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Asansol Weather: temperature, humidity

In Asansol, the weather is characterized by a subtropical climate with hot summers, mild winters, and a monsoon season. During the summer months from March to June, temperatures often soar above 40°C, accompanied by high humidity levels, making it uncomfortable for outdoor activities. Monsoon season, from July to September, brings relief from the heat with heavy rainfall and occasional thunderstorms, rejuvenating the region’s landscapes. Winters, from November to February, are relatively mild, with temperatures ranging from 10°C to 25°C, offering a pleasant climate for outdoor exploration and sightseeing. Overall, Asansol experiences a diverse range of weather conditions throughout the year, with  Asansol Weather each season bringing its own unique characteristics and opportunities for residents and visitors alike.

Asansol Weather

Asansol Weather 10 Days

Day Weather Forecast Temperature (Min-Max) Precipitation
Monday Mostly Sunny 18°C – 32°C 10%
Tuesday Partly Cloudy 19°C – 33°C 5%
Wednesday Scattered Showers 20°C – 29°C 30%
Thursday Mostly Sunny 17°C – 31°C 0%
Friday Scattered Thunderstorms 19°C – 28°C 50%
Saturday Partly Cloudy 18°C – 32°C 10%
Sunday Mostly Sunny 20°C – 33°C 0%
Monday Scattered Showers 18°C – 30°C 40%
Tuesday Partly Cloudy 19°C – 31°C 10%
Wednesday Mostly Sunny 21°C – 32°C 0%

Seasonal Weather Patterns in Asansol Weather

Seasonal weather patterns in Asansol Weather exhibit distinct characteristics throughout the year, influenced by its subtropical climate. Here’s an overview:

  1. Summer (March to June):
  • Asansol experiences hot and dry summer with temperatures often exceeding 40°C.
  • High humidity levels contribute to discomfort during this season.
  • Rainfall is scarce, and occasional heatwaves are common.

    2. Monsoon (July to September):

  • Monsoon season brings relief from the scorching heat, with heavy rainfall and occasional thunderstorms.
  • The region rejuvenates with lush greenery and cooler temperatures.
  • However, intense rainfall can lead to waterlogging and flooding in low-lying areas.

    3. Autumn (October to November):

  • Autumn in Asansol Weather marks a transition from the monsoon season to cooler temperatures.
  • Rainfall gradually decreases, and humidity levels begin to decline.
  • The weather becomes more pleasant, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities.

    4. Winter (December to February):

  • Winters in Asansol are mild and dry, with temperatures ranging from 10°C to 25°C.
  • Clear skies and comfortable weather characterize this season.
  • Fog may occur in the early mornings, especially in December and January.

How to Prepare for Weather Changes in Asansol

Preparing for weather changes in Asansol requires proactive measures to adapt to the region’s diverse climate. Here are some tips:

  1. Stay Informed: Keep track of weather forecasts and updates from reliable sources to anticipate changes in weather conditions.
  2. Dress Accordingly: Wear appropriate clothing based on the forecasted weather. In hot summers, opt for light, breathable fabrics, while layering up during cooler months.
  3. Stay Hydrated: During hot and humid weather, ensure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
  4. Protect Yourself from the Sun: Use sunscreen, wear hats, and sunglasses to shield yourself from the sun’s harmful UV rays, especially during summer months.
  5. Prepare for Rain: Carry an umbrella or raincoat during the monsoon season to stay dry during sudden showers. Waterproof footwear can also be useful.
  6. Secure Outdoor Items: Secure outdoor furniture, decorations, and other items to prevent damage from strong winds or heavy rainfall.
  7. Be Cautious on the Roads: Exercise caution while driving during adverse weather conditions such as heavy rain or fog. Asansol Weather  Maintain a safe distance from other vehicles and adhere to speed limits.
  8. Check on Vulnerable Individuals: Keep an eye on children, the elderly, and pets during extreme weather conditions to ensure their safety and well-being.
  9. Be Prepared for Power Outages: Keep flashlights, batteries, and portable chargers handy in case of power outages during thunderstorms or other weather-related events.
  10. Stay Connected: Stay connected with friends, family, and neighbors to provide assistance or seek help if needed during weather-related emergencies.

Tips for Travelers Visiting Asansol

For travelers visiting Asansol, here are some valuable tips to enhance your experience:

  1. Pack According to the Season: Asansol Weather experiences distinct seasons, so pack clothing suitable for the prevailing weather. Light and breathable fabrics are ideal for hot summers, while layers are necessary for cooler winters.
  2. Stay Hydrated: The region’s hot and humid climate demands staying hydrated. Carry a reusable water bottle and drink plenty of fluids, especially during outdoor activities.
  3. Plan Your Itinerary: Research and plan your itinerary in advance, considering the weather conditions and the operating hours of attractions. Avoid outdoor activities during the hottest part of the day.
  4. Protect Yourself from the Sun: Asansol experiences strong sunlight, so wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and hats to protect yourself from harmful UV rays, especially during summer months.
  5. Be Prepared for Rain: During the monsoon season, carry an umbrella or raincoat to stay dry during sudden showers. Waterproof footwear can also be useful.
  6. Respect Local Customs: Asansol Weather has a rich cultural heritage, so respect local customs and traditions when visiting religious sites or interacting with locals.
  7. Try Local Cuisine: Indulge in the delicious local cuisine of Asansol, including authentic Bengali dishes like fish curry, luchi, and sweets like rasgulla and sandesh.
  8. Stay Informed about Safety: Stay informed about safety precautions and potential hazards in the area. Avoid isolated or poorly lit areas, especially at night.
  9. Keep Emergency Contacts Handy: Save emergency contact numbers, including local authorities,  Asansol Weather hospitals, and your accommodation, in case of any unforeseen situations.
  10. Be Open-Minded: Embrace the local culture, interact with locals, and be open-minded to new experiences. Asansol has much to offer in terms of history, culture, and natural beauty.

Impact of Climate Change on Asansol Weather

The impact of climate change on Asansol’s weather is increasingly evident, with several notable effects observed in recent years:

  1. Rising Temperatures: Climate change has led to an overall increase in temperatures in Asansol, particularly during the summer months. Heatwaves have become more frequent and intense, with temperatures exceeding 40°C, leading to heat-related illnesses and discomfort among residents.
  2. Changes in Precipitation Patterns: Climate change has altered precipitation patterns in Asansol, resulting in irregular rainfall distribution and intensity. While some areas experience heavy downpours and localized flooding during the monsoon season, others face prolonged dry spells and water scarcity, exacerbating drought conditions.
  3. Increased Frequency of Extreme Weather Events: Climate change has contributed to the occurrence of extreme weather  Asansol Weather events such as intense rainfall, thunderstorms, and cyclones in Asansol. These events can lead to widespread damage to infrastructure, loss of livelihoods, and disruptions to daily life.
  4. Water Stress: Climate change has heightened water stress in Asansol, with rising temperatures and erratic rainfall patterns affecting water availability and quality. This has significant implications for agriculture, industry, and domestic water use, leading to increased competition for scarce water resources.
  5. Impact on Agriculture: Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns have significant implications for agriculture Asansol Weather  in Asansol. Erratic rainfall, coupled with rising temperatures, can lead to crop failures, reduced yields, and increased vulnerability to pests and diseases, posing challenges for food security and livelihoods.
  6. Health Risks: Climate change poses health risks in Asansol, including heat-related illnesses, vector-borne diseases, and respiratory problems associated with air pollution. Vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, children, and outdoor workers, are particularly at risk from these climate-related health impacts.
  7. Ecosystem Changes: Climate change is impacting ecosystems in Asansol, with changes in temperature and precipitation affecting biodiversity, Asansol Weather  habitats, and species distribution. Shifts in vegetation patterns and wildlife populations have implications for ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation efforts.

Real-Life Examples of Weather Events in Asansol

Real-life examples of weather events in Asansol provide insight into the region’s diverse climate and the impacts of changing weather patterns. Here are some notable examples:

  1. Heatwaves: Asansol frequently experiences heatwaves during the summer months, with temperatures soaring above 40°C. In May 2020, the city recorded a severe heatwave, with temperatures exceeding 45°C for several consecutive days, leading to heat-related illnesses and discomfort among residents.
  2. Monsoon Flooding: The monsoon season brings heavy rainfall to Asansol, leading to flooding in low-lying areas. In August 2017, the city witnessed severe flooding due to torrential rains, causing waterlogging, traffic disruptions, and damage to property and infrastructure.
  3. Thunderstorms and Lightning Strikes: Thunderstorms with lightning and strong winds are common Asansol Weather  occurrences in Asansol, especially during the pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons. In June 2019, the city experienced a severe thunderstorm accompanied by lightning strikes, resulting in power outages and damage to trees and structures.
  4. Hailstorms: Hailstorms occasionally occur in Asansol, particularly during transitional seasons like spring and autumn. In March 2018, parts of Asansol district experienced a severe hailstorm, causing damage to crops, vehicles, and buildings.
  5. Dust Storms: Dust storms are prevalent in Asansol, especially during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon periods. In April 2021, the city experienced a massive dust storm accompanied by strong winds, causing visibility problems and minor damage to infrastructure.
  6. Cold Waves: During the winter months, Asansol experiences cold waves, with temperatures dropping significantly, especially during the night. In January 2020, the city recorded unusually cold temperatures, leading to frost formation and chilly conditions.
  7. Fog: Foggy conditions are prevalent in Asansol during the winter season, particularly in the early morning hours. In December 2019, dense fog enveloped  Asansol Weather the city, causing visibility issues on roads and disrupting transportation.


Asansol’s weather exhibits a diverse range of climatic conditions, influenced by its geographical location and seasonal variations. Real-life examples of weather events in Asansol highlight the region’s susceptibility to extreme weather phenomena such as heatwaves, monsoon flooding, thunderstorms, hailstorms, dust storms, cold waves, and fog. These events underscore the importance of understanding and preparing for the impacts of changing weather patterns, particularly in the context of climate change. Mitigation and adaptation measures, including sustainable development practices, climate-resilient infrastructure, and community-based initiatives, are essential for building resilience and safeguarding the well-being of Asansol’s residents. By addressing the challenges posed by a changing climate, Asansol can better prepare for and respond to future weather events, ensuring a safer and more sustainable future for all


During summer, the average temperature in Asansol ranges from 30°C to 40°C, with occasional heatwaves pushing temperatures higher.

Yes, Asansol receives heavy rainfall during the monsoon season from June to September, which helps in replenishing water sources and cooling down the temperature.

Yes, dust storms are common in Asansol, particularly during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon periods, often accompanied by strong winds.

The best time to visit Asansol is during the winter months from October to February when the weather is pleasant and suitable for outdoor activities.

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