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IBPS 2023: Exam Pattern & Syllabus for PO, SO, Clerk

The syllabus for IBPS exams varies based on the level of the exam and the post for which the recruitment is being conducted. The subjects covered in the syllabus are Reasoning Ability, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, Computer Knowledge, and Professional Knowledge (for IBPS SO). Candidates should check the official website of IBPS for the latest updates on the syllabus.

IBPS 2023 syllabus

Exam Phases Preliminary Exam Main Exam Other
IBPS PO 3 (Prelims, Mains, Interview) English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, General/Economy/Banking Awareness, English Language, Data Analysis & Interpretation
IBPS Clerk 3 (Prelims, Mains, Language Proficiency Test) English Language, Numerical Ability, Reasoning Ability General English, Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude, General/Financial Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude
IBPS RRB 2 (Prelims, Mains) Reasoning, Numerical Ability Reasoning, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, English/Hindi Language, Numerical Ability
IBPS SO 2 (Prelims, Mains) English Language, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude Professional Knowledge, Reasoning, English Language

IBPS Exam Pattern 2023

ExamPhasesNumber of QuestionsTotal MarksDurationNegative Marking
IBPS POPreliminary Exam10010060 minutes0.25 for each wrong answer
 Main Exam1552003 hours0.25 for each wrong answer
IBPS ClerkPreliminary Exam10010060 minutes0.25 for each wrong answer
 Main Exam1902002 hours 40 minutes0.25 for each wrong answer
 Language Proficiency Test
IBPS RRBPreliminary Exam808045 minutes0.25 for each wrong answer
 Main Exam2002002 hours0.25 for each wrong answer
IBPS SOPreliminary Exam1501252 hours0.25 for each wrong answer
 Main Exam606045 minutes0.25 for each wrong answer

IBPS 2023 Weightage – English Language.

Topics Weightage Range Description
Reading Comprehension 10% – 12% Passage-based questions that test a candidate’s ability to comprehend and analyze information from the passage
Vocabulary 4% – 6% Questions that test a candidate’s knowledge of words and their meanings
Grammar 4% – 6% Questions that test a candidate’s knowledge of English grammar rules
Para jumbles 4% Questions that test a candidate’s ability to rearrange sentences to form a coherent paragraph
Cloze Test 4% – 6% Questions that test a candidate’s ability to fill in the missing words in a given passage

IBPS 2023 Weightage – Quantitative Aptitude

TopicsWeightage RangeDescription
Simplification4% – 8%Questions that test a candidate’s ability to simplify mathematical expressions
Number Series4% – 8%Questions that test a candidate’s ability to identify patterns in a given series of numbers
Data Interpretation10% – 12%Questions that test a candidate’s ability to interpret and analyze data presented in graphs, tables, charts
Quadratic Equation0% – 4%Questions that test a candidate’s ability to solve quadratic equations
Arithmetic10% – 12%Questions that cover various topics such as percentage, ratio and proportion, time and work, etc.

IBPS 2023 Weightage – General Awareness

TopicsWeightage RangeDescription
Current Affairs50% – 60%Questions that test a candidate’s knowledge of the latest news and events from around the world
Banking and Financial20% – 30%Questions that cover various topics related to banking and finance such as banking terminology, RBI policies, financial markets, etc.
Static GK10% – 20%Questions that cover a wide range of topics such as history, geography, Indian polity, culture, etc.

IBPS 2023 Weightage -Computer Knowledge

TopicsWeightage RangeDescription
Computer Fundamentals20% – 30%Questions related to basic computer concepts such as input/output devices, memory, CPU, storage devices, computer architecture, and other fundamental topics
Operating Systems10% – 15%Questions related to various topics related to operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and Mac OS
Computer Hardware10% – 15%Questions related to computer hardware components such as motherboard, processor, RAM, hard disk, and other peripheral devices
Networking10% – 15%Questions related to topics such as LAN, WAN, routers, and switches
Database Management Systems10% – 15%Questions related to RDBMS, normalization, and SQL queries
Internet and Web Technologies10% – 15%Questions related to topics such as HTML, CSS, and web browsers
Computer Abbreviations10% – 15%Questions related to computer-related abbreviations

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