University of Oxford

University of Oxford comes under top 10 universities, it is ranked on 2nd position and it is noted as 1ST best university in the list for offering best Law and Legal studies programme with excellent education system. It is known as the collegiate research University in Oxford, England. There is evidence of teaching as early as 1096 making it the oldest University in English speaking world and world’s second oldest University in continuous operation. After the dispute between students and Oxford Townsfolk in 1209, some academic fled north-east to Cambridge where they established what became the University of Cambridge
The basic information about the university mentioned on Universities website is given as:
Their mission is the advancement of learning by teaching and research and its dissemination by every means.
Their vision is they will work as one Oxford bringing together their staff, students and alumni, their colleges, faculties, departments and divisions to provide world-class research and education. They will do this in ways which benefit society on a local, regional, national and global scale. They will build on the University’s long-standing traditions of independent scholarship and academic freedom while fostering a culture in which innovation and collaboration play an important role.
The programmes and courses offered by the university are:
They university offers undergraduate programme, graduate programmes, research degree programme and other short courses related to the degree of Law and Legal studies programme and under that there are several courses. So the students who all are interested in being a part of this University they all can apply for their admissions and for gathering more details regarding admission process for both the international and domestic students they can check more details regarding scholarships and fee structure on universities website.
University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge comes under top 10 Universities, it is ranked on 3rd position and it is noted as top 2nd University under the list of offering best Law and Legal studies programmes in United Kingdom. It is collegiate research university in Cambridge, United Kingdom and it was founded in year 1209 and granted a Royal Charter by King Henry III in 1231, Cambridge is the second oldest University in English speaking world and the world’s fourth oldest surviving University. The University grew out of an association of scholars who left the University of Oxford after a dispute with town’s people. Cambridge formed from a variety of institution includes 31 semi-autonomous constituent colleges.
The basic information about the University is given as:
The University of Cambridge is a confederation of Departments, Schools, Faculties and Colleges
Their mission is to contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence. Their core values are freedom of thought and expression, and freedom from discrimination.
The University also offers ample number of Scholarships to their students with different schemes under it and also with fee reduction scheme. The students who all are interested can apply for any of the scholarships.
The programmes and courses offered by the university to their students are:
Based on undergraduate programme, post graduate programme, research degree programme and short courses and these programmes include degree courses related to Law and Legal studies programme or other programmes. So the students who all are interested in being a part of this University they all can apply for their admissions and for gathering more details regarding admissions process for international and domestic students they must go and check Universities website.
London school of economics and political science

London school of economics and political science comes under top 10 universities of Unites Kingdom, it is ranked on 6th position and noted as the top 3rd university in the list of offering best Law and Legal studies programmes with excellent education system in United Kingdom. It is known as public research University Located in London and a member institute of federal University of London. It was founded in 1895 by FABIAN society member Sydney Web, Beatrice Web, graham Walls and George Bernard Shaw for the betterment of the society. The University joined the University of London in 1900 and established its first degree course under the auspices of the University in 1901. The University started awarding its own degree in its own name in 2008.
The basic information offered by the University is based on:
The University has total 28 departments. The School has grown from 200 students in 1895 to around 11,000 students and 3,000 staff today. We have count 18 Nobel Prize winners among our staff and alumni, and numerous world leaders. They’re from more than 160 countries, and they have a global network of more than 145,000 alumni. With an ever-growing alumni community spanning six continents, LSE is a gateway to global citizenship.
In 2020 we became the eighth full member of CIVICA – The European University of Social Sciences.
The programmes and courses offered by the University to their students are:
Include undergraduate programme, graduate programme and research degree programmes and short courses and these all programmes include courses related to Law and Legal studies. The university offers scholarships to their students. So the students who all are interested in being a part of this University they can apply for their admissions and for collecting more details they must go and check Universities website.
Kings College London
Kings College London comes under top 10 universities of United Kingdom it is ranked on top 15th position and it is ranked as top 4th university for offering best Law and Legal studies programmes and courses for pursuing higher studies in London United Kingdom. It is ranked on 31st position in overall worlds ranking. King’s College London is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom, and a founding college and member institution of the federal University of London.
Their strategic vision says:
To make world a better place. Since their foundation in 1829, their students and staff have dedicated themselves in the service of society.
Their Strategic Vision, launched in January 2017 takes them to their 200th anniversary in 2029 and builds upon their history of making a full contribution to society.
They will continue to focus on world-leading education, research and service and will have an increasingly proactive role to play in a more interconnected, complex world.
The programmes offered by the university to their students are:
Those include undergraduate, postgraduate, international students, study abroad, summer programmes, executive education, Short course and etc.
And all these programmes include several different courses according to subjects, field and student’s interest.
So the students who all are interested in being a part of this university or want to start their higher studies in this university they all can apply for their admissions either it is domestic student or international students for both of them they have different admission criteria for collecting more details regarding admissions student’s must go and visit universities website.
thank you
by mohita saxena
Also read: Top 4 universities in UK for Humanities