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SSC Syllabus 2023: SSC Weightage, SSC CGL

The SSC or Staff Selection Commission conducts various exams for recruitment to various posts in government offices and departments in India. The syllabus for the SSC exams varies depending on the post and exam you are applying for.

Ssc Syllabus

SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Exam syllabus

The syllabus for the SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Exam is divided into four sections:

  1. General Intelligence & Reasoning: This section tests the candidate’s logical reasoning and analytical abilities. Some of the topics covered in this section include analogies, coding and decoding, syllogism, verbal and non-verbal reasoning, problem-solving, etc.
  2. General Awareness: This section tests the candidate’s knowledge of current affairs, static GK, and general knowledge. Some of the topics covered in this section include history, geography, polity, economics, science, current affairs, etc.
  3. Quantitative Aptitude: This section tests the candidate’s numerical ability and problem-solving skills. Some of the topics covered in this section include number system, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, percentage, ratio and proportion, profit and loss, time and distance, etc.
  4. English Language & Comprehension: This section tests the candidate’s English language skills, including grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing ability.

SSC Junior Engineer (JE) Exam syllabus

The syllabus for the SSC Junior Engineer (JE) Exam is divided into two parts:


A. General Intelligence and Reasoning: This section will include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, etc.

B. General Awareness: This section will include questions on current affairs, events of national and international importance, history, culture, geography, economic science, general policy, scientific research, etc.

C. General Engineering (Civil and Structural/Electrical/Mechanical): This section will include questions on the respective branch of engineering covering the following topics:

i. Civil Engineering: Building Materials, Estimating, Costing and Valuation, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Hydraulics, Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering.

ii. Electrical Engineering: Basic concepts, Circuit law, Magnetic Circuit, AC Fundamentals, Measurement and Measuring instruments, Electrical Machines, Fractional Kilowatt Motors and single phase induction Motors, Synchronous Machines, Generation, Transmission, and Distribution, Estimation and Costing, Utilization and Electrical Energy.

iii. Mechanical Engineering: Theory of Machines and Machine Design, Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Properties of Pure Substances, 1st Law of Thermodynamics, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, IC Engines, Air standard Cycles for IC Engines, Boilers, Classification, Specification, Fitting & Accessories, Air Compressors & their cycles, Refrigeration cycles, Principle of Refrigeration Plant, Nozzles & Steam Turbines, Properties & Classification of Fluids, Fluid Statics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure, Fluid kinematics, Dynamics of Ideal fluids, Measurement of Flow rate, basic principles, Hydraulic Turbines, Centrifugal Pumps, Classification of steel.


This paper will be a descriptive type paper in which candidates will be asked to write essays, letters, and applications related to the respective branch of engineering. The questions will test the candidate’s knowledge and application of engineering concepts and principles.

SSC Constable (GD) Exam syllabus

The syllabus for the SSC Constable (GD) Exam is divided into four sections:
  • General Intelligence and Reasoning: This section will include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, etc.
  • General Knowledge and General Awareness: This section will include questions on current affairs, events of national and international importance, history, culture, geography, economic science, general policy, scientific research, etc.
  • Elementary Mathematics: This section will include questions on number systems, computation of whole numbers, decimals and fractions, relationships between numbers, fundamental arithmetical operations, percentages, ratio and proportion, averages, interests, profit and loss, discount, mensuration, time and distance, ratio and time, time and work, etc.
  • English/Hindi: This section will test the candidate’s ability to understand basic English/Hindi and to comprehend simple sentences.
It is important to note that the questions in the SSC Constable (GD) Exam will be of matriculation level. The level of difficulty of the questions in each section varies from easy to moderate. Candidates should also note that there is negative marking for incorrect answers.

SSC Stenographer Exam syllabus

The syllabus for the SSC Stenographer Exam is divided into three parts:
  • General Intelligence and Reasoning: This section will include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, etc.
  • General Awareness: This section will include questions on current affairs, events of national and international importance, history, culture, geography, economic science, general policy, scientific research, etc.
  • English Language and Comprehension: This section will include questions on spot the error, fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, spelling/detecting mis-spelt words, idioms & phrases, one word substitution, improvement of sentences, active/passive voice of verbs, conversion into direct/indirect narration, shuffling of sentence parts, shuffling of sentences in a passage, comprehension passage, etc.

Candidates should note that the questions in the SSC Stenographer Exam will be of 10+2 level. The level of difficulty of the questions in each section varies from easy to moderate. Candidates should also note that there is negative marking for incorrect answers.

In addition to the written exam, the SSC Stenographer Exam also includes a Skill Test in Stenography. Candidates who qualify in the written exam will be called for the Skill Test, which will test their stenography skills in either English or Hindi.

SSC Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Exam syllabus

The syllabus for the SSC Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Exam is divided into two parts:
  • General Intelligence and Reasoning: This section will include questions on analogies, similarities, and differences, space visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, etc.
  • Numerical Aptitude: This section will include questions on number systems, computation of whole numbers, decimals and fractions, relationships between numbers, fundamental arithmetical operations, percentages, ratio and proportion, averages, interests, profit and loss, discount, mensuration, time and distance, ratio and time, time and work, etc.
  • General English: This section will include questions on spotting the error, fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, spelling/detecting mis-spelt words, idioms & phrases, one-word substitution, improvement of sentences, active/passive voice of verbs, conversion into direct/indirect narration, etc.
  • General Awareness: This section will include questions on current affairs, events of national and international importance, history, culture, geography, economic science, general policy, scientific research, etc.
Candidates should note that the questions in the SSC MTS Exam will be of matriculation level. The level of difficulty of the questions in each section varies from easy to moderate. Candidates should also note that there is negative marking for incorrect answers.

SSC CGL Important Topics & Weightage

The SSC CGL (Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level) exam is a highly competitive exam conducted by the Staff Selection Commission to recruit staff for various Group B and Group C posts in the Government of India. The exam is conducted in four stages, namely Tier-I, Tier-II, Tier-III, and Tier-IV.

SSC CGL Important Topics & Weightage Tier-1 Exam:

Number of Questions
Total Marks
Important Topics
IGeneral Intelligence and Reasoning2550Analogy, Classification, Coding-Decoding, Puzzle, Matrix, Venn Diagram, Blood Relations, Direction Sense Test, Series, Statement and Conclusions, Non-Verbal Reasoning
IGeneral Awareness2550History, Polity, Geography, Economics, Current Affairs, General Science
IQuantitative Aptitude2550Number System, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Data Interpretation
IEnglish Comprehension2550Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, Para Jumbles, Error Correction

SSC CGL Important Topics & Weightage Tier-2 Exam:

Number of Questions
Total Marks
Important Topics
IQuantitative Ability100200Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Data Interpretation
IIEnglish Language & Comprehension200200Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Correction, Synonyms, Antonyms
IIIStatistics100200Probability, Sampling, Regression, Time Series Analysis, Index Numbers
IVGeneral Studies (Finance and Economics)100200Finance, Economics, Accounting, Governance, Business

SSC CGL Important Topics & Weightage Tier-3 Exam:

Important Topics
Descriptive Writing100Essay Writing, Letter/Application Writing, Precis Writing

SSC CGL Important Topics & Weightage Tier-4 Exam:

Skill Test/Computer Proficiency Test (CPT)This test is conducted for some specific posts, where candidates’ skills in typing, data entry, and other computer-related tasks are evaluated. The skill test may vary depending on the specific post applied for.

SSC Junior Engineer (JE) Important Topics & Weightage

The SSC JE exam consists of two papers, where Paper-I is an objective type computer-based test, and Paper-II is a descriptive type written test.


Number of Questions
Total Marks
Important Topics
General Intelligence and Reasoning5050Analogies, Similarities, Differences, Space Visualization, Problem-Solving, Analysis, Judgment, Decision Making, Visual Memory, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship Concepts, Arithmetical Reasoning, Verbal and Figure Classification, Arithmetical Number Series, Non-Verbal Series, Coding-Decoding
General Awareness5050Current Affairs, History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity, Scientific Research
General Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical)100100Civil Engineering: Building Materials, Estimating, Costing, and Valuation, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Hydraulics, Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering. Electrical Engineering: Basic concepts, Circuit law, Magnetic Circuit, AC Fundamentals, Measurement, and Measuring Instruments, Electrical Machines, Fractional Kilowatt Motors and single phase induction Motors, Synchronous Machines, Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Estimation and costing, Utilization of Electrical Energy. Mechanical Engineering: Theory of Machines and Machine Design, Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Properties of Pure Substances, 1st Law of Thermodynamics, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Air standard Cycles for IC Engines, IC Engine Performance, IC Engines Combustion, IC Engine Cooling & Lubrication, Rankine cycle of steam, Boilers, Classification, Specification, Fitting & Accessories, Air Compressors & their cycles, Refrigeration cycles, Principle of Refrigeration Plant, Nozzles & Steam Turbines.


Important Topics
General Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical)300The topics are similar to Paper-I, but this is a descriptive type written test where candidates have to write essays and short notes on various topics related to their engineering discipline.

SSC Constable (GD) Important Topics & Weightage

The SSC Constable (GD) exam consists of a computer-based test and a physical efficiency test/physical standard test.

Computer-based Test:

Number of Questions
Total Marks
Important Topics
General Intelligence and Reasoning2525Analogies, Similarities, Differences, Space Visualization, Problem-Solving, Analysis, Judgment, Decision Making, Visual Memory, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship Concepts, Arithmetical Reasoning, Verbal and Figure Classification, Arithmetical Number Series, Non-Verbal Series, Coding-Decoding
General Knowledge and General Awareness2525Current Affairs, History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity, Scientific Research
Elementary Mathematics2525Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions, Ratio and Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time
English/Hindi Language2525Basics of English/Hindi Language, Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms

Physical Efficiency Test/Physical Standard Test:

RaceMale candidates have to run 5 km in 24 minutes or less, while female candidates have to run 1.6 km in 8.5 minutes or less.
Long JumpMale candidates have to jump 11 feet (3.35 meters) or more, while female candidates have to jump 9 feet (2.74 meters) or more.
High JumpMale candidates have to jump 3.5 feet (1.07 meters) or more, while female candidates have to jump 3 feet (0.91 meters) or more.
Physical Standard TestCandidates’ height, weight, and chest measurements are checked, and they must meet the minimum requirements specified in the official notification.

SSC Stenographer Important Topics & Weightage

The SSC Stenographer Exam consists of a computer-based test, skill test in stenography, and document verification.

Computer-based Test:

Number of Questions
Total Marks
Important Topics
General Intelligence and Reasoning5050Analogies, Similarities, Differences, Space Visualization, Problem-Solving, Analysis, Judgment, Decision Making, Visual Memory, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship Concepts, Arithmetical Reasoning, Verbal and Figure Classification, Arithmetical Number Series, Non-Verbal Series, Coding-Decoding
General Awareness5050Current Affairs, History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity, Scientific Research
English Language and Comprehension100100Basics of English Language, Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms, Comprehension

Skill Test in Stenography:

English100 words per minute
Hindi80 words per minute

Document Verification:

Educational Qualification CertificateTo verify the candidate’s educational qualifications
Age Proof CertificateTo verify the candidate’s age
Caste Certificate (if applicable)To verify the candidate’s caste/category
Domicile Certificate (if applicable)To verify the candidate’s domicile status
Identity Proof CertificateTo verify the candidate’s identity

SSC Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Important Topics & Weightage

The SSC Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Exam consists of a computer-based test and a descriptive test.

Computer-based Test:

Number of Questions
Total Marks
Important Topics
General Intelligence and Reasoning2525Analogies, Similarities, Differences, Space Visualization, Problem-Solving, Analysis, Judgment, Decision Making, Visual Memory, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship Concepts, Arithmetical Reasoning, Verbal and Figure Classification, Arithmetical Number Series, Non-Verbal Series, Coding-Decoding
Numerical Aptitude2525Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions, Ratio and Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time
General English2525Basics of English Language, Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms
General Awareness
2525Current Affairs, History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity, Scientific Research

Descriptive Test:

EnglishShort Essay/Letter in English or any language included in the 8th schedule of the Constitution
HindiShort Essay/Letter in Hindi

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