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CAT Syllabus 2023:Overview,Syllabus,Important topic,Faq

CAT syllabus 2023 includes Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) and Quantitative Aptitude (QA). The syllabus of CAT exam is prescribed by the Indian Institute of Management and is said to be one the toughest exam syllabus among all MBA entrance exams in India.

Primary themes to center whereas covering the CAT 2023 syllabus ought to be Math, Polynomial math, Geometry, Rate, Charts, Coding-Decoding, Arrangement Completion, etc. as most of the questions will be inquired from these. In VARC area, most of the questions are inquired from Perusing Comprehension so candidates must center on it. The CAT 2023 notice has been discharged. No alter within the CAT syllabus has been declared. Studied underneath all the subtle elements related to the CAT syllabus 2023.

Cat Syllabus

Overview of the CAT Syllabus 2023

The CAT question paper 2023 will be based on VARC, DILR and Quantitative Aptitude topics Take a look at the detailed CAT syllabus 2023 and best books for CAT preparation below:

  • The VARC section of CAT exam syllabus for MBA covers various topics of English Grammar, Verbal Reasoning and Reading Comprehension.
  • The Quantitative Aptitude section of CAT syllabus includes all the topics of Mathematics from Class 9 to 10 such as Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry and Mensuration.
  • The DILR syllabus of CAT exam includes topics that require analytical interpretation of data presented in the form of Puzzles, Pie Charts, Tables and Bar Graphs.

Download the CAT 2023 Syllabus in PDF

The IIM that is hosting the test has not provided the CAT syllabus 2023 PDF. However, the CAT curriculum is available for download from a number of coaching centers and test preparation websites. These PDFs cover the crucial subjects for CAT preparation. For instance, the PDF of the CAT curriculum includes:

Geometry, algebra, arithmetic, measurement, trigonometry, modern math, and its subtopics are topics for quantitative aptitude.
Data structure, data sufficiency, tables, pie charts, graphs, and their subtopics are examples of data interpretation topics.
Series, coding-decoding, family trees, blood relations, seating arrangements, assumptions, and their subtopics are examples of logical reasoning topics.
Reading comprehension, filling in the blanks, parajumble, paracompletion, vocabulary, grammar, and their related subtopics are examples of VARC topics.

You can also download CAT syllabus PDF 2023 from Shiksha website, link for which is given here: 

CAT Syllabus PDF

Syllabus 2023 for CAT VARC

The first component of the CAT exam is called VARC, and it must be completed in 40 minutes. There are two subsections in this section: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension. RC questions make up the majority of the section. View the crucial VARC test subjects for the CAT curriculum.

CAT VARC Syllabus
Fill in the blanksPara completion and inferenceVerbal logic
Verbal reasoningSubject-verb agreementParajumbles
Sentence completionForeign language words used in EnglishDifferent usage of same word
GrammarReading comprehensionIdioms
Jumbled paragraphsSentence correctionOne word substitution
Parts of speechPrepositionTypes of clauses
Phrases modifiersErrors in tensesArticles usage


Important Topics & Weightage for CAT VARC

In CAT syllabus, the VARC segment as said prior, incorporates four major sub-topics– RC, Parajumbles, Verbal Capacity and Sentences. Composition of the VARC area is more often than not the same.

VARC SectionNo. of QuestionsLevel of Difficulty
Reading Comprehension16Moderate to Difficult
VA-Parajumbles3Moderate to Difficult
VA-Odd Sentence2Easy to Moderate
VA-Summary3Easy to Moderate
Overall24Moderate to Difficult


Previous Year's CAT Reading Comprehension Passages

The Perusing Comprehension segment of VARC shapes the two-third portion of the primary segment of CAT address paper. There are approximately four to five RC sections with 18-24 questions. Check underneath, the Perusing Comprehension points of CAT 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018:

CAT RC Passages Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
CAT 2022
  • Ghosts & their mysteries how we can’t find their history
  • Chinese Copy of articles
  • Two levels of emotional thinking
  • Music
  • Engineering technology
  • Octopus
  • Philosophy
  • Social reorganization increasing crime rate
  • Software if more easy humans are not capable to get solutions)
  • Indian history
  • American migration / urbanization increasing
CAT 2021
  • Mayan Civilization
  • Utopia and Dystopia
  • Marshmallow Experiment
  • Evolution of Tea as a Drink
  • Language/ Indigenous People
  • Why Fiction Trumps Truth
  • Colonialism/Nationalism
  • Knowledge and Problems of Knowledge is a Scandal to Philosophy
  • Nanotechnology
  • Language Instinct
  • Time Accuracy Entropy
  • Unconscious and Psychoanalysis
CAT 2020
  • Anarchism
  • Migration of Northern Seals
  • Currency of Tang Dynasty
  • Grammar/Vocabulary
  • Investing in Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Piracy in International Trade
  • Freudian Models of Aggression
  • A Study of Visualisation
  • Travel Writing and Feminism During Colonial Times
  • The Need for Economic Literacy in the General Population
  • Screen Time and Undercurrents of Social Class
  •  An Analysis of Human Nature
CAT 2019
  • British Folk Music
  • Topophilia
  • Emperor Penguins
  • Internet Shopping and Choice Anxiety
  • Origin of Story of Alladin
  • Dense Cities
  • Google and Archaeology
  • Distributing Bureaucracy
  • Language & Culture
  • British Colonial Policy
No exam
CAT 2018
  • Genetics
  • India’s View on its Legacy of Second World War
  • Plastic Pollution
  • Elephant Society
  • Consumer Behaviour Studies
  • Grover Snails
  • Meritocracy and Diversified Teams
  • Use of Technology in Essential Services
  • Rings of Saturn and Their Age
  • Human Resource and Learning
No exam

DILR Syllabus for CAT 2023

Information Translation & Consistent Thinking (DILR) is the moment segment of the CAT address paper and is to be unraveled after the VARC segment. This segment has two sub-sections – Information Translation and Consistent Thinking. Take a see at vital themes and a few critical consistent thinking and information translation points included in CAT syllabus.

CAT DILR syllabus
Blood RelationsClocks and CalendarsSyllogism
SeriesStatementsVenn Diagram
PropositionData ArrangementData Structures
Direction SenseFamily TreeTables
Coding-DecodingBinary LogicPie Charts
AssumptionsSeating ArrangementData Sufficiency
PuzzlesSets & CaseletsBars & Line Graphs

Important Topics & Weightage for CAT DILR

CAT DILR SyllabusNo. of QuestionsLevel of Difficulty
Data Interpretation4Easy
Data Interpretation4Moderate
Logical Reasoning6Moderate to difficult
Logical Reasoning6Easy to Moderate
Overall20Moderate to difficult

CAT Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus 2023

The final part of the CAT exam, Quantitative Aptitude, must be completed in the final 40 minutes. View some of the main subjects and sections of the CAT Quantitative Aptitude syllabus:

CAT Quantitative Aptitude syllabus
Geometry Ratios and ProportionInequalities
TrigonometryIn-equations Quadratic and linear equationsWork and Time
AlgebraSurds and IndicesPercentages
MensurationTime-Speed-Distance Logarithms
Partnership (Accounts)Number SystemSquare Root and Cube Root
Profit & LossGeometric ProgressionProbability
Mean, mode, medianBinomial theoremSimple interest and compound interest

Topic wise weightage in CAT Quantitative Aptitude

The CAT Quant section as mentioned earlier, includes question from Modern Maths, Numbers, Algebra, Arithmetic and Geometry. Given below is the composition of the Quantitative Aptitude section: 

CAT Maths SyllabusNo. of QuestionsLevel of Difficulty
Modern Maths4Moderate

Important Topics for Quantitative Aptitude Section of CAT

The table below lists the key subjects covered in each chapter of the CAT Quantitative Aptitude curriculum. The following subjects must serve as the foundation for candidates’ preparation plans for the quantitative aptitude test.

CAT Syllabus: Important Topics for Quantitative Aptitude
Arithmetic Topics for CATAverages, Mean Median Mode, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss Mixtures and Allegations,Time and Work, Time Speed and Distance
Algebra Topics for CATBasics Algebraic Formulae, Linear Equations, Problems on ages, Number of integer solutions, Quadratic Equations, Finding out roots, Maxima and Minima, Higher Degree Equations, Descartes Rule of Signs, Inequalities, Logarithm, Functions, Modifications of Graphs, The Smallest Value in a Maximum Function
Number System Topics for CATBasics of Numbers, Properties of Numbers, Divisibility Rules, Divisibility and Factors, Highest Common Factor and Lowest Common Multiple, Finding Out the Last Digit, Finding Out Last Two Digits, Number of Trailing Zeroes, Finding out Remainders based on, Basic Divisibility Rules, Binomial Theorem, Simplifying the Dividend (Single and/or Multiple Divisors), Fermat’s Theorem, Euler’s Theorem, Pattern Recognition and Cyclicity of Remainders, Wilson’s Theorem, Base Systems, Conversion of Bases, Addition / Subtraction / Multiplication in different bases
Geometry Topics for CATLines and Angles, Triangles – Basic Concepts, Area, Angles, Similar Triangles, Polygons, Circles, Solids / Mensuration – 3D Geometry, Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry
Modern Maths Topics for CATSequence and Series, Binomial Theorem, Set Theory, Permutation and Combination, Probability


The syllabus of the CAT exam is divided into three sections and is as follows: Section one: This section can be further divided into two parts: the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC). The topics included are fill in the blanks, verbal logic, different usages of the same word, sentence completion, syllogisms, analogies, and prepositions, etc. Section Two: This section consists of data interpretation and logical reasoning questions (DILR). It includes topics such as Blood Relations, Data Arrangement, Pie Charts, Coding-Decoding, Bars, Line Graphs, Binary Logic, etc. Section three: This section has questions related to quantitative aptitude from topics such as ratios and proportion, geometry, surds and indices, algebra, geometric progression and probability, etc.
CAT lays a lot of emphasis on analytical skills so the questions are asked mostly from those topics which require deep learning and practice. The three sections of CAT question paper are designed in such a way that candidates have to use their ability of minute observation and fast calculation. Shared below are the section wise main topics from which questions are asked in CAT. Verbal Ability: Parajumbles, Parasummary, Sentence Completion and Inferences Reading Comprehension: Questions based on passages, Para meaning, Order of sentences Data Interpretation: Tables, Graphs, Pie Charts, Venn Diagram, Data Sufficiency Logical Reasoning: Blood Relation, Seating Arrangement, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding, Sets and Caselets, Family Tree, Assumptions Quantitative Aptitude: Geometry, Algebra Number System Modern Math, Arithmetic, Mensuration The difficulty level of CAT questions is usually moderate to high. Only a few questions are easy and quick to solve. To crack the CAT exam, one needs to pay attention to the abovementioned topics.


Yes, the difficulty level of CAT syllabus is very high as compared to other MBA entrance exams. However, if you prepare well and follow the CAT exam pattern well, you will be able to score well. Besides having an understanding of the CAT syllabus 2023, candidates also need to be well aware of the CAT exam pattern before they start preparing for the exam. The CAT exam pattern was revised in 2021 and the number of questions were reduced from 76 to 66. The structure of CAT 2022 exam was the same. The syllabus is still tougher than other exams. The most important things to keep in mind are: 1. CAT exam mode is online 2. Each question carries three marks 3. There is negative marking of minus one mark for wrong attempts The section-wise distribution of questions and difficulty levels as per the latest CAT exam pattern are tabulated below: Quantitative Ability (QA) – 24 questions, difficulty level – moderate to high Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning DILR 20 questions, difficulty level – moderate Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension VARC – 22 questions, difficulty level – moderate.


Yes, the difficulty level of CAT syllabus is very high as compared to other MBA entrance exams. However, if you prepare well and follow the CAT exam pattern well, you will be able to score well. Besides having an understanding of the CAT syllabus 2023, candidates also need to be well aware of the CAT exam pattern before they start preparing for the exam. The CAT exam pattern was revised in 2021 and the number of questions were reduced from 76 to 66. The structure of CAT 2022 exam was the same. The syllabus is still tougher than other exams. The most important things to keep in mind are: 1. CAT exam mode is online 2. Each question carries three marks 3. There is negative marking of minus one mark for wrong attempts The section-wise distribution of questions and difficulty levels as per the latest CAT exam pattern are tabulated below: Quantitative Ability (QA) – 24 questions, difficulty level – moderate to high Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning DILR 20 questions, difficulty level – moderate Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension VARC – 22 questions, difficulty level – moderate.


Aspirants should start preparing for CAT exam at least nine months in before the test date. CAT preparation requires long-term planning thus one must start early. They can also join coaching institutes for focused preparation. So, the best time to start CAT preparation in March. Starting early will also help you assess that whether you need to join a coaching institute or not. Divide your preparation into two phases – 1. Covering the syllabus 2. Practicing mock tests, sample questions and revision. The CAT syllabus includes the following topics: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension: Parajumbles, Parasummary, Sentence Completion and Inferences, Questions based on passages, para meaning, order of sentences Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning: Tables, Graphs, Pie Charts, Venn Diagram, Blood Relation, Seating Arrangement, Caselets and Syllogism Quantitative Aptitude: Geometry, Algebra Number System Arithmetic, Mensuration You can read the following CAT books for exam preparation: 1. CAT Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning by Gautam Puri 2. Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit K Sinha 3. Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency by Ananta Ashisha 4. How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT by Arun Sharma 5. How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay 6. 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary Mass Market Paperback by Wilfred Funk and Norman Lewis/ Simon and Schuster 7. How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT by Sharma and Upadhyay 8. High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin 9. How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT by Arun Sharma 10. Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Nishit Sinha 11. Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT by Sarvesh Sharma 12. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by Abhijit Guha.

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