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TS EAMCET 2023: Syllabus, Engineering/Medical

Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test is a state-level entrance exam conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) on behalf of Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE). Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test is conducted for admission to various undergraduate engineering, agriculture, and medical courses in colleges and universities in the state of Telangana.
Colleges (9)

TS EAMCET Entrance syllabus 2023

EngineeringMathematics, Physics, Chemistry
Agriculture and MedicalBotany, Zoology
PharmacyPhysics, Chemistry, Biology or Mathematics
B.Tech (Bio-Technology)Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture / B.Sc (Hons.) HorticultureBotany, Zoology, Physics, Chemistry

Syllabus for Engineering:

MathematicsAlgebra, Trigonometry, Vector Algebra, Probability, Coordinate Geometry, Calculus
PhysicsPhysical World, Units and Measurements, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion, Oscillations, Gravitation, Mechanical Properties of Solids and Fluids, Thermal Properties of Matter, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, Waves, Ray Optics and Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Electric Charges and Fields, Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance, Current Electricity, Moving Charges and Magnetism, Magnetism and Matter, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves, Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter, Atoms, Nuclei, Semiconductor Electronics, Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits
ChemistryAtomic Structure, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Stoichiometry, Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium and Acids-Bases, Hydrogen and its Compounds, The s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals), The p-Block Elements, Organic Chemistry-Some Basic Principles and Techniques and Hydrocarbons, Solid State, Solutions, Electrochemistry and Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, General Principles of Metallurgy, p-Block Elements, d and f Block Elements, Coordination Compounds, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Biomolecules, Polymers, Chemistry in Everyday Life

Syllabus for Pharmacy:

PhysicsPhysical World, Units and Measurements, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion, Oscillations, Gravitation, Mechanical Properties of Solids and Fluids, Thermal Properties of Matter, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, Waves, Ray Optics and Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Electric Charges and Fields, Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance, Current Electricity, Moving Charges and Magnetism, Magnetism and Matter, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves, Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter, Atoms, Nuclei, Semiconductor Electronics, Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits
ChemistryAtomic Structure,

Syllabus for Agriculture and Medical:

BotanyDiversity in the Living World, Structural Organisation in Plants- Morphology, Reproduction in Plants, Plant Systematics, Cell Structure and Function, Internal Organisation of Plants, Plant Ecology, Plant Physiology, Microbiology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Plants, Microbes and Human Welfare
ZoologyDiversity of Living World, Structural Organisation in Animals, Animal Diversity- I: Invertebrate Phyla, Animal Diversity- II: Phylum: Chordata

TS EAMCET Entrance2023 Paper Exam Pattern

Mode of ExamOnline (Computer Based Test)
Duration3 hours
LanguageEnglish and Telugu
Question TypeMultiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Marking SchemeEach correct answer carries 1 mark. There is no negative marking for wrong answers or unattempted questions.
Total Questions160 questions for Engineering and Agriculture & Medical stream
Engineering StreamMathematics: 80 questions, Physics: 40 questions, Chemistry: 40 questions
Agriculture and Medical StreamBotany: 80 questions, Zoology: 40 questions, Physics: 40 questions, Chemistry: 40 questions
PharmacyPhysics: 80 questions, Chemistry: 40 questions, Biology or Mathematics: 40 questions

Important Topics & Weightage – For Engineering

SubjectImportant TopicsWeightage
MathematicsAlgebra, Trigonometry, Vector Algebra, Probability, Calculus, Coordinate Geometry80 questions
PhysicsPhysical World, Units and Measurements, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion, Oscillations, Gravitation, Mechanical Properties of Solids and Fluids, Thermal Properties of Matter, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, Waves, Ray Optics and Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Electric Charges and Fields, Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance, Current Electricity, Moving Charges and Magnetism, Magnetism and Matter, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves, Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter, Atoms, Nuclei, Semiconductor Electronics, Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits40 questions
ChemistryAtomic Structure, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Stoichiometry, Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium and Acids-Bases, Hydrogen and its Compounds, The s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals), p-Block Elements Group 13 (Boron Family), p-Block Elements – Group 14 (Carbon Family), Environmental Chemistry, Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques and Hydrocarbons, Solid State, Solutions, Electrochemistry and Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, General Principles of Metallurgy, p-Block Elements, d and f Block Elements & Coordination Compounds, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Biomolecules, Polymers, Chemistry in Everyday Life40 questions

Note: The weightage is based on the previous year’s exam pattern and may be subject to change. Candidates are advised to check the official website for the latest updates and information.

Important Topics & Weightage – For Agriculture and Medical

SubjectImportant TopicsWeightage
BotanyDiversity in the Living World, Structural Organization in Plants- Morphology, Reproduction in Plants, Plant Systematics, Cell Structure and Function, Internal Organisation of Plants, Plant Ecology, Plant Physiology, Microbiology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Plants, Microbes and Human Welfare80 questions
ZoologyDiversity of Living World, Structural Organization in Animals, Animal Diversity-II: Phylum: Chordata, Human Anatomy and Physiology-I: Digestive System, Human Anatomy and Physiology-II: Respiratory system, Human Anatomy and Physiology-III: Circulatory System, Human Anatomy and Physiology-IV: Excretory System, Human Anatomy and Physiology-V: Musculo-Skeletal System, Human Anatomy and Physiology-VI: Nervous system, Human Anatomy and Physiology-VII: Endocrine System, Human Anatomy and Physiology-VIII: Reproductive System, Genetics, Evolution, Applied Biology40 questions
PhysicsPhysical World, Units and Measurements, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion, Oscillations, Gravitation, Mechanical Properties of Solids and Fluids, Thermal Properties of Matter, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, Waves, Ray Optics and Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Electric Charges and Fields, Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance, Current Electricity, Moving Charges and Magnetism, Magnetism and Matter, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves, Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter, Atoms, Nuclei, Semiconductor Electronics, Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits40 questions
ChemistryAtomic Structure, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Stoichiometry, Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium and Acids-Bases, Hydrogen and its Compounds, The s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals), p-Block Elements Group 13 (Boron Family), p-Block Elements – Group 14 (Carbon Family), Environmental Chemistry, Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques and Hydrocarbons, Solid State, Solutions, Electrochemistry and Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, General Principles of Metallurgy, p-Block Elements, d and f Block Elements & Coordination Compounds, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Biomolecules, Polymers, Chemistry in Everyday Life40 questions

Note: The weightage is based on the previous year’s exam pattern and may be subject to change. Candidates are advised to check the official website for the latest updates and information.

Important Topics & Weightage – For Pharmacy

SubjectImportant TopicsWeightage
PharmaceuticsIntroduction to Physical Pharmacy, Importance of Microbiology in Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Importance of Organic Chemistry in Pharmacy, Drug Delivery Systems, Dispensing Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, Dosages Forms and Design, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacology50 questions
Pharmaceutical ChemistryOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry50 questions
PharmacognosyIntroduction to Pharmacognosy, Sources of Drugs, Study of Morphology, Anatomy, and Taxonomy of Medicinal Plants, Preparation of Crude Drugs, Standardization of Herbal Drugs, Extraction and Isolation Techniques, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Natural Products, Herbal Formulations, Biogenetic Pathways, Adulteration and Drug Evaluation, Quality Control and Standardization of Herbals50 questions
PharmacologyGeneral Pharmacology, Autonomic Nervous System, Cardiovascular System, Central Nervous System, Drugs Acting on the Respiratory System, Gastrointestinal System, Hematopoietic System, Endocrine Pharmacology, Chemotherapy, Immunopharmacology, Toxicology50 questions

Note: The weightage is based on the previous year’s exam pattern and may be subject to change. Candidates are advised to check the official website for the latest updates and information.

TS EAMCET Entrance- Frequently Asked Questions

A: Candidates who have passed or are appearing in the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2) with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/Biology as optional subjects from a recognized board are eligible to apply for TS EAMCET.

A: The application fee for TS EAMCET Entrance is Rs.800 for general category candidates and Rs.400 for SC/ST candidates.

A: Each question carries 1 mark, and there is no negative marking for incorrect answers.

A: The TS EAMCET Entrance exam is usually conducted in the month of May every year. However, candidates are advised to check the official website for the latest updates and information.

A: The minimum qualifying marks for TS EAMCET Entrance is 25% of the maximum marks for candidates belonging to the general category. However, there are no minimum qualifying marks for SC/ST candidates.


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