The travel and tourism industry is one of the biggest sources of revenue for each and every country. It has such a wide spectrum of things that gives you a lot of career opportunities to explore. The travel industry is the fastest growing industry in the current times. So, one can definitely try their luck in this field if they have an interest in it. even if we talk about money, the salary, and the amount one can earn in the travel and tourism industry is pretty good. You even get added perks, bonuses, and so many other benefits. And we know working in peak seasons means more fun and more money. Who would not want that? We know, we all would die to do such a job. You can get your Bachelor’s in Travel and tourism management, Bachelor’s in hospitality, travel, and tourism management. There are many ways you can make a career in tourism. Here are our 8 ways to help you make a career in tourism.
Go and read our 8 ways to make a career in tourism:

You can work in travel agencies
This is the first or the most initial step to getting your feet into travel and tourism. Start from the travel agencies, it lets you explore everything about travel and tourism starting from scratch itself.
You can become a travel writer
Yes, travel writing is a thing too. We know, not everyone is aware of this one. It is such a glamourous idea and career option to get into tourism. There is a lot of real writing involved in it, to bring out the real story about different aspects of travel and tourism. You have to create interesting topics, with your talent for writing.
Be a travel blogger
You can start a website of your own and start blogging. You can start with even your local travel experience and tell the world with your writing, observation skills.

You can go for a course in travel and tourism studies
There are varied options in an education in travel and tourism. You can get your Bachelor’s in Travel and tourism management, Bachelor’s in hospitality, travel, and tourism management, Bachelor’s in tourism studies, tourism administration, hospitality, and travel management, and there are many others. You can get started by using your social media platforms, everyone has got twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and all other new-age social media platforms. Start your travel blog, be a regular content creator in your that little space. You can even become a blog columnist for travel companies and travel industry. Formal education really teaches you a lot.
You can even become a travel consultant
A travel consultant is someone who has a career which includes travel consulting services, like travel public relations, international safety, marketing of products that are needed or used while travelling mainly termed as travel-based products. So, you make all the travel plans for your clients, book tickets, and pass on all the other necessary information and anything and everything that is relevant to the trip.
Become a destination expert
A destination expert is an expert who is there for the people planning for their holidays or vacations. To become one, you have to get a network of destination experts who are associated with travellers directly or indirectly. They help you to decide to take up a destination for their vacation, right from the very beginning of the booking, arrangement of the transport be it air or ground. They also guide you about the local events happening in the place, great restaurants, spots to be explored by the travellers.
Tour guides/ tour planners
Being a tour guide or a planner, be it at the local, state, regional, national or international level. It is a very adventurous job though. You will need to do itinerary planning, travel management, time management and everything on point. One gets to explore a lot while letting others explore by your eyes, thoughts, ideas, and perspective.

You can also get a career in airlines
There are many options you can choose as per your choice and interests. Ground staff (traffic assistance, counter staff, booking, and reservations). In fact, there are In-flight staff options to go for like Air hostesses, stewards. There are many airport hospitalities jobs out there who wish to make a career in this industry. There are even courses like airlines, tourism and hospitality management.
So, you know how it is to be in the travel and tourism industry. We hope you got an idea, and clarity to make your career in this. There is a lot of potential with varied career opportunities. Get some experience. As, the experience is the biggest teacher, so having experience is also an important factor to excel in this field. Seek the endless career opportunities that are waiting for you, get some experience, grab the job of your dreams, feed your wanderlust, and see where you will reach in the coming years.