Indian institute of management Calcutta
Indian institute of management Calcutta comes under top 10 institutes in India for providing best management programs and it is ranked under top 10 colleges list of India’s best institutes. Indian Institute of Management Calcutta is a public business school located in Joka, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. The institute was the first Indian Institute of Management to be established, and has been recognized as an Institute of National Importance by the government of India. It is one of the best college and the students who all are planning to start their higher studies in management field they all can be a part of this university because they offers best programs with good education system.
Information about the college
The Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC) was established as the first national institute for Post-Graduate studies and Research in Management by the Government of India in November 1961 in collaboration with Alfred P. Sloan School of Management (MIT), the Government of West Bengal, The Ford Foundation and Indian industry. During its initial years, several prominent faculty formed part of its nucleus, including Jagdish Sheth, J. K. Sengupta, among others.
Over the years, IIMC has grown into a mature institution with global reputation, imparting high quality management education. It has been playing a pioneering role in professionalising Indian management through its Post Graduate and Doctoral level programs, Executive Training Programs, Research and Consulting Activities. Today, the institute serves as an autonomous body, continually evolving to meet its goals in an ever-changing business environment.
Their mission and strategy
The mission of the Institute is to develop innovative and ethical future leaders capable of managing change and transformation in a globally competitive environment and to advance the theory and practice of management.
Core Institutional Values: We shall strive to develop and sustain the following values to provide the context for all our programs and activities –
- Excellence,
- Academic Freedom,
- Commitment,
- Responsiveness to Societal Needs,
- Creativity,
- Openness,
- Diversity with Synergy
Their vision and values
The vision of the Institute is to emerge as an International Centre of Excellence in all facets of Management Education, rooted in Indian ethos and societal values. Over the past four decades, IIM Calcutta has blossomed into one of Asia’s finest Business Schools. Its strong ties to the business community make it an effective mechanism for the promotion of professional management practices in Indian organizations. Today, IIM Calcutta attracts the best talent in India – a melting pot of academia, industry and research. The best and brightest young men and women pursue its academic programs.
The residential experience is a foundation of the IIMC culture, which includes teamwork and the building of lifelong relationships. Students and partners live on or near campus, making social events and shared activities a way of life.
From our core curriculum of general management skills to advanced electives and seminars, our students have exceptional access to a preeminent faculty of thought leaders, all of whom teach in the MBA program.
The programs offered by the institute
The doctoral program in management
It includes the following specialization like Economics, Finance & Control, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior, Public Policy and Management, and Strategic Management.
The doctoral Program in disciplines related to management includes the following specialization i.e. Operations Research & Systems Analysis, Regional Development, and Sociology.
Master of business administration- this degree is designed to train students with excellent leadership skills so that they can do decision making with broad strategic vision. This full-time two year residential program views management as an integrated process and helps students develop a global view and respond effectively to changes in the economic, technological, cultural and political environment.
The degree in management is at post graduate level has two- tier structure: it consists of core curriculum (the compulsory credit course and non- credit courses) they also offer a summer internship and elective courses (optional courses in second year). The first year is committed to developing business fundamentals through compulsory courses spanning the areas of economics, finance, marketing, operations, systems and organizational behavior. The second year offers more number of electives than any other B-School in India, the flexibility ensuring that a student never makes a compromise with his desired area of pursuit. The students take deeper interest in their topics that much skill full they can develop their personality in management program.

MBA for executive program
MBA for Executives Program is IIM Calcutta’s One Year Full Time Residential Program meant for Executives with more than five years of professional experience. IIM Calcutta is the first management institute in the country to be Triple Crowned – to be accredited by AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS, i.e., accredited by all the three major accreditation agencies in the world for management education. Only 5 other business schools in Asia and 73 business schools around the world are currently ‘Triple Accredited’.
It provides mid-career professionals the ideal platform to augment their existing skill sets as they endeavour to armour themselves for senior and top management roles in the industry.
PGPEX- VLM (post graduate programme for executive for visionary leadership in manufacturing)
PGPEX-VLM is a unique program that full fills the current industry’s growing demand for techno-managerial leaders who shape the Neo-industrial revolution. This one year full time residential program has a built in manufacturing focus that helps to appreciate an industry’s metamorphosis in competitive times. The course is being conducted jointly by 3 premier institutes of India viz.
PGDBA (post graduate diploma in business analytics)
It is jointly offered by IIM Calcutta, IIT Kharagpur, and ISI – aims to help shape the emerging profession of business analytics by delivering a cutting edge inter disciplinary educational experience to graduate applicants with an aspiration of building a career in this field.
PGDBA is a two year full time residential diploma program aimed at creating business analytics professionals employable by leading Indian and foreign firms.
Two more programs are offered by the institution
Executive education and CEMS MIM the students who all are interested in being a part of this university they all can apply for their admissions.
Admission criteria and details
10+2+4: Minimum of 60% marks, or CGPA 6.5 on a 10-point scale, or equivalent, in the BS/B Tech/BE or equivalent Level OR
10+2+5: Minimum of 60% marks, or CGPA 6.5 on a 10-point scale, or equivalent, in the Integrated Masters/B(ARCH)/MBBS or equivalent Level OR
10+2+3+2: Minimum of 60% marks, or CGPA 6.5 on a 10-point scale, or equivalent, in the Masters Level
For SC/ ST and Person with Disabilities (PWD) category candidates, the qualifying marks for eligibility shall be 55%, or CGPA 6.0 on a 1.
Candidates, who are in the final year, are also eligible to apply provided they appear in the final examination and complete other academic requirements as specified above by May 31, 2018. For such cases, admission will be provisional subject to meeting the eligibility criteria as mentioned above. Proof of having passed the qualifying degree with required eligibility, as specified above should be submitted by October 31, 2018.
For collecting more details regarding admission process students must go and visit universities website for more details.
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