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“DON’T STUDY HARD, STUDY SMART”. What is a smart study? The study skills which reduces the stress of examinations, consumes less time, is efficient & gives the best results, is known as a smart study. Students who study hard, but smart skills are more successful in accomplishing their goals. Don’t be donkeys; be a horse i.e. be smart. The smart study increases your self-esteem, confidence, and competence, ability to think & gain more knowledge. Students, who use smart skills for studying, have to take fewer efforts for grasping the knowledge. The smart study helps students to develop effective study habits, learn about time management & self-discipline. Class 9th is the beginning of the journey towards tour dreams. The very first step you put forward towards your dreams should be firm, hence tips to study smart skills in class 9th is essential.

 study smart skills

Stop mugging up the topics

“UNDERSTANDING IS MUCH DEEPER THAN KNOWLEDGE”. Many students know the subjects, but very few understand them. The main aim of education is to gain knowledge, not mugging up the textbooks. There is a reason behind every topic included in your syllabus. Try to understand the topics, as it will help you to memorize them very quickly. As start understanding the topics, your mind will start transforming topics into a story; as all of remembering the stories very well. Learn the importance of the topics, their use & purpose in daily life.

Study alone

Everyone is fond of mysteries. Keep your studying skills to be a mystery. Avoid group studies & group discussions, because you might feel it would be helpful but it just creates confusion. Till date, any of the group studies have not been successful in completing their studies. Hence avoid group studies. When you sit alone & study you can concentrate more deeply into studies. When you are alone there is peace of mind, avoids distraction & keeps you away from bad companionship. As this avoids distraction, it will help you better understand the topics. This is the reason why libraries have the rule that students should sit alone & maintain silence so that they can focus on studies.

study smart

Listening & writing skills

The most important skills of all are listening skills. “BE A GOOD LISTENER, THAN A GOOD SPEAKER.” Listen carefully to your teachers while they are teaching. More than 50% of the concept you understand during the lectures if you listen carefully. As you listen carefully your brain starts feeding the concepts & hence it will be easy for remembering. The second important skills are writing skills. You should be able to put a specific word in your answers; you should know how to present your answers, so then it will easy for the examiner to check it. This will yield you a good score. This tip will help you to study smart.

Avoid multitasking

During studying multitasking is just a sheer waste of time. Multitasking includes- using mobiles, doing your homework while watching TV etc. This gives a negative impact on studying like, you won’t be able to recall the answers, there will lack concentration & there is a drop in the performance of the students. “JACK OF ALL, MASTER OF NONE”, it states that be a master of one than having half-knowledge of all the subjects. As all of us know, “HALF KNOWLEDGE IS DANGEROUS”.

tips to study smart

Don’t be the same, be better

“FOCUS ON BEING BETTER THAN YOU WERE YESTERDAY”. Don’t try to compete with others, compete yourself. Try to make yourself better than you were yesterday. Do you know why a flower blooms beautiful? It is because it tries to compete with itself than others, hence it always blooms beautifully. Try out new tricks; practice the tips given on @careerguide.com & do self-assessment. Try out making visual notes i.e. mind mapping. Visualize the topics like a fairy tale, this will help to remember the concepts easily.

Test yourself

Self-assessment is one of the important parts of doing study smart, as you yourself will be able to know your capabilities, how much you are updated with your syllabus & how much you need to do revision. This helps you to understand your own understanding levels & requirements to improve yourself. Here are tips for self-assessment:
a) Track your own progress
b) Identify your skill gaps
c) Focus on your learning abilities
d) Set realist goals
e) If needed can through psychometric test available on this website- @CareerGuide.com

tips to study smart

Revision skills

a) Don’t spend ages to make notes look pretty
b) Mark off your achievements on your revision time table
c) Start early revision
d) Avoid wasting time on writing & re-writing
e) Visualize the topics- mind mapping
f) Get lots of sleep

here are the fascinating 7 tips to study smart in class 9th and focus towards your dreams should be firm…

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