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JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022 : Syllabus

Welcome to JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022, the official website of the National Testing Agency (NTA) dedicated to the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main for the year 2022. Aspirants embarking on their journey towards engineering excellence find a wealth of resources and information tailored to their needs on this platform. This introduction serves as a guide to understanding the significance of JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022, particularly focusing on the syllabus section.

  • Introduction

Unlocking the Path to Success

JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022 stands as a beacon of hope and opportunity for engineering aspirants across the nation. At the heart of this platform lies a meticulously curated syllabus section, designed to guide aspirants through the complexities of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main. Aspirants embarking on their journey towards engineering excellence find invaluable resources and insights within this section, serving as a roadmap to navigate the examination with confidence and precision.

Comprehensive Syllabus Coverage

Delving into JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022’s syllabus section unveils a treasure trove of information, offering a comprehensive breakdown of subjects, topics, and weightage distribution. With detailed insights into the syllabus, aspirants gain a clear understanding of the examination’s scope and depth, empowering them to tailor their preparation strategies effectively. Whether it’s mathematics, physics, or chemistry, the syllabus section acts as a guiding light, illuminating the path to success in the JEE Main examination.

Equipping Aspirants for Success

JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022’s syllabus section serves as a vital tool in aspirants’ preparation journey, equipping them with the essential resources and knowledge needed to excel in the examination. By providing access to study materials, practice questions, and weightage analysis, the platform empowers aspirants to streamline their preparation, identify key areas of focus, and maximize their performance on exam day. With JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022 as their trusted companion, aspirants embark on their quest for engineering excellence with confidence and determination.

JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022



  • Algebra: Quadratic equations, complex numbers, sequences and series, permutations and combinations.
  • Calculus: Limits, continuity, derivatives, integration, differential equations.
  • Coordinate Geometry: Straight lines, circles, conic sections.
  • Trigonometry: Trigonometric ratios, identities, equations.
  • Mathematical Reasoning: Statements and logic-based questions.
  • Statistics and Probability: Mean, median, mode, probability distribution.


  • Mechanics: Laws of motion, work, energy, power, rotational motion.
  • Thermodynamics: Laws of thermodynamics, heat transfer, kinetic theory of gases.
  • Electrostatics and Magnetism: Electric charges and fields, magnetic effects of current, electromagnetic induction.
  • Optics: Ray optics, wave optics, interference and diffraction.
  • Modern Physics: Dual nature of matter and radiation, atoms and nuclei, semiconductor devices.


  • Physical Chemistry: Atomic structure, chemical bonding, states of matter, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics.
  • Organic Chemistry: Basic principles, hydrocarbons, haloalkanes and haloarenes, alcohols, phenols and ethers, carbonyl compounds, biomolecules.
  • Inorganic Chemistry: Periodic table, chemical bonding, coordination compounds, d and f block elements, metallurgy.
  • Environmental Chemistry: Environmental pollution, green chemistry.

JEE Main 2022 Maths Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 Maths Syllabus

JEE Main Paper 1

MathematicsSets, Relations and Functions
  • Sets and their represention
  • Union
  • Intersection and complement of sets and their algebraic properties
  • Power set
  • Relation
  • Types of relations
  • Equivalence relations
  • Functions
  • One-one, into and onto functions
  • Composition of functions
 Complex number and Quadratic Equations
  • Complex numbers as ordered pairs or reals
  • Representation of complex numbers in the form a+ib and their representation in a plane
  • Argand diagram
  • Algebra of complex numbers
  • Modulus and argument of a complex number
  • Square root of a complex number
  • Triangle inequality
  • Quadratic equation in real and complex number system and their solutions
  • Relation between roots and co-efficients
  • Nature of roots
  • Formation of quadratic equations with given roots
 Matrices and Determinants
  • Matrices
  • Algebra of matrices
  • Types of matrices
  • Determinants and matrices of order two and three
  • Properties of determinants
  • Evaluation of determinants
  • Area of triangles using determinants
  • Adjoint and evaluation of inverse of a square matrix using determinants and elementary transformations
  • Test of consistency and solution of simultaneous linear equations in two or three variables using determinants and matrices
 Permutations and Combinations
  • Permutation as an arrangement and combination as selection
  • Meaning of P (n,r) and C (n,r). simple applications
 Mathematical Induction
  • Principle of Mathematical Induction and its simple applications.
 Binomial theorem and its simple applications
  • Binomial theorem for a positive integral index
  • General term and middle term
  • Properties of Binomial coefficients and simple applications
 Sequences and Series
  • Arithmetic and Geometric progressions
  • Insertion of arithmetic, geometric means berween two given numbers
  • Relation between A.M. and G.M. Sum upto n terms of special series Sn, Sn2, Sn3
  • Arithmetico-Geometric progression
 Limit, Continuity and Differentiability
  • Real
  • Valued functions
  • Algebra of functions
  • Polynomial functions
  • Rational Functions
  • Trigonometric Functions
  • Logarithmic and expotentials functions
  • Inverse functions
  • Graphs of simple functions
  • Limits, continuity and differentiability
  • Differentiation or the sum and difference
  • Product and quotient of two functions
  • Difftrentiation of trigonometric
  • Inverse trigonometric
  • Logarithmic exponential
  • Composite and implicit functions
  • Derivatives of order upto two
  • Rolle’s and Lagrange’s Mean value Theorems
  • Applications of derivatives
  • Rate of change of quantities
  • Monotonic – increasing and decreasing functions
  • Maxima and minima of functions of one variable
  • Tangents and normals
 Integrals Calculus
  • Integral as an anti -derivative
  • Fundamental integrals involving algebraic, trigonometric , Exponential and logarithmic functions
  • Integration by substitution, by parts and by partial fractions
  • Integration using trigonometric identities
  • Integral as limit or a sum
  • Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  • Properties of definite integrals
  • Evaluation of definite integrals
  • determining areas of the regions bounded by simple curves in standard form
 Differential Equations
  • Ordinary differential equations and their order and degree
  • Formation of differential equations
  • Solution of differential equations by the method of seperations of variables
  • Solution of homogeneous and linear differential equations

JEE Main 2022 Physics Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 Physics Syllabus

UnitChapter nameTopics
1Physics and measurement
  • Physics, technology, and society, S I Units, fundamental and derived units, least count,
  • accuracy and precision of measuring instruments, Errors in measurement,
  • Dimensions of Physics quantities, dimensional analysis, and its applications.
  • The frame of reference, motion in a straight line, Position- time graph, speed and velocity (Uniform and non-uniform motion),
  • average speed and instantaneous velocity, uniformly accelerated motion, velocity-time, position-time graph,
  • relations for uniformly accelerated motion, Scalar and Vector quantity,
  • Vector. Addition and subtraction, zero vector, scalar and vector products, Unit Vector,
  • Resolution of a Vector. Relative Velocity, Motion in a plane, Projectile Motion, Uniform Circular Motion.
3Laws of motion
  • Force and inertia, Newton’s First law of motion; Momentum,
  • Newton’s Second Law of motion, Newton’s Third Law of motion, Impulse, Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications.
  • Equilibrium of concurrent forces. Static and Kinetic friction,
  • laws of friction, rolling friction. Circular motion, centripetal force and its applications.
4Work, Energy and Power
  • Work done by a content force and a variable force,
  • kinetic and potential energy, work-energy theorem, power,
  • The potential energy of spring, conservation of mechanical energy,
  • conservative and non conservative forces, Elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two dimensions.
  • The universal law of gravitation, Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude and depth.
  • Kepler’s law of planetary motion, Gravitational potential energy( gravitational potential)l,
  • Escape velocity, Orbital velocity of a satellite. Geostationary satellites
6Rotational motion
  • Center of the mass of a two-particle system, Center of the mass of a rigid body,Basic concepts of rotational motion(a moment of a force),
  • torque, angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum and its applications(the moment of inertia),
  • the radius of gyration, Values of moments of inertia for simple geometrical objects,
  • parallel and perpendicular axes theorems and their applications, Rigid body rotation equations of rotational motion.

JEE Main 2022 Chemistry syllabus

JEE Main 2022 Chemistry syllabus

Physical chemistry

UnitChapter nameTopics
1Some basics concepts in chemistry
  • Matter and its nature, Dalton’s atomic theory: Concept of atom, molecule, elements and compound,
  • Physical quantities and their measurements in Chemistry, Precision and accuracy, significant figures and S.I.Units
  • dimensional analysis: Laws of chemical combination, Atomic and molecular masses, mole concept,
  • molar mass, empirical and molecular formulae, Chemical equations and stoichiometry
2States of matter

Topics are classified in three parts

  • Solid Classification of solids: molecular, ionic, covalent and metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline solids (elementary idea),

Bragg’s Law and its applications, Unit cell and lattices, packing in solids,voids, calculations involving unit cell parameters, an imperfection in solids, Electrical and magnetic properties

  • Liquid Properties of liquids-vapor pressure, viscosity and surface tension, effect of temperature on them
  • Gaseous Measurable properties of gasses: Gas laws – Boyle’s law, Charle’s law, Graham’s law of diffusion, Avogadro’s law,

Dalton’s law of partial pressure, Concept of Absolute scale of temperature, Ideal gas equation, Kinetic theory of gasses,

Concept of average, root mean square and most probable velocities, Real gasses, deviation from Ideal behavior,

compressibility factor, and van der Waals equation

3Atomic structure
  • Thomson and Rutherford atomic models and their limitations, Nature of electromagnetic radiation, photoelectric effect;
  • Spectrum of the hydrogen atom, Bohr model of a hydrogen atom and its postulates, derivation of the relations for the energy of the electron and radii of the different orbits,
  • limitations of Bohr’s model, Dual nature of matter, De Broglie’s relationship. Heisenberg uncertainty principle,
  • Elementary ideas of quantum mechanics, quantum mechanics, the quantum mechanical model of the atom and its important features,
  • Concept of atomic orbitals as one-electron wave functions, variations in various quantum numbers and their significance,shapes of s, p, and d – orbitals,
  • electron spin and spin quantum number, Rules for filling electrons in orbitals – Aufbau principle. Pauli’s exclusion principle and Hund’s rule,
  • electronic configuration of elements, extra stability of half filled and completely filled orbitals

Organic chemistry

Organic chemistry

UnitChapter nameTopics
1Purification and characteristics of organic compounds
  • Purification Crystallization, sublimation, distillation, differential extraction, and chromatography principles and their applications
  • Qualitative analysis Detection of nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, and halogens.
  • Quantitative analysis Estimation of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, halogens, sulphur, phosphorus,

Calculations of empirical formula and molecular formulae, Numerical problems in organic quantitative analysis.

2Some basic principle of organic chemistry
  • Tetravalency of carbon: Shapes of simple molecules, hybridization (s and p),
  • Classification of organic compounds based on functional groups and those containing halogens, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur, Homologous series, Isomerism structural and stereoisomerism.
  • Nomenclature Covalent bond fission- Homolytic and heterolytic, free radicals, carbocations, and carbanions, stability of carbocations and free radicals, electrophiles, and nucleophilesInductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance, and hyperconjugation, Substitution, addition, elimination, and rearrangement.

nomenclature, general methods of preparation, properties, and reactions

  • Alkanes Conformations- Sawhorse and Newman projections of ethane, Mechanism of halogenation of alkanes
  • Alkenes Geometrical isomerism, Mechanism of electrophilic addition- addition of hydrogen, halogens, water, hydrogen halides (Markownikoffs and peroxide effect), Ozonolysis and polymerization
  • Alkynes Acidic character, Addition of hydrogen, halogens, water and hydrogen halides, Polymerization
  • Aromatic hydrocarbons Nomenclature, benzene: structure and aromaticity, Mechanism of electrophilic substitution, halogenation, nitration Friedel – Crafts, alkylation and acylation, directive influence of the functional group in monosubstituted benzene
4Organic compounds containing halogens
  • General methods of preparation, properties, and reactions, Nature of C-X bond,
  • Mechanisms of substitution reactions, Uses, Environmental effects of chloroform, iodoform freons, and DDT

Inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

UnitChapter nameTopics
1Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
  • Modem periodic law and present form of the periodic table s, p, d and f block elements, periodic trends in properties of elements,
  • atomic and ionic radii, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, valence, oxidation states, and chemical reactivity
2General principles and processes of isolation of metals
  • Modes of occurrence of elements in nature, minerals, ores, Steps involved in the extraction of metals,
  • concentration, reduction ( chemical and electrolytic methods), and refining with special reference to the extraction of AL Cu, Zn, and Fe,
  • Thermodynamic and electrochemical principles involved in the extraction of metals
  • Position of hydrogen in periodic table, isotopes, preparation, properties and uses of hydrogen,
  • Physical and chemical properties of water and heavy water, Structure, preparation, reactions, and uses of hydrogen peroxide,
  • Classification of hydrides ionic, covalent, and interstitial, Hydrogen as a fuel
4S-block elements( Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)
  • Group -1 and 2 Elements General introduction, electronic configuration and general trends in physical and chemical properties of elements,
  • anomalous properties of the first element of each group, diagonal relationships, Preparation and properties of some important compounds,
  • sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide and sodium hydrogen carbonate,Industrial uses of lime, limestone,
  • Plaster of Paris and cement, Biological significance of Na, K. Mg, and Ca.


Conclusion: Navigating Success with JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022

Aspirants embarking on their journey towards engineering excellence find JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022 to be an indispensable ally, particularly with its detailed syllabus section. This platform, hosted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), serves as a beacon of guidance and support, offering a comprehensive roadmap for aspirants preparing for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main.

Empowering Aspirants for Success

JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022’s syllabus section acts as a compass, guiding aspirants through the vast expanse of topics and concepts essential for the examination. By providing detailed insights into subjects, chapters, and weightage distribution, the platform empowers aspirants to craft effective study plans, optimize their preparation strategies, and maximize their performance on exam day.

A Gateway to Engineering Excellence

In conclusion, JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022’s syllabus section is more than just a compilation of topics; it’s a testament to the dedication and commitment of engineering aspirants striving for excellence. Aspirants are encouraged to leverage this platform, utilize its resources, and embark on their preparation journey with confidence and determination. With JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022 as their trusted companion, aspirants navigate the path to engineering success with clarity, focus, and resilience.


The JEE Main syllabus can be accessed on the JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022 website under the “Syllabus” section. It provides a detailed breakdown of subjects, topics, and weightage distribution.

While the core topics remain consistent, minor updates or revisions may occur in the syllabus from year to year. It’s essential to refer to the latest syllabus available on JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022 for accurate preparation.

Yes, aspirants can download the JEE Main syllabus in PDF format from the JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022 website for offline reference and study purposes.

Yes, JEEMain.NTA.NIC.In 2022 offers various additional resources such as sample question papers, mock tests, and study guides to supplement the syllabus. These resources aid aspirants in their preparation for the examination.

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