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“Then” बहुत खास है क्योंकि इसका मतलब अलग -अलग चीजें हो सकती हैं। यह समय दिखा सकता है, समझा सकता है कि कुछ क्यों हुआ, और हमें चीजों को बेहतर ढंग से समझने में मदद करें। आज, हम यह सब सीखेंगे कि यह शब्द कितना महत्वपूर्ण और उपयोगी है। हम अलग -अलग उदाहरणों को देखेंगे और देखेंगे कि यह हम बात करने के तरीके को कैसे बदलता है। अंत तक, आप देखेंगे कि “Then” एक शक्तिशाली उपकरण है जो हमें यह समझने में मदद करता है कि क्या हुआ और चीजें कैसे जुड़ी होती हैं। चलो “Then” की दुनिया में हमारी यात्रा शुरू करते हैं! यह परिचय आपके हिंदी पैराग्राफ को दिलचस्प बना देगा और लोगों को पढ़ना चाहता है। आप “Then” शब्द के इतिहास और संस्कृति के बारे में भी थोड़ा सा शामिल कर सकते हैं ताकि इसे और भी शांत और रोमांचक बनाया जा सके।

Definition of "Then" in Hindi

अभी, यह सीखना महत्वपूर्ण है कि “तब” शब्द का क्या अर्थ है हिंदी में। “तब” एक ऐसा शब्द है जिसका उपयोग हिंदी में किया जाता है।

“Then”  समझने के लिए, हमें यह जानना होगा कि इसका उपयोग विभिन्न स्थितियों में कैसे किया जा सकता है। हिंदी में, “Then” का अर्थ “तब” या “फिर” हो सकता है। यह दिखा सकता है कि जब कुछ होता है, तो कुछ और के बाद क्या आता है, या किसी स्थिति की तुलना में कुछ कैसे होता है।

तो, “तब” एक विशेष शब्द है जो हमें कार्यों, प्रक्रियाओं या स्थितियों के बारे में बताता है।

Synonyms for "Then" in Hindi

In Hindi, the word “then” can be expressed using various synonyms, depending on the context. Here are some synonyms for “then” in Hindi:

1. Then(तब ): Commonly used to indicate a point in time or a sequence of events.

2. उसके पश्चात (Uske Paschat): Used to denote an action or event that occurs after another.

3. इसके बाद (Iske Baad): Signifying a chronological sequence, often translated as “after that” or “subsequently.”

4. उस वक्त (Us Vakt): Referring to a specific time or moment.

5. फिर (Phir): Indicating a continuation or repetition, similar to the English “then.”

6. इसके बावजूद (Iske Bavjud): Meaning “nevertheless” or “in spite of that,” used to introduce a contrasting situation.

7. उस समय (Us Samay): Denoting a specific period or moment.

8. उससे पहले (Usse Pehle): Indicating an action or event that occurred before another.

9. इस परिप्रेक्ष्य में (Is Pariprekshya Mein):** In this context, referring to the situation or circumstances.

10. इससे पहले (Isse Pehle): Signifying a point in time before a given event or action.

It’s essential to choose the synonym that best fits the intended meaning based on the specific context of the sentence or conversation.

Common Usage Examples

Certainly! Here are some common usage examples of “then” with their Hindi meanings:

1. English: I finished my work, and then I went to bed.
   Hindi: मैंने अपना काम पूरा किया, फिर मैं सोने चला गया।

2. English: If you study hard, then you will succeed.
    Hindi: अगर तुम मेहनत करोगे, तो फिर तुम सफल होओगे।

3. English: She finished her meal, and then she left for the movie.
    Hindi: उसने अपना भोजन पूरा किया, फिर वह मूवी के लिए निकली।

4. English: I have a meeting at 10 AM, and then I’ll have lunch.
    Hindi: मेरी दस बजे मिलने की मीटिंग है, फिर मैं लंच करूँगा।

5. English: Finish your homework, and then you can play video games.
    Hindi: अपना होमवर्क पूरा करो, फिर तुम वीडियो गेम्स खेल सकते हो।

Contextual Variations

“Then” in Hindi can have different contextual variations depending on the situation. Here are some examples:

1. Sequential Order:
– English: First, complete your homework; then, you can go out to play.
– Hindi: पहले, अपना होमवर्क पूरा करो; फिर, तुम बाहर खेलने जा सकते हो।

2. Consequence:
– English: If you don’t water the plants, then they will wither.
– Hindi: अगर तुम पौधों को पानी नहीं दोगे, तो वे सुख जाएंगे।

3. Time Reference:
– English: I will meet you at 5 PM, and then we can go for dinner.
– Hindi: मैं तुमसे 5 बजे मिलूँगा, फिर हम रात के खाने के लिए जा सकते हैं।

4. Comparison:
– English: He was more focused back then than he is now.
– Hindi: उस समय वह अधिक ध्यानवान था उससे अब कम है।

5. Contrast:
– English: She was happy then, but now she seems sad.
– Hindi: उस समय वह खुश थी, पर अब वह दुखी लगती है।

6. Conditional Statements:
– English: If it rains, then we’ll stay indoors.
– Hindi: अगर बारिश होती है, तो हम घर में ही रहेंगे।

7. Causation:
– English: She ate too much cake; then, she felt sick.
– Hindi: उसने बहुत सारा केक खाया, फिर उसे बीमारी हो गई।

8. Narrative Flow:
– English: He woke up, got dressed, and then left for work.
– Hindi: उसने उठा, कपड़े पहने, और फिर काम के लिए निकल गया।

Grammatical Usage

The grammatical usage of “then” in Hindi involves its incorporation into sentences to indicate time, sequence, or consequence. Here are some grammatical usage examples:

  1. Time Sequence:

   – English: I will meet you at 3 PM, and then we can discuss the project.

   – Hindi: मैं तुमसे तीन बजे मिलूँगा, और फिर हम परियोजना पर चर्चा कर सकते हैं।

  1. Consequence:

   – English: If you don’t study, then you will not pass the exam.

   – Hindi: अगर तुम पढ़ाई नहीं करोगे, तो फिर तुम परीक्षा में पास नहीं हो पाओगे।

  1. Comparative Context:

   – English: He was smarter back then than he is now.

   – Hindi: उस समय वह अब से आकर्षक था।

  1. Narrative Flow:

   – English: She finished her meal, and then she left for the airport.

   – Hindi: उसने अपना भोजन पूरा किया, और फिर वह हवाई अड्डे के लिए निकली।

  1. Conditional Statements:

   – English: If it rains, then we will stay at home.

   – Hindi: अगर बारिश होती है, तो हम घर पर ही रहेंगे।

  1. Transition in a Story:

   – English: The king died, and then his son became the new ruler.

   – Hindi: राजा की मौत हो गई, और फिर उसका बेटा नए शासक बना।

  1. Causal Relationship:

   – English: She ate too much ice cream; then, she felt sick.

   – Hindi: उसने बहुत सारी आइसक्रीम खाई, फिर उसे बीमारी हो गई।

  1. Transition in Instructions:

   – English: First, mix the ingredients, and then bake the cake.

   – Hindi: सबसे पहले, सामग्री को मिलाएं, और फिर केक बेक करें।


Comparison with English Usage

While the usage of “then” in Hindi shares some similarities with its use in English, there are also notable differences in how the two languages express temporal relationships and sequence. Here are some points of comparison between the English and Hindi usage of “then”:


  1. Temporal Sequence:

   – English: I finished my work, and then I went to sleep.

   – Hindi: मैंने अपना काम पूरा किया, फिर मैं सोने चला गया।


  1. Sequential Order:

   – English: First, she had breakfast, and then she went to the market.

   – Hindi: सबसे पहले, उसने नाश्ता किया, फिर वह बाजार गई।


  1. Conditional Statements:

   – English: If it rains, then we will stay indoors.

   – Hindi: अगर बारिश होती है, तो हम घर में ही रहेंगे।


  1. Causal Relationship:

   – English: She forgot her umbrella, and then she got wet in the rain.

   – Hindi: उसने अपना छाता भूला, और फिर बारिश में भीग गई।


  1. Comparative Context:

   – English: He was smarter back then than he is now.

   – Hindi: उस समय वह अब से आकर्षक था।


  1. Narrative Flow:

   – English: She finished her meal, and then she left for the airport.

   – Hindi: उसने अपना भोजन पूरा किया, और फिर वह हवाई अड्डे के लिए निकली।


  1. Instructional Transition:

   – English: First, mix the ingredients, and then bake the cake.

   – Hindi: सबसे पहले, सामग्री को मिलाएं, और फिर केक बेक करें।


It’s important to note that while the basic usage aligns in many cases, the linguistic structures and specific words employed in Hindi and English may differ. Additionally, the cultural context and idiomatic expressions may influence how “then” is used in each language.

Idiomatic Expressions

So, when we hear or use these idioms with “then,” it’s like a little code that tells us what comes next or helps us remember something from the past.


If someone says something bad about you and it’s true, you should admit it and accept it. For example, if someone says you didn’t do well in a game and it’s true, you should admit it and learn from it.


  1. “Behind”: -Meaning: Refers to the past time. -The example: At that time, life was simpler and we had less responsibility.


  1. “If it was not for” would “: – meaning: express gratitude or recognize a positive result. – Example: If it were not for your help, I would not have completed the project in time.


If things get tough and we have to do something, even if it’s not what we want, we are ready to take action.


  1. “If it looks like you can kill”: -Meaning: Use when someone is angry or dislikes expression. -It, she gave him a glare and said, “If you look kill, you will encounter trouble.”


Sometimes, every once in a while, I like to stop working and go for a walk.


If someone says something about you that is true, you should accept it. For example, if someone tells you that you did a bad job on something, you should listen to them and try to get better.


Sometimes, even if someone isn’t very good at something, they can still get lucky and do well. Like when a squirrel that can’t see finds a nut by accident.


  1. “Until then”: -meaning: until that time or point. -The example: We will continue to study the project until then, let us focus on the current task.


Sometimes, even if someone is usually wrong, they can still be right sometimes. It’s like a clock that has stopped working, but it will still show the correct time two times in a day. So, even if we don’t always agree with someone, we should still listen to them because they might have something right to say.


These special phrases with the word “then” make English more interesting and give us different ways to say things. They help us express specific ideas or situations in a fancy way.

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls

Understanding and avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls related to the use of “then” in English is essential for effective communication. Here are some common errors that learners or speakers may encounter:

Confusing “then” with “than”:

   – Mistake: He is taller then her.

   – Correction: He is taller than her.

  1. Overusing “then” in writing:

   – Mistake: I woke up, then brushed my teeth, then had breakfast.

   – Correction: I woke up, brushed my teeth, and had breakfast.

  1. Incorrect placement in conditional statements:

   – Mistake: If it rains, then we’ll stay indoors.

   – Correction: If it rains, we’ll stay indoors.

  1. Unnecessary redundancy:

   – Mistake: First, I’ll start with the introduction, and then, I’ll proceed to the main points.

   – Correction: First, I’ll start with the introduction, and then proceed to the main points.

  1. Using “then” in place of “when”:

   – Mistake: I was at the store, and then I met my friend.

   – Correction: I was at the store when I met my friend.

  1. Misuse in comparative statements:

   – Mistake: He was more active back then he is now.

   – Correction: He was more active back then than he is now.

  1. Failure to recognize idiom nuances:

   – Mistake: If looks could kill, then you’d be in trouble.

   – Correction: If looks could kill, you’d be in trouble.

  1. Using “then” in place of “so” in consequences:

   – Mistake: She forgot her umbrella, then she got wet.

   – Correction: She forgot her umbrella, so she got wet.

  1. Inconsistent use in narrative flow:

   – Mistake: He finished his meal, and he then left for the airport.

   – Correction: He finished his meal, and then left for the airport.

  1. Overemphasizing “then” in cause-and-effect relationships:

    – Mistake: He failed to submit the report on time, then he faced consequences.

    – Correction: He failed to submit the report on time, and he faced consequences.

Being aware of these common mistakes can help improve the precision and clarity of communication when using “then” in English. Regular practice and attention to context can contribute to mastering its proper usage.


To sum up, the term “then” has several functions in the English language, including acting as a temporal link, a sequence marker, and a channel for consequence. Because of its flexible application, a range of linkages between conditions, actions, and events can be effectively expressed. “Then” adds grammatical complexity and clarity to sentences, whether they are utilized in conditional statements, narrative flow, or comparative situations.

But it’s important for both English language learners and speakers to be aware of typical errors and hazards related to the usage of “then.” Misunderstandings may arise from using it excessively in writing, confusing it with “than,” or positioning it incorrectly in conditional expressions. Acknowledging these mistakes and improving one’s use of “then” improves language skills and promotes more accurate communication.

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