There is no question that the cost of textbooks in college is the highest. The tragic thing is that you spend hundreds of rupees on textbooks which you use only just once. I’ll give you a few of the best financial ideas you will ever learn before we dig into the suggestions. It’s pretty straightforward, just balance your expenditure. This is true to your books, accommodation, fees, cash spending, and more. You will truly appreciate your college experience and reduce stress by learning the art of budgeting. It is also a crucial approach to the supply of textbooks. In this article we have mentioned some smart tricks to assist you to save money on textbooks: These are the first steps to start preparing your finances and build a good budget:
- 1) You must have your time frame: Determine your weekly as well as a monthly budget
- 2) Make a budget spreadsheet: It will help to record all your transactions
- 3) Categories your expenses: Mention clearly where your money is spending like food, rent, books, etc
Save a large amount of your money with these smart ideas on how to save more on textbooks.

Purchase books that can be used year-long courses
Certain courses take the same textbooks throughout the year. For example, few of the universities have core classes on Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Calculus that have precisely the same texts. For these courses, buying the textbook will also be more affordable, since it is important to do so for a longer period. Remember this while making comparisons!
Books can be sold later
You must sell your older books to help compensate for your fresh textbooks. Most book vendors arrive at the college to buy them from you when you’re at the end of the semester. This is a great exchange idea to earn money from old books.
Research your college library
For their classes, a lot of teachers will have a library card to use one or two textbooks according to their teaching requirements. You can read and refer to the books in the library and save money on purchasing the same book. Conversely, you can generally use the manual only when you are in the library but when it comes to buying it is worth more than keeping the book at home.

Local used book stores
Many bookstores in certain towns buy students’ textbooks for amazingly reduced prices. This is a perfect choice if you have one of these shops! If you don’t find any such place in your surroundings then you can also dig into nearby towns for purchasing used books and saving rupees.
Avail old or rented books
You can buy old books from sellers or you can also rent books. If you think that you won’t be needing these books after a few months then you can choose to buy rented books which will come in half of the price of the original priced books. You can avail of rented books in the digital medium as well.
Search for the previous editions
Numerous times the very same information but with subtly different formats or photos will be presented in different textbook versions. Please, check with your teacher if your books provide a previous edition, as they may have different base page numbers or worksheets problems. Your teacher’s better going to know!
Look around for shopping
There are many websites available from which you can buy books but before buying you must compare them from other websites and check the price. So you need to first explore various websites and shops to see where the best offers can be made. Then make a purchase. Prices may also be contrasted by a form like the new version, old version, digital, rental.

Examine that the textbooks are required or not
Jump from the college book shop and go straight to the source where you can inspect your curriculum or ask your teacher regarding the same to see if the books are considered necessary or not. For general questions, general books will be also beneficial and in that matter, you don’t need to purchase a book. But if questions are precisely from the chapter then you require the
Purchase from your seniors
It is sure that the student of your college must have purchased similar books. If you ask your seniors to give them their books they will charge only half of the price. Inturn saving your money.
Split the price
If you have a friend who lives near your house or your roommate then you can split the price of the books you both will be needing. In such a say your friend and you can cut short the burden of buying high priced books.