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SMIT Syllabus 2023: Exam Pattern , Marking Scheme …

The SMIT entrance exam syllabus for B.Tech courses covers Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry, while the syllabus for M.Tech courses covers General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics, and Core Subjects related to the specific program applied for. It is recommended to check the official website for the most updated and accurate information.

smit syllabus

SMIT Entrance syllabus 2023 For PCM & PCB

CourseEntrance Syllabus
B.TechPhysics, Mathematics, Chemistry
M.TechGeneral Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics, Core Subjects related to the specific program applied for.
MBAGeneral Aptitude, Verbal Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning
MCAMathematics, Computer Awareness, Analytical Ability and Logical Reasoning, General Awareness and English Comprehension

Here’s a more detailed explanation of the entrance syllabus for each course:

  1. B.Tech Course Entrance Syllabus: The entrance syllabus for B.Tech courses covers the subjects of Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry. The Physics syllabus covers topics such as Mechanics, Heat and Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Waves and Optics, and Modern Physics. The Mathematics syllabus covers topics such as Algebra, Trigonometry, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Differential Equations, Statistics and Probability, and Vectors. The Chemistry syllabus covers topics such as Basic Concepts, States of Matter, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium, Redox Reactions, Hydrogen and s-block elements, p-block elements, d and f-block elements, Environmental Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry.
  2. M.Tech Course Entrance Syllabus: The entrance syllabus for M.Tech courses covers three main subjects – General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics, and Core Subjects related to the specific program applied for. The General Aptitude syllabus covers topics such as Verbal Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and Logical Reasoning. The Engineering Mathematics syllabus covers topics such as Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics. The Core Subjects syllabus will vary depending on the specific program applied for.
  3. MBA Course Entrance Syllabus: The entrance syllabus for MBA courses covers four main subjects – General Aptitude, Verbal Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and Logical Reasoning. The General Aptitude syllabus covers topics such as Analytical and Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation, and General Awareness. The Verbal Ability syllabus covers topics such as Reading Comprehension, Grammar, and Vocabulary. The Quantitative Aptitude syllabus covers topics such as Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and Modern Mathematics. The Logical Reasoning syllabus covers topics such as Logical and Analytical Reasoning, Data Sufficiency, and Problem-Solving.
  4. MCA Course Entrance Syllabus: The entrance syllabus for MCA courses covers four main subjects – Mathematics, Computer Awareness, Analytical Ability and Logical Reasoning, and General Awareness and English Comprehension. The Mathematics syllabus covers topics such as Algebra, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics, and Modern Mathematics. The Computer Awareness syllabus covers topics such as Computer Basics, Computer Organization and Architecture, Memory Management, and Input-Output Devices. The Analytical Ability and Logical Reasoning syllabus covers topics such as Logical and Analytical Reasoning, Data Interpretation, and Decision Making. The General Awareness and English Comprehension syllabus covers topics such as General Knowledge, Current Affairs, English Language, and Comprehension. 

SMIT Entrance2023 Paper Exam Pattern

CourseMode of ExamDurationType of QuestionsTotal QuestionsMarking Scheme
B.TechOffline2 hoursMCQs100Each question carries 1 mark. No negative marking for incorrect answers.
M.TechOffline2 hoursMCQs100Each question carries 1 mark. No negative marking for incorrect answers.
MBAOffline2 hoursMCQs100Each question carries 1 mark. No negative marking for incorrect answers.
MCAOffline2 hoursMCQs100Each question carries 1 mark. No negative marking for incorrect answers.
  1. B.Tech Course Entrance Exam Pattern:
    • Mode of Exam: Offline (Pen and Paper-based)
    • Duration: 2 hours
    • Type of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
    • Total Questions: 100
    • Marking Scheme: Each question carries 1 mark. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
    • Subjects and Questions: Physics (25), Mathematics (50), Chemistry (25)
  2. M.Tech Course Entrance Exam Pattern:
    • Mode of Exam: Offline (Pen and Paper-based)
    • Duration: 2 hours
    • Type of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
    • Total Questions: 100
    • Marking Scheme: Each question carries 1 mark. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
    • Subjects and Questions: General Aptitude (20), Engineering Mathematics (30), Core Subjects related to the specific program applied for (50)
  3. MBA Course Entrance Exam Pattern:
    • Mode of Exam: Offline (Pen and Paper-based)
    • Duration: 2 hours
    • Type of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
    • Total Questions: 100
    • Marking Scheme: Each question carries 1 mark. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
    • Subjects and Questions: General Aptitude (25), Verbal Ability (25), Quantitative Aptitude (25), Logical Reasoning (25)
  4. MCA Course Entrance Exam Pattern:
    • Mode of Exam: Offline (Pen and Paper-based)
    • Duration: 2 hours
    • Type of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
    • Total Questions: 100
    • Marking Scheme: Each question carries 1 mark. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
    • Subjects and Questions: Mathematics (40), Computer Awareness (20), Analytical Ability and Logical Reasoning (20), General Awareness and English Comprehension (20)

Important Topics & Weightage- For B.tech

SubjectImportant TopicsWeightage
MathematicsAlgebra, Calculus, Trigonometry, Coordinate Geometry, Vector Algebra, Probability, Statistics50 questions, 50 marks
PhysicsMechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Waves and Thermodynamics, Optics, Modern Physics25 questions, 25 marks
ChemistryPhysical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry25 questions, 25 marks

Important Topics & Weightage- For M.Tech

Sure, here’s a table summarizing the important topics and weightage for M.Tech course in SMIT Entrance Exam 2023:

SubjectImportant TopicsWeightage
General AptitudeVerbal Ability, Numerical Ability, Reasoning, Data Interpretation20 questions, 20 marks
Core SubjectComputer Science: Programming Languages, Computer Networks, Database Systems, Operating Systems, Algorithms, Data Structures, Digital Logic, Computer Organization and Architecture; Electrical Engineering: Control Systems, Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation, Electrical Circuits and Fields, Analog and Digital Electronics; Electronics and Communication Engineering: Analog Circuits, Digital Circuits, Communication Systems, Control Systems, Electromagnetics, Network Analysis and Synthesis, Signals and Systems80 questions, 80 marks

Important Topics & Weightage- For MCA

Sure, here’s a table summarizing the important topics and weightage for MCA course in SMIT Entrance Exam 2023:

SubjectImportant TopicsWeightage
MathematicsAlgebra, Probability and Statistics, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Linear Algebra30 questions, 30 marks
Analytical Ability and Logical ReasoningNumber Series, Letter Series, Analogies, Logical Problems, Blood Relations, Coding and Decoding, Symbol Based Problems, Seating Arrangements30 questions, 30 marks
Computer AwarenessBasics of Computers, Computer Organization, Input and Output Devices, Computer Networks, Internet, Operating Systems, Programming Concepts30 questions, 30 marks

Important Topics & Weightage- For MBA​

SubjectImportant TopicsWeightage
General EnglishGrammar and Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks, Antonyms and Synonyms, Idioms and Phrases20 questions, 20 marks
Numerical AptitudeNumber Systems, HCF and LCM, Percentages, Profit and Loss, Time, Speed and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Ratio and Proportion, Averages20 questions, 20 marks
General AwarenessCurrent Affairs, Business and Economics, Indian Polity and Constitution, Science and Technology, Famous Personalities, Books and Authors, Geography20 questions, 20 marks
Reasoning and IntelligenceLogical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning20 questions, 20 marks

SMIT Entrance- Frequently Asked Questions

The SMIT Entrance Exam is a computer-based test comprising of multiple-choice questions. The duration of the exam is three hours, and the total marks are 240.

The SMIT Entrance Exam is usually conducted in the month of May or June every year.

The fee structure for the courses at SMIT varies for different courses. However, it generally ranges from INR 1 lakh to INR 3 lakhs per annum.


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