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10 Group Discussion Topics for Working Professional

Usually, group discussions are conducted prior to the selection of a candidate either while mass recruiting employees or while selecting applicants for college. Group discussions tend to evaluate a person’s temperament, their interests, team spirit, their ability to perceive information and to react to it, their ability to persuade others as well as look at the given topic through others’ vantage point and their general knowledge. Companies pick from a vast variety of topics to throw in for an authentic and evaluative group discussion for working professional

We have tried to put together a list of common topics that companies normally go for when it comes to group discussions.

Discussions about Indian education system 


Indian education system with all its flaws and blunders, still forms an integral part of every citizen’s life, directly or indirectly. The system not only directs primary, secondary or higher secondary education but also has a bit in research and development sector. This makes it even more relevant for the corporates or colleges to encourage discussions about. For instance, they could have discussions regarding the New Education Policy 2020. 

Discussions about newly passed bills 

Be it a company of private or public sector, any and all bills passed could have an impact on them. Group discussions about it could display candidates’ general awareness and their understanding of the law and order. Following the topical issues, companies might open discussions about the Person Data Protection Bill.

Discussions about policies for women and their safety

With many companies trying and becoming more and more liberal (and accountable in some ways), they are adapting to new policies regarding women as well as improving their safety standards. Group discussions about this topic are always relevant. Companies, sometimes, also ask candidates to come up with solutions to make the work environment more inclusive. Sub topics like menstrual leave could come under this. 

Discussions about environmental or contemporary issues

Corporate world does not work outside of the environmental or contemporary issues, it very well affects the working professionals. The ongoing pandemic has had much more impact on the corporate community than one can ignore. Companies would most definitely try to hold discussions about work from home or covid-proof working conditions. 

Discussions about international affairs

Although, companies or the country for that matter may or may not have any reasonable effect on themselves by international affairs, group discussions about it are always encouraged to learn about the candidates’ perception and opinions about the world. Example of such topic could be, US presidential elections amid covid. 

Discussions about pop culture or social media trends

Social media is aiding anything and everything to become a trend or a substance of pop culture these days. However, among these, some trends are mindless or outright stupid. Firms, in those cases, would want to use that topic in group discussions to expect nuanced understanding of the human behaviour by the candidates.

Discussions about sitting Prime Minister’s regime 

While, some companies like to be apolitical, they might introduce this topic for the sake of group discussions. Usually, colleges would want use this topic to evaluate the students’ political views and general awareness about the government’s workings. Examples for this could include, Modi government’s impact on private sector, or Modi government’s impact on trade and export. 

Discussions about employment policies

Employment policies primarily have an influence over the corporate world. Companies and even colleges, more often than not, use it to initiate group discussions to know more about candidates’ analysis of the policies and their suggestions of ideal policies for working professionals as well as those who are unemployed. Discussions could have sub topics like, policies that can help generate opportunities for remote working under the pandemic. 

Discussions about leading national companies 

Every company aspires to be among the top reigning companies, and are likely to take inspirations from them. Those among the topmost club, owing to their position, are frequently talked about in the news. Group discussions about these companies usually consist of topics like, their vision forward or their working patterns. Comparisons with other leading firms – comparing Tata and Reliance’s business formula. 

Discussions about made up scenarios 

A work environment could be as unpredictable and dynamic as life itself. Under such circumstances, it is necessary for companies to be on their toes, to not just survive but thrive in it. Corporations and colleges extensive come up with made up scenarios to throw in for group discussions to judge how candidates assess the situations (in the scenario) and come up with unique solutions for each. For example topics like, ideal ways to handle a company when the economy is in recession. 

That was it. Though, it’s not limited to this. Group discussions could be about others things as well. We hope this at least gave working professional an idea about what sort of topics could be talked about. 

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