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When someone is working in a big corporate or doing some job in small business they have to face challenges so that they can secure their jobs. But even a little mistake can lead someone to the doors of demotion or sometimes even firing. Corporates avoid firing people with potential. So instead of firing them, they demote them. Now for working professionals demotion can be worse than firing. Therefore we here, at careerguide.com, have listed some of the many impacts of demotion that the working professionals have to face. Refer to these points in advance if you are in a job or not because one day you might get demoted and then you can have some of these problems.

Salary slash

One of the most basic impact of demotion on working professionals is that they get a salary slash. The decrease in salary leads to many problems in one’s personal life. Minimal amount of 10% can be reduced in one’s salary after getting a demotion approximately. For instance if a working professional is earning 1lakh rupees, then at the minimal, he/she would be paid 90000 rupees and many a times even less. This can affect his/her day to day life. Now due to salary slash he/she would have to drown some of their needs.

Working attitude

When someone gets demoted, his/her attitude towards work changes drastically. This can lead to aggression towards colleagues, bosses and even to their close ones. Either a demoted professional becomes demotivated or becomes boldly antagonistic towards the person(s) responsible for his/her demotion. Both the things leads to poor work and ultimately the demoted gets fired or gets more demotion.


Image result for productivity

Due to the demotion of a working professional, his/her productivity decreases radically. The thoughts of him/her getting a demotion, low salary and the feeling of total failure roam in their mind and then they doesn’t think straight. They keep getting lost in their train of thoughts and their productivity goes down the hill. Low productivity leads to many uncertainties towards them and later on the same thing happens again. They either get fired or further demotion.

Emotional agony

Working professionals get emotionally scarred when they get demoted. They can’t stop thinking about it. They think that all the hard work and all the sacrifices they had made to get that job had been wasted and flushed down the gutter. As a result, They blame themselves, the people responsible for their demotion and their head starts getting filled with absurd and negative thoughts. They can get depressed. Their behaviour towards their loved ones can also change substantially. They now can often engage in fights or arguments. They could not think clearly and it affects their mental health.   

Self-esteem problems

Building a stable self esteem is a very difficult job to do. One has to prepare himself/herself to have a stable self-esteem. Working professionals face a lot of problems after getting demoted and the worst of them is losing self-esteem. It would not be wrong to say that if a person loses self-esteem he/her loses their performance skill. Without self-esteem they cannot perform. And rebuilding one’s self esteem is a very very difficult job. To bring himself/herself up from nothing again puts a toll on their mental health and strength. A working professional  gets demotivated after being demoted. Demotivation is a very dangerous thing as it can lead your productivity to almost zero and you lose your work ethics too. 

Falling out personal life

3 Simple Tips to Improve Emotional Quotient in Your Personal Life

Demotion affects the personal life of a working professional. The relations between the family and the professional starts to get weaken. These weakening can happen because of many factors mentions above such as low salary or aggregation. They start to fight and abuse. The mental health of professional takes a hit here. He/she cut back from their social life as well. After a while they stop to go out with their friends or family and their social life starts to crumble due to the pressure on them to prove to their bosses that why they shouldn’t have been demoted and they are not bad. They start to show extra passion in their work to prove their work and hence use their family and quality time in working. Only in exceptions these measures pay off but most of the time these working professionals disrupts both their personal and professional lives.

These are some of the impacts of demotion that a working professional has to face. Now if you ever get demoted you can remember these points and try to avoid all these impacts to take a bite out of you. best of luck to you!!

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