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Aug 14
8 Career options for Commerce students after 12th

Commerce is the second most popular stream, it is a stream for students who love working with math, accounts, budgeting, economics and business organization as well as management, etc. Commerce is a stream which allows or will give employment opportunities in future, it provides e-commerce services, as well as trading support within the country also […]

Aug 13
13 Bollywood movies which include mental disorders Part-2

Here is the second part of the article on Bollywood movies which include mental disorders- My Name is Khan Movie Directed by Karan Johar, released in 2010 featuring Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol as leads. This movie focuses on a patient suffering from Asperger Syndrome (AS). Also known as Asperger’s Syndrome or Asperger disorder and […]

  • Child
Aug 12
Reasons to opt Maths after 10th

In short, this blog talks about the career opportunities and college eligibility requirements. As well as all the benefits like- Pursuing math’s is one the most amazing decisions one can make whilst enjoying and learning something so basic at an advance level. It’s true math is not easy but with more practice, and challenging problems one falls quickly for such equations and want more. So, do pursue this degree if you have a positive attitude towards such challenges and problem-solving skills.

Aug 12
9 tips before becoming a teacher after 12th

“Teaching is a calling too. And I have always thought that teachers in their way are holy- angels leading their flocks out of the darkness.” – Jeannette Walls. A teacher is also known as a lecturer or professor, a lecture is someone who gives lectures, give instructions, and even teaches students as in educating them […]

Aug 12
10 Group Discussion Topics for Working Professional

Usually, group discussions are conducted prior to the selection of a candidate either while mass recruiting employees or while selecting applicants for college. Group discussions tend to evaluate a person’s temperament, their interests, team spirit, their ability to perceive information and to react to it, their ability to persuade others as well as look at […]

Aug 12
New Education Policy 2020- Changes and Challenges

  Overview.                                                                                                       The much […]

Aug 12
10 Ways to Reduce Stress for Working Professional

Even before Covid-times, work related stress or burnout was, unfortunately, a common occurrence for many working professionals. So much so that, earlier last year, World Health Organization – WHO recognized burnout as a disease. Now, due to Covid and extremely low number of active and even dangerous employment opportunities has only increased the stress at […]

Aug 12
Top colleges for M.Sc. in Chemistry in India!

The students who are willing to pursue in M.Sc. in Chemistry and want to perceive their career in the given field can find related information about colleges and their eligibility criteria. The content will make the students know what all job opportunities are available in this field. Also, they will be able to have options to get acknowledged with and decide which college is suitable for them. This can allow the students in the science stream to know further scope in chemistry.

Aug 12
Top colleges for M.Sc. in Physics in India!

The students who are willing to pursue in M.Sc. in Physics and want to perceive their career in the given field can find related information about colleges and their eligibility criteria. The content will make the students know what all job opportunities are available in this field. Also, they will be able to have options to get acknowledged with and decide which college is suitable for them. This can allow the students in the science stream to know further scope in physics.

Aug 12
Top colleges for M.Sc. in Mathematics in India!

The students who are willing to pursue in M.Sc. in Mathematics and want to perceive their career in the given field can find related information about colleges and their eligibility criteria. The content will make the students know what all job opportunities are available in this field. Also, they will be able to have options to get acknowledged with and decide which college is suitable for them. This can allow the students in the science stream to know further scope in mathematics.

Aug 11
पारंपरिक, व्यावसायिक पाठ्यक्रम का महत्व:

भारत भर में लाखों छात्र माध्यमिक और उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षा के पूरा होने पर कैरियर के चौराहे पर खड़े होते हैं। वे एक आम दुविधा साझा करते हैं: एक उत्कृष्ट और आकर्षक कैरियर बनाने के लिए उन्हें क्या कोर्स करना चाहिए।शुक्र है कि भारत में उत्कृष्ट पेशेवर पाठ्यक्रमों की कोई कमी नहीं है। इसलिए, आप अपनी योग्यता […]

Aug 11
10 Ways to Improve Memory for Working Professional

It is one thing, when you stand up, walk into a room and………………………………….. ..and you forget why exactly you came into the room and when you try to go back to doing what you were doing before, guess what? YOU’VE FORGOTTEN THAT TOO NOW. Or when you accidentally eat dog food instead of, well, your […]

Aug 11
5 ways to Perfectly Schedule Work for Working Professional

Everyone is as different as their fingerprints with varying mindsets, personalities and working abilities. There are no hard and fast rules to follow for you to become productive. Though, there are basic ideas that you could lookout for before sticking to that perfect schedule you will come up with in the end. So let’s get to […]

Aug 11
Top 10 Blogs for Working Professional

There are so many books published every year for any and all sorts of working professionals be it for entrepreneurs or working class professionals, for a tech start-up or a freelancer. But there are only so many books you could read all year round with your own busy schedule and yet sometimes you don’t connect […]

Aug 11
10 Necessary Accessories for Working Professionals

In today’s fast and ever so advancing world, it becomes necessary to be well equipped. And for a working professional, you don’t want to waste your time in looking for things that are frequently used and extremely unavoidable. Its better to have these things with you rather than be embarrassed and borrow it from other. […]

Aug 11
Top 10 Courses after Graduation for Working Professional

Life, after school, isn’t as simple as it was back in school. For one, you start getting the gist of things and realize there’s so much more to learn and understand. Another thing is, well, college and what to do after that. Many of us, when it comes to choosing a stream for the +2 […]

Aug 11
Top 10 Books for Working Professional

As a social animal, our biggest invention has to be books. Maybe, not a particular book but the idea of a book that contains our understanding of the world, things around us, ourselves, even things beyond our world, it has all our wisdom and failures too.  Basically, any book is a record of our feelings […]

Aug 11
7 importance of attending mock tests

To prepare for the exams, it is important to give mock tests as it helps the students learn from their mistakes. Mock tests are considered as practice exams before you appear for the final one. While you attempting these tests, they help boost your confidence and overcome mistakes. A mock test is a test which […]

Aug 11
Physiotherapy Career 8 reasons to choose physiotherapy as a career option

 Physiotherapy Career  Physiotherapy is considered as a lucrative career option for science students who intend to serve in the health sector. Students after completing their masters/ research in the subject choose to open their own Physiotherapy centers. Physiotherapy encompasses rehabilitation, injury prevention, and health promotion/fitness. The profession employs a holistic approach to treatment, looking at […]

Aug 11
10 Necessary Apps for Working Professional

Apps are nothing but antidotes to almost all of our problems. From apps to remind you to drink water (only to be ignored), apps that bring food to your doorsteps, apps that help you to sleep, to apps telling you to keep your phones aside because it’s been 17 hours since you last blinked. In […]

Aug 11
10 Time Management Apps for Working Professional

The ingenious, Douglas Adams, in the astral Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, mentions, “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” Even if, you love deadlines (do you, really?) for totally different reasons, they do go by in a snap. Especially, when one enters the social media wormholes and […]

Aug 10
10 Courses on Coursera for Working Professional

Working professionals, sometimes, find it difficult to manage their working hours, let alone their not-at-work hours. And if you work overtime, at the end of the day you’re tired as a log. The only time you have to yourself is while returning from office to your bed. Basically, you don’t get enough time for yourself […]

Aug 09
11 Causes of mental health problems in teenagers

According to the data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), one in six people is in the age group of 10 to 19 years.Some Key Facts provided by WHO– – Mental health conditions account for 16% of the global burden of disease and injury in people aged 10–19 years.– Half of all mental health […]

Aug 09
10 Courses on edx for working professionals

The Internet is a lot of things but it is the biggest platform to learn any and all things, especially to learn those things that you are afraid to be publicly ignorant about (we suggest, never be guilty of being ignorant as long as you’re willing to learn about it). The good folks at MIT […]

Aug 09
Best 4 Universities for Environmental sciences in UK

University of Oxford University of Oxford comes under top 10 universities, it is ranked on 4th position and it is noted as 1st best university in the list for offering best Environmental science programme with excellent education system. It is known as the collegiate research University in Oxford, England. There is evidence of teaching as early […]

Aug 09
Best Universities for mechanical engineering in UK

University of Cambridge University of Cambridge comes under top 10 Universities, it is ranked on 3rd position and it is noted as top 1st University under the list of offering best Mechanical engineering programmes in United Kingdom. It is collegiate research university in Cambridge, United Kingdom and it was founded in year 1209 and granted a […]

Aug 09
Top 4 Universities for history programme in UK

University of Oxford University of Oxford comes under top 10 universities, it is ranked on 2nd position and it is noted as 1st best university in the list for offering best History programme with excellent education system. It is known as the collegiate research University in Oxford, England. There is evidence of teaching as early as […]

Aug 09
Top 4 University for pharmacy and pharmacology

University of Oxford University of Oxford comes under top 10 universities, it is ranked on 1st position and it is noted as 1st best university in the list for offering best pharmacy and pharmacology programme with excellent education system. It is known as the collegiate research University in Oxford, England. There is evidence of teaching as […]

Aug 09
Best Universities for material science in United Kingdom

University of Cambridge University of Cambridge comes under top 10 Universities, it is ranked on 4th position and it is noted as top 1st University under the list of offering best Material science programmes in United Kingdom. It is collegiate research university in Cambridge, United Kingdom and it was founded in year 1209 and granted a […]

Aug 09
Universities for Library and Information management in UK

The University of Sheffield The University of Sheffield comes under top 10 universities, it is ranked on 2nd position and it is known as top 1st University for offering best Library and Information management programmes with excellent education system in United Kingdom. It is a public research University in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England. The history of […]