Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 opens a endless run of instructive openings for understudies who are lasting inhabitants of the state. The Government of Bihar and other private associations together offer a number of grants for commendable and underprivileged understudies of the state. The key objective of each grant is to empower and propel meriting understudies to seek after encourage thinks about notwithstanding of any budgetary imperatives. Candidates from SC, ST, OBC and EBC categories are qualified to apply for the grant.
Grant Enlistment and Login
The article gives highlights of all grants advertised by the government of Bihar and other associations. It covers data just like the total Bihar grant list, their key qualification criteria, nitty gritty application handle, provisional application period and grant subtle elements.
- Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Name of Post:
- Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Post Date / Update:
- Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 2024 Short Information :
- Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Important Dates
- Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Application Fee
- Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Eligibility
- Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Document Required Fresh Candidates
- How to Apply Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Online Form
- Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online.
- List of Documents Required for Bihar Scholarship 2023-24
- Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Application Steps
- Dates For Post Matric Scholarship
- Dates For Pre Matric Scholarship
- FAQs
Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Name of Post:
Bihar Post Matric and Dashmottar Scholarship 2023-24 Apply Online Government of Bihar welcomes online application shape for Post Matric Grant (PMS) for BC & EBC category and SC & ST category Understudies for the scholastic year 2023-24 through PMS Online entrance Mukhyamantri BC and EBC post matric grant plot 2023 beneath scholarly session 2023-24 has been begun from 28th Admirable 2023 to the application final date 31st December 2023 through PMS entry and Versatile App.

Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Post Date / Update:
1. Check for New Application Dates:
- In spite of the fact that the Post Matric Grant window is closed, the Bihar government might report new application dates for other grant plans like Pre Matric Grant or Justify Grants within the up and coming months. Keep an eye on the official site for upgrades:
2. Investigate Elective Alternatives:
- Whereas you hold Bihar for the another Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 application window, you’ll be able investigate other grant openings in India. Consider stages like:
- Subscribe to the official website or social media channels of the Bihar Scholarship division to get notices almost up and coming declarations and application due dates.
4. Plan for the Another Application Window:
- Utilize this time to assemble vital archives and certificates like mark sheets, caste certificates, pay certificates, etc., as required for the grant application.
- You’ll moreover begin inquiring about and distinguishing particular grants that coordinate your scholarly level, course, and category for the following application window.
Keep in mind, applying for grants early altogether increments your chances of victory. So, be proactive and remain educated to seize the another opportunity!
Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Short Information
Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Pre Matric 9th and 12th Online Form 2024: The method of online enlistment will run from Begin Date to Final Date, the understudies of Bihar Post Matric Scholarship Lesson 11 and 12, Degree BA, B.Com, B.Sc, B.Ed, BBA, LLB, B.Tech, BCA, BA LLB, Etc, Post Graduate MA, M.Com, M.Sc, MEd, M.Tech, LLM, Etc, Confirmation Polytechnic Confirmation, Computer Recognition, Restorative Confirmation, Certificate Courses ITI, Etc who are right now enrolled in these Courses will be qualified for Bihar Scholarship. You’ll be able apply online for. Studied the promotion for enrollment, record required, notice and all other data almost Bihar Dashmottar Scholarship 2024.
Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Important Dates
Tragically, as of October 27, 2023, the application window for Bihar Scholarship Post Matric Grants has as of now closed. The application period ran from September 20th, 2023, to November 10th, 2023.
Be that as it may, there are still vital dates to be beyond any doubt with respect to Bihar Scholarship :
1. Anticipated Dispensing Date (Post Matric Grants):
- Whereas the dates haven’t been authoritatively affirmed, the Scholarship sum for understudies who connected in 2023 is anticipated to be dispensed at some point between January 2nd, 2024, and February 19th, 2024.
2. Up and coming Application Dates:
- The precise dates for up and coming Scholarship applications like Pre Matric Grants or Justify Grants haven’t been declared however. Be that as it may, these applications ordinarily open at some point in July or Eminent.
- Be beyond any doubt to screen the official site for Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 2024 routinely for overhauls:
- Result Statement: The comes about for the 2023 Post Matric Grant applications are anticipated to be pronounced at some point in December 2023.
- Grievance Redressal Window: After the comes about are pronounced, there may be a brief window for understudies to address any grievances or disparities. This data will be given nearby the comes about declaration.
I prescribe bookmarking the official site and taking after their social media channels to remain overhauled on all the most recent declarations and critical dates with respect to Bihar Scholarship. Do not hesitate to ask in case you have got any assist questions!
- Aplication Start Date: 28-08-2023
- Aplication Last Date: 31-12-2023 (Extend)
Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Application Fee
Must be a lasting inhabitant of Bihar state.
The caste of the candidate ought to be beneath in reverse lesson (BC) or greatly in reverse lesson (EBC).
In reverse course (BC) and amazingly in reverse lesson (EBC) understudies whose yearly salary of parent/ gatekeeper counting claim salary does not surpass Rs.3,00,000/- as it were, will be qualified for grant beneath this plot. The candidate ought to be examining in post-admission courses in government teach / recognized non-government educate found inside the state.
Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Eligibility
As of nowadays, October 27, 2023, the qualification criteria for Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 haven’t been authoritatively declared. Be that as it may, based on the rules for the 2023 applications, we are able anticipate comparative qualification necessities for up and coming plans in 2024.
Here’s a breakdown of the expected qualification criteria based on diverse categories:
Post Matric Grant:
- Residence: Must be a changeless inhabitant of Bihar.
- Scholarly Level: Course 11th and 12th understudies in recognized middle of the road colleges or those enlisted in proficient courses like Building, Therapeutic, Law, etc.
- Category: Pertinent to SC, ST, OBC, EWS, and Minority communities.
- Yearly Family Salary: Family salary from all sources ought to not surpass INR 2 lakh for Common category and INR 2.5 lakh for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/Minority categories.
- Justify: Least rate of marks required in past exams shifts depending on the category and course.
Pre Matric Grant:
- Residence: Must be a lasting inhabitant of Bihar.
- Scholarly Level: Understudies examining in Lesson 9th and 10th in recognized schools inside the state.
- Category: Appropriate to SC, ST, OBC, EWS, and Minority communities.
- Yearly Family Wage: Family pay from all sources ought to not surpass INR 1 lakh for all categories.
- Justify: Least rate of marks required in past exams shifts depending on the category.
Justify Grant:
- Open to understudies of all categories for uncommon scholastic execution in different zones like Science, Arithmetic, Social Sciences, Building, Therapeutic, Law, etc.
- Particular qualification criteria and choice prepare might contrast depending on the grant conspire inside the Justify category.
Vital Note:
Whereas the over data gives a common thought of the expected qualification criteria, it’s pivotal to hold up for the official declaration of the 2024 rules. These may vary somewhat from the 2023 form.
Here are a few solid sources to remain upgraded:
- Official Bihar Scholarship Site:
- News Articles: Explore for overhauls in Hindi and English news sources approximately Bihar Scholarship 2024 qualification criteria.
- Social Media Channels: Take after the official social media channels of the Bihar Scholarship division for any pertinent announcements.
Remember, checking the official sources routinely is perfect way”>the most perfect way to guarantee you meet all the qualification prerequisites some time recently applying for any Bihar Scholarship.
- Must be a lasting inhabitant of Bihar state.
- The caste of the candidate ought to be beneath in reverse course (BC) or amazingly in reverse course (EBC).
- In reverse course (BC) and greatly in reverse course (EBC) understudies whose yearly wage of parent/ gatekeeper counting claim pay does not surpass Rs.3,00,000/- as it were, will be qualified for grant beneath this plot. The candidate ought to be considering in post-admission courses in government educate / recognized non-government teach found inside the state.
Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Document Required Fresh Candidates
As of nowadays, October 27, 2023, the particular records required for Bihar Scholarship for new candidates haven’t been formally reported. Be that as it may, based on the 2023 application prerequisites, we will anticipate comparative documentation for up and coming plans in 2024.
Here’s a list of reports commonly required for new candidates applying for Bihar Scholarship:
Obligatory Records:
- Residence Certificate: Confirmation of changeless home in Bihar.
- Check sheets: Duplicates of past years’ check sheets (depending on the grant plot and scholarly level).
- Caste Certificate (in the event that appropriate): Substantial caste certificate in the event that applying beneath SC/ST/OBC categories.
- Pay Certificate: An salary certificate issued by a competent specialist, as a rule not surpassing a particular pay constrain (shifts depending on the grant conspire and category).
- Aadhaar Card: A duplicate of your Aadhaar card is frequently required.
- Visa Estimate Photo: Later passport-sized photo.
- Bank Account Points of interest: Give subtle elements of your bank account for grant dispensing.
Extra Records (may be required for particular plans):
Restorative Certificate (for particular grants): A few grants might require a restorative certificate for inability or other wellbeing conditions.
Bonafide Certificate: This may be required for understudies selected in proficient courses like Building or Restorative.
Expense Receipt: Confirmation of paid tuition fees, on the off chance that appropriate.
Critical Note:
Usually not an exhaustive list, and the precise archives required might change depending on the particular grant plot you’re applying for. Continuously allude to the official Bihar Scholarship site and rules for the most recent and most precise data on required documents for new candidates:
Here are a few extra tips:
- Download and yield the application frame concurring to the required organize.
- Guarantee all records are clear, clear, and accurately marked.
- Make duplicates of all submitted records for your records.
- Apply well some time recently the due date to maintain a strategic distance from any last-minute issues.
Keep in mind, giving exact and total documentation is significant for your grant application to be considered.
How to Apply Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Online Form
- This Post Matric Scholarship entry is as it were open for BC, EBC SC and ST understudies inhabitant of Bihar State.
- This entrance is right now open as it were for Scholarly year 2023-24.
- Understudies qualified as per notice of Post Matric Scholarship of Instruction Division, Govt. of Bihar ought to apply.
- A understudy will get Scholarship as it were once for each scholastic year.
- A understudy as it were have to be apply as it were once for one scholarly year something else his/her application will be rejected.
- Some time recently apply check the title of your institution in enrolled list of educate.
- Institution have to be enlist to begin with on the entrance some time recently you’ll apply. The institution will be temporarily affirmed for enabling the understudy to apply. As it were after physical confirmation by a appropriately constituted committee of Govt. of Bihar installment will be discharged.
- Guarantee that understudy bank account is dynamic and is within the title of understudy as it were.
- Understudy applications for Post Matric Scholarship will be confirmed both by institution specialists and appropriately constituted committee of Govt. of Bihar.
- Understudies can register to the entrance by giving points of interest such as Title, Aadhaar Number, Date of Birth, Versatile Number and e-mail etc.
- Client ID and Watchword after fruitful enrollment will be sent to enlisted portable number.
- Don’t share Client ID and Watchword with any other individual.
- After getting Client ID and Secret word login to the entrance and total the shape and at last yield the shape.
Taking after archives substantial for 2023 are required for applying for Post Matric Scholarship application : Said Over. - After completion of the frame at last yield the application shape on entrance and print a duplicate of the application shape for future reference. No Alter is allowable after last accommodation of the frame.
- The understudy application will be properly confirmed by the concerned institution and it too be physically confirmed from institution records by a appropriately constituted committee of Govt. of Bihar. As it were after due handle laid down by Govt. of Bihar Post Matric Scholarship will be discharged to the Bank Account of Understudy through DBT [PFMS].
- Understudy Yearly family Salary from all sources ought to not surpass as per taking after:
SC – 1, 00,000 (One Lakh)
ST – 1, 00,000 (One Lakh)
BC – 2, 50,000 (Two Lakh fifty thousand)
EBC – 2, 50,000 (Two Lakh fifty thousand)
Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online.
In arrange to guarantee convenient installment of grant sum to the recipients, the State Government/UT organizations are asked to dodge cash installment of grant sum and are required to issue enlightening to all concerned that installment of grant ought to be made to recipients through their accounts in post offices/banks. DBT mode ought to be taken after by the States/UTs. Dispensing of Grant through Aadhaar seeded bank accounts ought to be guaranteed by the States/UTS.
List of Documents Required for Bihar Scholarship 2023-24
Taking after report substantial for 2023 are required for applying for Post Matric Grant application:
- Aadhaar Card
- Private Certificate of Bihar
- Caste Certificate Issued by Competent specialist of Govt. of Bihar
- Wage Certificate
- Expense Receipt from Institution
- Bonafide Certificate
- Final Exam Passing Certificate [In Case of To begin with Year Final Degree certificate and in case of successive a long time (2nd, 3rd, 4th a long time etc. Final Degree Passing certificate and course exam passing Marksheet)]
Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 Application Steps
- Step-1: Registration
- Step-2: Aadhaar Authentication
- Step-3: Form Submission
- Step-4: Verification From Institutions
- Step-5: Scrutiny
- Step-6: Verification From District Welfare Committee
- Step-7: Aadhar Based Fund Disbursement
Dates For Post Matric Scholarship
Within the light of the rules issued by the Service of Social Equity and Strengthening, Government of India, the In reverse Classes and Most In reverse Classes, Welfare Office, Government of Bihar and Planned Castes and Planned Tribes, Welfare Office, Government of Bihar issued from time to time in agreement with the parameters endorsed within the determination. On the premise of grant and upkeep stipend will be payable.
- Student Registration
- Personal & Bank Details
- Apply For Scholarship
- Upload Document & Photo
- Finalized
Dates For Pre Matric Scholarship
- Candidates must be lasting inhabitant of Bihar.
- Candidates must be considering in Pre Matric Course (9-10).
- Application Start Date: 22 September 2023
- Application Last Date: 31 December 2023
- Last Date for Submission of Hard Copy in Institute: 08 January 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The application process for the Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 is online. Students can apply through the official scholarship portal of the Uttar Pradesh government (
The announcement of results for the Bihar Scholarship 2023-24 is expected to take place between October and November 2023.