for the future while […]

Apr 06
How recreational reading is helpful for students?

Those who do not travel, read. For reading can be just as real and fascinating, just as exploratory and intellectual. It is very common for students to spend their leisure or off-time reading but ever since the dawn of the internet age, reading among students has gradually been reducing as more and more teenagers resort […]

Apr 06
How body language and communication affect students’ lives?

Your marks and your report card are not the only things that define you. The key to a good student and good performance in school is also related to your communication skills and body language. Body language has the ability to say a lot without speaking even a single word. Many students do not even realize the […]

Aug 08
Are study groups a hit or miss for board exams?

Preparing for board examinations can be one of the most daunting and surreal experiences of a student’s life and how they choose to do it depends entirely on them. Some prepare and follow rigid timetables, some do as they will, and some don’t study at all. But it is through observation that you can find […]

Aug 07
8 points on How to reduce societal pressure for exams

There exists no adrenaline rush like the adrenaline rush during exams. Trying to cover months of portion in a few days, practicing as much as you can, getting on with your daily tasks, having sleepless nights, and pulling all-nighters. Exam stress can really get to you and one thing that does not make it any easier is […]

Aug 07
8 Common yet big mistakes students make while preparing for exams

You might think you have mastered the art of studying and writing exams. However, there are plenty of mistakes you do not even realize you are making. During your exam preparation and while writing your exam you must have heard innumerable methods from your teachers, parents, and seniors on how to properly study and how to […]

Aug 06
8 points on How surroundings affect students’ studies?

Many find it hard to believe but multiple studies have proved that the environment a student studies in plays a huge role in their productivity and learning ability. Surroundings are not only limited to the external environment and materialistic things, but it can also be extended to the people around a student, their company in […]

Jul 22
Hobbies that Increase Productivity in Academics too

A saying goes that ‘no man is happy without a hobby’. Everyone needs a hobby in life to pass time by enjoying themselves, hobbies often turn into something a lot more meaningful when one makes a career or a living out of it. But this doesn’t have to be the case all the time, as […]

Jul 08
8 tips to master in tough subjects in 9th

Through this article, you will get to know about the tips to master in tough subjects. 8 TIPS TO MASTER IN TOUGH SUBJECTS FOR CLASS 9th. There is a sudden change in the syllabus pattern as well as the amount of studying topics as soon as you reach class 9th. A lot of students are […]

Jul 03
7 tips for self-improvement after class 9th

In this article, we will be discussing some tips to know for self-improvement after class 9th. 7 TIPS TO KNOW FOR SELF-IMPROVEMENT AFTER CLASS 9th. A problem for many of the students nowadays is their lack of personality and nature. The basic reason is their lack of interest and will under the criteria of self-improvement. […]

Jun 29
How meditation can work for 9th students & their studies

Meditation is the practice of clearing one’s mind and composing oneself to attain a more stable and peaceful state of mind. It also works wonders for your body if you are consistent enough. Many professionals in the field guarantee that meditation relieves the stress in a person’s life by helping them achieve calmness, not just […]

Jun 24
7 Enthusiastic books for 9th students

Books are the best friends of humans. The best thing about books is that they give us knowledge selflessly. There is no friend as loyal as a book. Books are the ocean of words & it costs nothing to dive in such a vast & diverse ocean. Your enthusiasm is the only currency that you […]

Jun 24
10 Inspiring Movies for 9th students

“Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.”- Joan Clarke. Movies or films are a visual art of learning, understanding which plays an important role in today’s generation. Movies help fascinate and stimulate different perspectives, ideas, and stories as well as create a great […]

Jun 20
8 tips on how parents play a role for 9th child

In this article, we will discuss some fascinating tips of how parents play a role for their class 9th child- 8 TIPS HOW PARENTS PLAY A ROLE FOR THEIR CLASS 9TH CHILD. Parents play a vital role in the life of their child and help them to grow up in every aspect. They want their […]

Jun 16
8 self-essential tips for 9th students

Students in the class 9th, as well as students in their teenage years, tend to feel insecure about themselves. This insecurity can bloom from different scenarios – be it their appearance, intellect, intelligence, or academic performance. However, this is not uncommon in teenagers and you are not alone. Being promoted to the class 9th means […]

Jun 14
7 Fascinating tips to study smart in 9th

“DON’T STUDY HARD, STUDY SMART”. What is a smart study? The study skills which reduces the stress of examinations, consumes less time, is efficient & gives the best results, is known as a smart study. Students who study hard, but smart skills are more successful in accomplishing their goals. Don’t be donkeys; be a horse […]

Jun 12
8 tips to reduce the stress level in class 9th

8 tips to reduce the stress level in class 9th Being promoted to class 9th or high school is a unique experience in every student’s life as many curriculums require students to choose between various subjects before starting their class 9th. Students in middle school are constantly told that “class 9th is much harder” and […]

Jun 11
Social media: A barrier for 9th students

Every coin has 2 faces & understanding each face is very necessary. Likewise, social media also has 2 faces: it’s a boon as well as a bane to the students. Social media are the most tempting platforms to connect people around the globe. These social media have created this huge globe in a small town […]

Jun 02
8 tips to boost dynamics in 9th studies

School life is crucial in many aspects. It is important in aspect to studies as well as with other extracurricular too. Various research has shown that students are unable to maintain the right equilibrium between studies and other curricular. A finely adjusted balance is necessary to be established between these things. For this purpose, we […]

Jun 02
6 reasons why it is good to start preparing early for class 9th

Preparing early in the 9th class helps you to score well. When we prepare early for 9th exam our first priority is not left with any syllabus or question at the end. When exam commences students are worried about practising for examination. Now a day’s 9th class is left a horrifying impression on a student’s mind. […]

Jun 01
7 ways to make your coaching classes happier in class 9th

Every class has its own unique features of study but now in these days, students become more scared about 9th class due to no-detention policy till class 8th of the recent education system which little difficult for students.even parents are not taken seriously about their children academic records but students of this era want to study in […]

May 06
Overcome lack of concentration while studying in class 9th

A distracted mind gives a distracted result. Being concentrated in what you did can bring out results that even you might not expect. It is especially vital for students in the current highly competitive examination pattern that is prevalent across our nation, as students from as early as class 8th and class 9th start preparation for […]

Apr 23
7 Ways Career Counselling Helps Class 9th Students

Career counselling can be defined as seeking help from a professional career coach for taking important decisions with respect to one’s career choices for the future. In class 9th and 10th, students are introduced to higher levels of subjects such as math, science and social science. For example, science gets broken down into three subjects […]

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