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RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2023:Dates,Highlight,Pattern,Exam

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2023: The RBI Grade B Exam Templates 2023 is decided by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and after its official launch, the RBI Grade B Exam Templates will be published on the official website. The RBI Grade B exam is conducted in three phases –

Evaluation stage I
Phase II assessment

The RBI Grade B exam pattern 2023 will be different for the DSIM, DR, and DEPR. In the Prelims, the aspirants have to answer the questions of four sections and in the Mains exam, they need to attend 3 sections.

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RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2023

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2023: Highlights



Mode of exam

Grade B (DR) for General

Phase I & II: Online

Grade B (DR) for DEPR/DSIM

Paper I: Online

Paper 2: Offline

Paper 3: Online

Test duration

Grade B (DR) for General

Phase I: 120 minutes

Phase II

Paper I & III will be held for 120 minutes

Paper-II will be held for 90 minutes


Paper 1: 120 minutes

Paper 2: 180 minutes

Paper 3: 90 minutes

Nature of questions

Grade B (DR) for General

Phase I: Objective type

Phase II: Descriptive and Objective Type

Grade B (DR) for DEPR/DSIM

Paper I: Objective type

Paper II & III: Descriptive Type

Number of sections

Grade B (DR) for General

Phase I: Four

Phase II: Paper 1, 2 & 3

Grade B (DR) for DEPR

Paper I: Objective type paper on Economics

Paper II: Descriptive Type paper on Economics (Question paper displayed on the computer, answers to be written on paper)

Paper III: Descriptive Type paper on English (To be typed with the help of keyboard)

Grade B (DR) for DSIM

Paper I: Objective type paper on Statistics

Paper II: Descriptive Type paper on Statistics (Question paper displayed on the computer, answers to be written on paper)

Paper III: Descriptive Type paper on English (To be typed with the help of keyboard)

Total marks

Grade B (DR) for General

Phase I: 200 marks

Phase II (Paper 1, 2, and 3): 100 marks for each paper

Interview: 75 marks

Grade B (DR) for DEPR/DSIM

Paper I: 100 marks

Paper II & III: 100 marks for each paper

Inteview: 75 marks

Marking of normal questions

1/4 marks will be deducted for wrong answers in objective type questions

Language of question paper

English and Hindi

Number of questions

Grade B (DR) for General

Phase I: 200

Phase II

Paper I & III: 30 objective-type questions and six descriptive type questions

Paper-II: Three questions

Grade B (DR) for DEPR & DSIM

Paper I for DEPR: 62

Paper I for DSIM: 20

Paper II & III:

Economics/Statistics: 5

English (Writing Skills): 3

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2023

RBI Grade B administers the test on a computer in an online mode.
Except for the English section, articles will be bilingual in English and Hindi.
The RBI Grade B exam sample and different difficulty levels for the Preliminary and Major tests are as below:

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern (General) for Phase-I 2023

RBI Grade B Phase I is the primary screening process and hence, the score will not be added for the RBI Grade B Selection process. In the phase I exam, the aspirants have to answer objective-type questions. The exam will be conducted online

  • Time duration of the phase I exam is 120 minutes
  • Total marks: 200
  • SectionsNumber of questionsMaximum marksAllocated Time
    General Awareness808025 minutes
    English Language303025 minutes
    Quantitative Aptitude303025 minutes
    Reasoning606045 minutes
    Total200200120 minutes

Important Points to Note

For each correct answer, the contestant will be awarded 1 point.
For each incorrect answer, the candidate will be deducted 0.25 points.
The RBI Grade B exam is conducted in multiple shifts and depends on the number of candidates registered for the exam.
Candidates will receive detailed information about the date, time, location and test center in the RBI Class B admission card.
Scores obtained will be normalized using the percentile method to evaluate the Grade B RBI Cutoff. The minimum RBI Grade B cut-off score will be decided based on the number of vacancies, the total number of aspirants appearing for the exam, and the difficulty level of the questions posed by the testing agency. 

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern (General) for Phase-II 2023

The Stage II exam is an objective and descriptive type of online test. Scores obtained during this stage will be added to the final selection process of RBI Grade B. Specifically, the Final Cutoff Score of RBI Grade B will be prepared based on Stage II Scores and interview scores. Check out the following Phase II (generic) assessment form:

Name of PaperType of the PaperNumber of QuestionsTime DurationMaximum Marks
Paper–I Economic & Social Issues50% objective type
50% Descriptive type and the answers will need to be typed with the help of a keyboard
30 Objective Questions & 6 Descriptive Questions of which 4 have to be answered30 minutes
90 minutes
Total: 120 minutes
Total: 100
Paper-II: English – Writing SkillsDescriptive Typing and the answers will need to be typed with the help of a keyboard3 (Descriptive)90 minutes100
Paper -III Finance and Management50% objective type
50% Descriptive type and the answers will need to be typed with the help of a keyboard
30 Objective Questions & 6 Descriptive Questions of which 4 have to be answered30 minutes
90 minutes
Total: 120 minutes
Total: 100

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern: Interview (Phase-III)

  • Based on the aggregate score obtained in the Main exam (Paper-I +Paper-II +Paper-III), candidates will be invited for the interview round.
  • RBI will decide the minimum cutoff which must be cleared by candidates in order to be shortlisted for the Interview round.
  • Reserve Bank of India will publish the RBI Grade B result in a PDF format containing the roll number of candidates shortlisted for the interview.
  • Candidates will receive interview call letters on their registered email ID.
  • RBI Grade B Interview round will be 75 marks.
  • Candidates can choose the medium for interview amongst Hindi or English languages.
  • Final Selection will be based on the candidate’s performance in the Phase-II examination and interview. Candidate should follow proper preparation strategy and relevant subject-wise books for RBI Grade b Exam.
  • Candidates will undergo a Psychometric Test conducted by the Bank before appearing for the Interview. No marks will be allotted for the same and this will not form part of the final selection criteria.

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2023- DSIM Exam

The selection process for the RBI Grade B DEPR exam pattern will be conducted through an Online /Written Test and Interview. The interview will be a 75 marks exam. There are three papers in the DSIM exam:

  • Phase-I (Objective type on Statistics)
  • Paper-II (Descriptive type of Statistics)
  • Phase-III (Descriptive type on English)
Exam Stage Exam Name Duration Max Score
Event I Goal Type (statistically) 120 min 100
Test II Descriptive (statistical) test 180 min 100
(Computer-based test sheets, paper-based answers)
Paper III English – Description Type (Keyboard Input) 90 min 100
Total 390 min 300

RBI Grade B DEPR Exam Pattern 2023

The selection process for the RBI Grade B DEPR exam pattern will be conducted through an Online /Written Test and Interview. The interview will be a 75 marks exam.

There are three papers in the examination:

  • Paper-I (Objective type on Economics)
  • Paper-II (Descriptive type on Economics)
  • Paper-III (Descriptive type on English)
Phase of the exam/ Name of Paper Duration (minutes) Maximum Marks
Paper-I Objective Type (Economics) 120 100
Paper-II Descriptive Type (Economics) (Question paper displayed on a computer, answers to be written on paper) 180 100
Paper-III English – Descriptive Type (To be typed with help of keyboard) 90 100
Total 390 300

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern: Interview (DSIM DEPR)

The number of candidates called for interview will be decided by the Board. The final selection will be made on the basis of performances in tests I, II and III and the interview taken together. The interview will be 75 points. Candidates can choose to interview in Hindi or English. Candidates will undergo a psychological test conducted by the Bank before coming to the interview. However, no points will be awarded the same and will not be part of the final selection criteria.  


Ans. The total allotted marks for RBI Grade B Phase-I(General) is 200 marks

Ans. Yes, for every incorrect answer, the aspirants will get a deduction of 0.25 marks.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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