Times have changed and you no longer work under the shadow of your office environment anymore. Things have become extremely difficult in this scenario. Virtual meetings cannot replace the face-to-face meetings; they do not allow us to create that inter-personal bond with our coworkers and our bosses. Its unfortunate how work seems so distant, remote working have made it impossible for you to open up with your work environment. Now, work environments are naturally very competitive and professional, but once you develop a bond with your coworkers and bosses, the environment does not look so stressful and strict then. So, if you are in a virtual meeting setting, the chances of forming those connection really minimizes. Your work is not too much integrated in your life, you work from home and that’s how you are familiar with your work. Therefore, those scheduled meeting once in a while cannot do anything because it can just not replace a face-to-face setting.
Now, imagine if you want to stand out and be heard in your work. If you are in a setting where you do not get constant feedbacks about the input you are giving due to the loss of interaction with your supervisors, then the chances of excelling minimize drastically. You also shy away from expressing valuable opinions during meeting or to pitch in any new idea that comes to your mind.
Mostly, we tend to restrict ourselves because of how uncomfortable and intimidated we feel around this setting. Moreover, if you are working for a big organization or have a big team, it really gets more difficult for your leaders to notice or recognize your work. This wouldn’t have happened if it were a face-to-face setting. Remote working is likely to damper your visibility and it can further hinder your professional development.
It is very essential for you to be noticed and get appreciated by your leaders if you wish to further excel in your company. Thus, it also becomes necessary for you to take extra effort to make yourself heard.
The times are tough and you need to get out of your comfort zone if you want to make your mark in your company. If you choose to work silently without taking any effort to interact with your supervisors, all your hard-work will go in vain.
Your company needs someone who is not afraid of challenges, a risk taker perhaps. If you continue to be on your shell without showing them your worth, you won’t be able to grow professionally. Especially if you want to work somewhere else after gaining appropriate experience from your company, being silent and not showing your expertise can close the options of good recommendations from your company.
Today, we are going to look at how can you start making yourself and your work visible to your supervisors.
Please keep your video-cameras on-
What is the meaning of a virtual meetings conference if you choose to not show your face? Your supervisors lose interest to conduct meetings if they see less engagement from their employees. Even if you see your other coworkers have switched off their videos, make sure that you don’t follow them. It is very necessary to make your personal mark, if you try to say something with your videos off, you cannot create the effect if your supervisors cannot look at your face. Therefore, to gain complete recognition this is the basic step that you need to follow. It will train you to be more socially active.
This lockdown period has made all of us very much alien to conducting interactions, but now we need to learn that again.
Ask Questions-

Do not shy away from asking questions and showing curiosity to your supervisors. It shows that you are interested in and it is a great way to even start up a conversation. It never makes you look stupid if you ask questions, in fact, your employers always appreciate if you ask them intelligent questions while having virtual meetings.
Offer your expertise-

If you know you are good at something, then you must initiate to take responsibility about a certain project also while remote working. If you offer your skills and talents to your company, they will start respecting you even more. It is always essential to volunteer for a work, this shows that you are ready to take up challenges in virtual meetings. Moreover, if you know you are good at something, you must make your supervisors know that you are capable of handling all the projects specific to that particular domain. In this way, your employers start trusting you even more and think that you are reliable.
Share your thoughts-

Remote working has created a space where you get really less chance to share your thoughts. Therefore, if you find yourself in a place where your supervisors are asking you to brainstorm ideas, make sure that you pitch in your opinion. We suggest you to never think too much before speaking, you should be able to share your thoughts freely. This will help you grow and you feel much better and confident about yourself.