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KCET Physics Question Paper Answer Key

KCET Physics Question Paper Answer Key : One of the most popular tests for students hoping to enroll in undergraduate programs in engineering, technology, and other subjects in Karnataka is the Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET). The KCET Physics paper is one of the more difficult components to complete. This blog will cover all the information you require on the KCET Physics question paper answer key, including its importance and practical applications for evaluating your performance and being ready for tests in the future.

MAT Exam Question Paper

Understanding the KCET Physics Question Paper

The purpose of the KCET Physics question paper is to assess students’ application skills, problem-solving ability, and comprehension of basic physics principles. The majority of the questions are from the Karnataka PUC (Pre-University Course) syllabus, which covers material from both Classes 11 and 12.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy, and Power comprise mechanics.
  • Heat, temperature, and thermodynamic processes are all part of thermodynamics.
  • Magnetism, current electricity, fields, and electric charges make up electromagnetism.
  • Light, Refraction, Reflection, and Optical Instruments comprise Optics.
  • Atomic structure, nuclear physics, and semiconductors in modern physics

Importance of KCET Physics Question Paper

For several reasons, the KCET Physics question paper answer key is a crucial tool.

Immediate Feedback:

Students anxiously await the answer key after taking the KCET exam in order to assess their performance. It helps students estimate their results by giving them instant feedback on the questions they answered correctly and incorrectly.

Identifying Mistakes:

Finding the errors committed during the exam is made easier by examining the answer key. For a knowledge of the areas that require development, this study is essential.

Understanding the Exam Pattern:

Students can better grasp the format, nature, and difficulty level of the test by using the answer key in addition to the question paper. It is essential for aspiring candidates to comprehend this.

Preparation for Future Exams:

Using past year’s question papers and answer keys as a practice will help students who will be taking the KCET in the near future prepare well. It facilitates becoming acquainted with the structure and kind of questions on the test.

KCET 2024 Physics Answers for All Questions (Unofficial)

2024 Physics Answers

KCET Physics Question Paper Answer Key
S.NO Questions Answers
1 The ratio of molar-specific heats of oxygen is (A) 1.4 (B) 1.67 (C) 1.33 (D) 1.28 A (1.4)
2 For a particle executing simple harmonic motion (SHM), at its mean position (A) Velocity is zero and acceleration is maximum (B) Velocity is maximum and acceleration is zero (C) Both velocity and acceleration are maximum (D) Both velocity and acceleration are zero B (Velocity is maximum and acceleration is zero)
3 A motor-cyclist moving towards a huge cliff with a speed of 18 kmh-1, blows a horn of source frequency 325 Hz. If the speed of the sound in air is 330 ms-1, the number of beats heard by him is (A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 10 (D) 7 B (4)
4 A body has a charge of ~3.24μC. The number of excess electrons it has is (A) 5.12 x 1025 (B) 5 x 1012 (C)2 x 1013 (D)5.12 x 1013 C (2 x 1013)
5 A point charge A of +104μC and another point charge B of +204μC are kept 1m apart in free space. The electrostatic force on A due to B is F1 and the electrostatic force on B due to A is F2. Then (A) F1 = -2F2 (B) F1 = -F2 (C) 2F1 = -F2 (D) F1 = F2 B (F1 = -F2)
6 A uniform electric field E = 3 x 105 NC-1 is acting along the positive Y-axis. The electric flux through a rectangle of area 10cm x 30cm whose plane is parallel to the Z-X plane is (A) 12 x 103 Vm (B) 9 x 103 Vm (C) 15 x 103 Vm (D) 18 x 103 Vm B (9 x 103 Vm)
7 The total electric flux through a closed spherical surface of radius ‘r’ enclosing an electric dipole of dipole moment 2aq is (Give ε0 = permittivity of free space) (A) Zero (B) q/ε0 (C) 2q/ε0 (D) 8πr2q/ε0 A (Zero)
8 Under electrostatic condition of a charged conductor, which among the following statements is true? (A) The electric field on the surface of a charged conductor is σ/2ε0, where σ is the surface charge density (B) The electric potential inside a charged conductor is always zero (C) Any excess charge resides on the surface of the conductor (D) The net electric field is tangential to the surface of the conductor C (Any excess charge resides on the surface of the conductor)
9 A cube of side 1 cm contains 100 molecules each having an induced dipole moment of 6 x 0.2 x 10-6 C – m in an external electric field of 1.4 NC-1. The electric susceptibility of the materials is _____ C2 N-1 m-2 (A) 50 (B) 5 (C) 0.5 (D) 0.05 B (5)
10 A capacitor of capacitance 5 μF is charged by a battery of emf 10V. At an instant of time, the potential difference across the capacitors is 4V and the time rate of change of potential difference across the capacitor is 0.6 Vs-1. Then the time rate at which energy is stored in the capacitor at the instant is (A) 12 μW (B) 3 μW (C) Zero (D) 30 μW A (12 μW)
S.NO Questions Answers
11 In an experiment to determine the temperature coefficient of resistance of a conductor, a coil of wire X is immersed in a liquid. It is heated by an external agent. A meter bridge set up is used to determine resistance of the coil X at different temperatures. The balancing points measured at temperatures t1 = 0°C and t2 = 100°C are 50 cm and 60 cm respectively. If the standard resistance taken out is S4 in both trials, the temperature coefficient of the coil is (A) 0.05°C-1 (B) 0.02°C-1 (C) 0.005°C-1 (D) 2.0°C-1 C (0.005°C-1)
12 A moving electron produces (A) only electric field (B) both electric and magnetic field (C) only magnetic field (D) neither electric nor magnetic field B (both electric and magnetic field)
13 A coil having 9 turns carrying a current produces magnetic field B1 at the centre. Now the coil is rewound into 3 turns carrying the same current. Then the magnetic field at the centre B2 is (A) B1/9 (B) 9B1 (C) 3B1 (D) B1/3 A (B1/9)
14 A particle of specific charge q/m = π C kg-1 is projected from the origin towards positive x-axis with the velocity 10 ms-1 in a uniform magnetic field B = -2k T. The velocity v of the particle after time t = 1/12 s will be (in ms-1) (A) 5(î + ĵ) (B) 5(î + √3ĵ) (C) 5(√3î + ĵ) (D) 5(√3î + ĵ) D (5(√3î + ĵ))
15 The magnetic field at the centre of a circular coil of radius R carrying current I is 64 times the magnetic field at a distance x on its axis from the centre of the coil. Then the value of x is (A) (R/4)√15 (B) R√3 (C) R/4 (D) R√15 D (R√15)
16 Magnetic hysteresis is exhibited by ________ magnetic materials. (A) only para (B) only dia (C) only ferro (D) both para and ferro C (only ferro)
17 Magnetic susceptibility of Mg at 300 K is 18 x 10-5. What is its susceptibility at 200 K? (A) 18 x 10-5 (B) 18 x 10-5 (C) 1.8 x 10-5 (D) 0.18 x 10-5 C (1.8 x 10-5)
18 A uniform magnetic field of strength B = 2 mT exists vertically downwards. These magnetic field lines pass through a closed surface as shown in the figure. The closed surface consists of a hemisphere S1, a right circular cone S2, and a circular surface S3. The magnetic flux through S1 and S2 are respectively (A) ΦS1 = -20 μWb, ΦS2 = +20 μWb (B) ΦS1 = +20 μWb, ΦS2 = +20 μWb (C) ΦS1 = -40 μWb, ΦS2 = +40 μWb (D) ΦS1 = +40 μWb, ΦS2 = -40 μWb A (ΦS1 = -20 μWb, ΦS2 = +20 μWb)
19 In the figure, a conducting ring of certain resistance is falling towards a current-carrying straight long conductor. The ring and conductor are in the same plane. Then the (A) induced electric current is zero (B) induced electric current is anticlockwise (C) induced electric current is clockwise (D) ring will come to rest C (induced electric current is clockwise)
20 An induced current of 2 A flows through a coil. The resistance of the coil is 10 Ω. What is the change in magnetic flux associated with the coil in 1 ms? (A) 0.2 x 10-2 Wb (B) 2 x 10-2 Wb (C) 22 x 10-2 Wb (D) 0.22 x 10-2 Wb B (2 x 10-2 Wb)


In order to succeed in the Karnataka Common Entrance Test, candidates should refer to the KCET Question Papers. Through the process of downloading and using this practice paper, you can improve your test readiness, confidence, and chances of scoring highly. It is advisable to integrate this exercise with additional study materials and resources to create a comprehensive approach to preparing. I wish you well as you study for the KCET!

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