The demand for MBAs in International Business is increasing as the world becomes smaller and economic interdependence among countries grows. MBA in International Business has become one of India’s most popular specialized MBA programs due to rising corporate and industry demand. It’s presently a popular field of study with a bright future. MBA in International Business integrates key areas of international competition, streamlining international business management peculiarities, cooperation, increasing market share, and maximizing profit not merely by exporting and importing business, but also through international financial services management, a global consultancy, marketing, the finest use of international logistics & supply chain.
Best Colleges for doing MBA in International Business
Several of India’s top MBA colleges support excellent domestic and international positional play in MBA International Business Management.
1. Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi
Jamia Millia Islamia is among India’s largest educational universities and has its origins in an era of pre-independence and its heritage in support of distinguished figures such as Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore. Jamia Millia Islamia was conceived as a national institution to provide students from all communities throughout India, especially Muslims, with advanced education and nationalist insights. Jamia Millia Islamia University (JMI) seems to have become adobe for an educational system with a diverse range of subjects including schooling, graduation, graduate and graduate studies, doctoral studies as well as post-grad studies. With its 9 faculties, 38 academic departments, 27 learning, and research centers, JMI tends to attract and brightest students from all over the nation and regions.

2. School of Management Dr. DY Patil University, Mumbai
The Management College, Dr. DY Patil University, was founded in 2002 in Navi Mumbai. The campus is approved by the All India Technical Education Council and identified by the Commission of University Grant (UGC). DYPUSM courses comprise BA and MBA programs in a variety of fields. DYPUSM is a Dr. DY Patil University constituting college.
3. Christ University, Bangalore
In 1969, Bangalore Christ University was founded as Christ College. Autonomy was conferred on the Christ College in 2004 by the Indian University Grants Commission (UGC). In 2008, the Government of India’s Human Resources Deutschland Ministry proclaimed it to be a university throughout the name of Christ University pursuant to section 3 of the UGC Act of 1956. The Christ University includes Arts and Humanity, Social Sciences, Sciences, Trade, Management, Social Sciences, and Business Studies, Engineering, Law, and Architecture. It provides many programs.
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4. MIT School of Management (MITSOM), Pune
MIT School of Management (MITSOM), Pune was founded in 1987 and became the first MAEER flagship school and the first MIT Group of Institutions Management Education and Information Technology School. MITSOM offers post-graduate projects for enterprise administration, computer applications, level of business civic welfare, hospitals, health, and sports management.
5. Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi
The Government of India founded the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade in Delhi in 1963. The main objective of the Institute was to make Indian foreign trade management operations more professionally involved. The Indian Trade Institute in Delhi is situated in the Qutub Institutional Area, in New Delhi, and is spread over a 6-acre campus. IIFT Delhi offers management, economic, foreign trade, and international business programs. IT provides both certificates as well as post-graduate programs.

6. Institute of Management Studies Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
In the year 1968, Varanasi was established as the Institute of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University. Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya is funding this institute. It’s also called BHU FMS. The Institute received the status of Independent Faculty in 1984. In 2001, FMS BHU was awarded the All India Council for Technical Education as one of the Quality Improvement Program Centres. The Institute provides students with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA), Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA – IB) and, a Master of Business Administration – Agricultural Business Administration (AGBA), Diploma, and Ph.D. courses.
7. University Business School Panjab University, Chandigarh
In 1995 the University Business School was created. It was previously known as the Commerce and Business Administration Department. University Grant Commission has been recognized as a Special Assistance Program for supply chain management, business finance accounting and financial reporting, investment decisions, and innovative funding (with special reference to corporate responsibility) and the HRAs. The University Grants Commission’s program includes the following threshold areas. Special Welfare services have been adopted.
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8. Doon Business School, Dehradun
DBS is a private college founded by the Eskay Education Trust in 2007. It is a private university. The Institute’s campus spans an area of 1 hectare. The vision of DBS Dehradun is to be a recognized national governance school. The institution consists of 43 faculty members and offers university and postgraduate studies. AICTE and UGC approve the courses offered in the College. Uttarakhand Technical University is affiliated with the MBA and BBA + MBA Integrated Classes.
9. Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara
The Business School is a Lovely Professional University institution. The b-school is a private school for business. ACBSP accredited Mittal Business School, LPU. The University Grants Commission acknowledges the business school. Mittal School of Business is a member of Lovely University. The school’s vision and mission are to develop experts and businesspeople through quality training and to be an established professional university.
10. GD Goenka School of Management, Gurgaon
GD Goenka University is a Gurgaon, Haryana private university. The Haryana Private Universities (Amendment) Act 2013 established the GD Goenka Group It focuses on educating students through integrated, innovative, real worth teaching and research. GD Goenka University has been profiled as a higher education thought leader by Forbes Magazine.

11. Pondicherry University, Puducherry
The University of Pondicherry was created by an Act of Parliament in October 1985. Situated in Kalapet, 10Km from Pondicherry town, PU Puducherris is a central university. The university is situated on a picturesque bay of Bengal, over 800 acres. The National Institutional Ranking Framework in the 2020 classification ranked Pondicherry Universities 58th.
By: Poorva Meshram