We all have heard this from our parents teachers and mentors that student life is that time in life which we have to utilize for developing our learning skills , students mind have the power to grabs more knowledge than any other age people and that is one of the universal truth that exist in the philosophy of life and society. But the factor is this learning or development of skills do not dependent only on the education we are taking in our schools and colleges or revising the pages of our textbook, student can actually develop their learning skills while they are exploring themselves their level of knowledge, the mind of a student can find out a thousand of techniques in their life for their surroundings welfare, they should respect and utilize their mind creativity for themselves and the welfare of others and society. here is a list of part-time jobs which you might take to develop skill.
Student life- education and part time work
A student has a responsibility in his/her life of their academics the school or college schedule then some students have their extra activities in their life however a student life is productive life with the responsibility of their education . but student can also make their productive life a career building life by getting a earning source, there are a lot of opportunities open for school and college going students which they can also utilize as their extra activity which is also helping them in building their career if they want to opt the particular activity as a career opportunity in their future.
According to a study conducted by Georgetown University’s Centres on education, an estimated 70 per cent of college going students works after attending their school or college. Although after college curriculum and a busy going schedule of 9 to 5 hours per day, it is difficult to manage a part time work. But a part time work opportunity has a little flexibility in term of working hours and changing of shifts and in this way the flexibility of time help the students to avail these opportunities for themselves.
Work opportunities for students.
There are a lot of part time opportunities that offer night and weekend hours to eligible candidates, as the students don’t have an idea of such opportunities and different places and positions for the part time jobs so here are some of the specified jobs which best suits the criteria of school/college students and have the flexibility of time for students. Then, here is a list of part-time jobs which you might take to develop skill.-
Call Center Representative:-
Many college going students can a happy hour working at call centres by attending some phone calls inside an office with manageable time goes well with students job, as many companies have a requirement of employee t get their costumers to answer the phone calls.This require employee to have free evenings and weekends to do such jobs which a college students usually have ,so this job is good for students .
Some specific skills a student should have is good communication skills , confidence of talking to people and answering them properly and do not afraid to make a sales pitch.
Duties in this job can be-
- Reading a script printed on paper.
- Selling the company’s products, providing good information of products
- Asking for funds or donation for welfares.
- Inputting customer data
- Researching customer issues and resolving them on calls if possible.
Warehouse Associate:-
the job of warehouse associate is a little tough job but can help you earning more money, warehousing job comes under E-Commerce and allows you to work in your flexible timing in shifts accordingly. An
And can be even done in holiday breaks which makes its more beneficial for students .
- Picking of the orders for company
- Sorting and packing of the products
- Heavy machinery operations
- Administrative responsibilities
- Inventory control
- Quality control of materials and products
Dog Walker/Pet Sitter:-
This type of job is really to enjoy and work in your free time and when they allowing you to earn some its looks even more good, this job is totally flexible in terms of time and demand a person who can host doggy day-cares and overnight pets sits and can take care of a dog with responsibility
- Dog walking
- Cleaning of the pet on fixed schedule
- Taking care of dietary supplements, food and medicine time to time
- Emergency vet visits
Food Service Worker:-
this kind of jobs do not sound proper for student but it is also good for college students part time jobs ,in addition to flexibility many food service workers reap the benefits of extraincome in the form of tips especially during peak holiday seasons
- Taking orders from customers
- Serving food/ making drinks
- Handling accounts part, collecting cash and credit cards
- Light food preparation
Home Health Aide: –
home health aide belongs to health care industry their part-time jobs is to provide home- based support to such people who are not able to go for nursing home setting. Depending on the sickness and nature of different patient one can attend the job and this job do not require any nursing certificate only current CPR and firt aid training can be specialized education for this job.
- Providing in home care
- Light meal predation
- Taking care of food intake, health and dietary supplements
- Transporting patient to doctors and taking the appointments
- Giving updates to family and other caretaker of day
this is one of the best job a student can do in their part-time jobs and the timing for this job a student can choose themselves ,hence it’s become most flexible suitable job for every student. Students are assured to have plenty of autonomy and gratification from this part time opportunity.
- Subject wise tutoring
- Test preppation
- Easy coaching , explaining of the topics to students and helping other
college students can also do the part time jobs in hospitality and commerce sectors , receptions is job where you have to be the in charge of the hospitality of the place for people entering and leaving the place you are at reception desk/table to greet the people and short out the issues if they have in the part of hotel industry and in small aspects receptionist are there for small offices , gym or showrooms etc. they are to detail out the business query or other informative data if an customer need when they reach your place or sometimes on phone calls
- Greeting and checking in and out of the hotel guest
- Answering any questions and records any complaints
- Communicating with maintenance and room service
- Completing basic cashiering processes.
Here are the list of some part-time jobs flexible earning methods which the students can take part whenever needed and helps student to maintain productivity in life and sometimes it becomes asource of earning for every student ion their part time.
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