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I have been practising self-studying for a long time now. As a student, I tried various methods and ways to make the most out of studying. Some tricks proved to be extremely fruitful while some others didn’t work out well for me. As a student, you may come across many hurdles while preparing for an exam or making class assignments. In order to gain the most from making notes and studying yourself, you need to figure out the most appropriate techniques to incorporate in your learning process. Here are some useful study tips and tricks which have worked in my favour. You may modify them according to your preference.

useful tips
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Taking Simple Notes

Don’t write lengthy paragraphs. Note-taking means writing the key points from each paragraph. You may also write only the keywords. After reading a topic, you can read it once again and underline some key points, and then you can learn these points and move on to the next topic. After you repeat the same process for the entire chapter, you should close your book and try to recall and write these important points in your notebook.

Find a Friend

Someone who can review your notes or help you in making them can prove to be of great help. You can divide your work; this will enhance the quality of your notes if the other person is as devoted as you are. Having a study buddy can also help you in looking at topics from a variety of perspectives. Each person has something different and unique to bring to the table. You may also discuss difficult concepts in detail and reach desirable conclusions.

Simplify your Schedule

Don’t take up too many subjects on the same day. Rather make a schedule in such a way that you complete one subject per week or two at most. Learning too many different ideas and concepts in a single day is not feasible. You can make a combination of a practical and a theoretical subject to avoid getting bored. Set some restrictions to the number of pages you read in a day or the number of questions you solve.

study tips

No Distractions

If you want to achieve the most out of studying then you must sit in a noise-free environment with no disturbances. A library is the best place to study. If you are not comfortable sitting in your college or school library then you can find an empty classroom to sit in. A calm environment will enable you to comprehend what you read easily. The goal is to get rid of things that prevent you from being in a focused state.

Go in Depth

Studying beyond the topic and getting involved with the matter of study will take you a long way. You might not get the time to do it because sometimes things just become hectic and tiring. However, if you find some free time then this is the best way to utilize it. Conducting research in your own way and finding ways to investigate and find relevant information will help you gain more knowledge than what is mentioned in your textbooks.

Mock Presentations

This useful study tip might not work for everyone. Some people prefer recalling in their mind while some learn better if they speak aloud. Mock presentations are time-consuming but if you do them well then they can replace two or three revision sessions. When you try to pretend like you are explaining the topic to someone else, you think in a completely different way. It forces you to produce the information in a manner in which the other person can understand it. It will allow you to enhance your retention.

useful study tips

Prepare for your Classes

Being ready for a class is as necessary as being prepared for an exam. If you want to learn from your professor while they are teaching in class, a pre-requisite is to study in advance. This will allow you to ask your doubts and provide valuable inputs from the research which you have already conducted about whatever is being taught in class. You can also create a good impression on your professors and classmates.

Study in Advance

Last-minute cramming has helped no one. Resting your mind one day before any exam is very important if you wish to perform well and get good grades. The number of revisions you do over a period of time will make a lot of difference. It is essential to start preparing two to three weeks prior to your examination.

If you are serious and dedicated, these useful study tips will prove to be rewarding. You may also listen to audiobooks or read some books about how to become more productive or how to score good grades in your exams. Most of all stay focused and don’t deviate from your goals.

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