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3 Books for working professional to start a business

Books really make a difference in our ideas and in our personal traits.

Books tend to change  our perspective and take us to view the full 360 degree of a situation.

Today, I am going to list 3 must read books before you start your business as a working professional or by switching careers.

Crushing It

How great entrepreneurs build their business and influence – and how you can too.

By Gary Vaynerchuk 

He is an influencer and an entrepreneur himself.

Description :

Four-times this book has hit ‘The New York Times’ bestselling book list.

Author Gary Vaynerchuk has offered new lessons and inspiration taken from the experiences of many influencers and entrepreneurs, who rejected the predictable and typical corporate path in favor of pursuing their dreams and passion by building successful businesses and extraordinary personal brands of their own.

Random review for this book from Play Store:

Taylor Reed quoted this review on Play Store and rated 5 stars.

“I was able to become a full time entrepreneur at 22 which has been my dream for years. Thank you so much Gary, you have impacted my life and I could not be more grateful.”

Dimitriy Tyutyunik quoted this review on Play Store and rated 5 stars.

It opens your mind to the past, present and untapped future market. Real life examples are always an added benefit. Truly appreciate the material.

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Zero To One

Notes on startups, or how to build the future.

By Peter Thiel with Blake Masters

In this book’s description on Playstore you can find reviews from Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Nassim Nicholas Taleb.


This book helps you evolve your creativity and shows that you cannot be successful by copying the ideas of successful people.

This book teaches you to create something of your own which you know how to do best in the world by getting it mastered by adding more of something similar. 

It is how to reach your goal and how to get it done.

This is the top selling book in the business and finance genre.

Random review of this book from Play Store:

Sunny Chandru Mahbubani quoted this review on Play Store and rated 5 stars.

“This a fantastic book on the latest technology and where the tech might be headed in the future. Not only Peter Thiel talks about technology, he also briefly touches on other advanced topics such as string theory and financial crisis. I highly suggest you to read this book.”

Harshan Vallabh quoted this review on Play Store and rated 5 stars.

“Peter Thiel’s ideas are simply just different.His whole concept of economic theory is different to what we learn in school and its practical experience being at the heart of the technology revolution. Reading this book gives one insight as to which problems to solve in future. Like he said, there’s a need to go from 0 to 1 and not from 1 to n. Lots of people can do the latter.”

To buy

Thinking, Fast and Slow

By Daniel Kahneman

Daniel Kahneman’s book has been the international bestseller. He is awarded with the Nobel prize.


In the iconic book, the author tells us the difference and the impact of how we think affects our life.

He teaches us through his book about a way of thinking which relieves us from stress and how we can turn tables in our professional and personal lives.

He has categorized thinking in two ways, one is fast and intuitive and second is slow and rational.

And gives thoughts about why we think some things in our life in a particular way and in obvious ways.

Random review of this book from Play Store:

Ben Gillingham quoted this review on Play Store and rated 5 stars.

“This book is a masterpiece, head and shoulders above any I have read about human behaviour. It is densely packed- I learned new lessons in every chapter and couldn’t manage more than a couple chapters in a sitting. It is so beautifully written, with a light-hearted, humble style, which makes complex subject matter accessible to someone (like me) who has never studied this subject.”

S Shakeel Ahmed quoted this review on Play Store and rated 5 stars.

“If you are totally confused and don’t know what is going on with you. This book will give you direction. Wonderful book recommend everyone.”

To buy


Everyone must read a book as it improves your vocabulary and knowledge but it helps long term benefits like you will decrease the risk of dementia in older age and it changes here introjection and personality traits into positive direction.

Being a working professional if you decide to start a business, then with all the pressure of maintaining financial balance, you may think it might be a bad idea to start a business with the risk of losses.

Rather than thinking cynical you must read these books mentioned above which will really change your perspective and open your mind and prepare you to be an Entrepreneur and start your own company.

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8 inspirational books for 12th students

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