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IGKO Results 2021-22: General Knowledge, Platform Prepared

The International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) is a distinguished aggressive examination performed yearly through the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) for college students from lessons 1 to 10. The IGKO goals to foster interest and develop college students` know-how of preferred expertise, modern affairs, lifestyles abilities, and more. The effects of the IGKO 2021-22 replicate the overall performance of college students throughout numerous colleges and regions, highlighting their expertise and abilities in numerous areas. These effects are important for figuring out gifted college students and inspiring educational excellence.

Overview of IGKO

The International

General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) stands as a prestigious platform prepared via way of means of the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF), inviting college students from lessons 1 to ten to illustrate their expertise throughout diverse domains. Designed to foster a deeper information of cutting-edge affairs, existence skills, and preferred expertise, IGKO encourages college students to enlarge their highbrow horizons. Each year, hundreds of members from colleges throughout the globe interact on this aggressive but enriching enjoy, showcasing their flair and readiness to excel in a globally aggressive environment.


as a considerable instructional initiative via way of means of the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF), presenting college students from lessons 1 to ten an possibility to discover and decorate their expertise past the confines of conventional instructional subjects. By that specialize in preferred expertise, cutting-edge affairs, and important questioning skills, IGKO goals to domesticate a holistic mastering enjoy that prepares college students for demanding situations past the classroom. Through rigorous instruction and participation, college students now no longer most effective exhibit their highbrow prowess however additionally foster a interest-pushed method to mastering vital for destiny instructional and private growth.


yearly via way of means of the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF), is a prestigious worldwide opposition designed to ignite interest and expand the highbrow horizons of college students from lessons 1 to ten. By emphasizing preferred expertise, cutting-edge affairs, and sensible skills, IGKO goals to nurture a well-rounded instructional enjoy that is going past textbooks.

Objectives of the Olympiad IGKO Results 2021-22

Objectives of IGKO Results 2021-22
1. Assess and highlight students’ knowledge and skills
2. Recognize academic excellence and achievements
3. Provide feedback for participants and schools
4. Identify top performers at national and regional levels
5. Analyze performance trends and areas for improvement
6. Promote curiosity and interest in general knowledge
7. Encourage preparation and participation in future Olympiads
8. Facilitate benchmarking and comparison among participants

Structure and Format IGKO Results 2021-22

Structure and Format of IGKO Results 2021-22
Exam Levels
Number of Questions
Question Types
Subjects Covered
Duration of Exam
Scoring System
Ranking Criteria
Awards and Recognition
Result Publication

The International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) is meticulously established to assess college students from training 1 to ten via a well-described format. The examination includes multiple-preference questions (MCQs), with 35 questions for training 1 to four and 50 questions for training five to ten. The topics protected consist of widespread know-how, modern-day affairs, lifestyles skills, and intellectual ability, making sure a complete evaluation of college students` know-how and skills. The examination length is 60 minutes, with a scoring gadget that awards 1 mark consistent with accurate solution with none terrible marking.

Syllabus and Topics Covered IGKO Results 2021-22

Syllabus and Topics Covered in IGKO Results 2021-22
General Knowledge
– History
– Geography
– Science
– Sports
– Books and Authors
– Famous Personalities
– Current Events
Current Affairs
– National and International Affairs
– Awards and Honors
– Government Policies and Schemes
– Economic Affairs
– Environmental Issues
Life Skills
– Communication Skills
– Logical Reasoning
– Analytical Skills
– Problem Solving
– Decision Making
Mental Ability
– Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning
– Series Completion
– Coding-Decoding
– Mathematical Operations
– Patterns and Sequences

Important Points:

The syllabus for IGKO Results 2021-22 encompasses essential regions which include General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Life Skills, and Mental Ability. It pursuits to assess college students` expertise of history, geography, science, sports, and wonderful personalities. Current affairs sections cowl countrywide and global events, authorities policies, monetary trends, and environmental issues. Life abilties determine communication, logical reasoning, analytical competencies, problem-fixing, and decision-making abilties crucial for holistic improvement. Mental capacity checks encompass verbal and non-verbal reasoning, collection completion, coding-deciphering, and mathematical operations. This complete technique guarantees college students are well-rounded and organized to excel in various instructional and real-international challenges.

The IGKO Results

2021-22 syllabus is cautiously crafted to domesticate a extensive spectrum of information and abilties crucial for college students’ highbrow growth. It covers foundational topics like history, geography, and science, along current subjects which include modern affairs, authorities policies, and environmental issues. Emphasizing existence abilties like communication, logical reasoning, and problem-fixing, the syllabus additionally consists of intellectual capacity physical games like coding-deciphering and mathematical operations. This holistic technique now no longer most effective prepares college students for instructional excellence however additionally equips them with sensible abilties essential for navigating the complexities of a swiftly evolving international.


is designed to foster a well-rounded instructional experience, encompassing key topics which include history, geography, science, and modern affairs. It additionally emphasizes the improvement of crucial existence abilties like communication, logical reasoning, and decision-making. Furthermore, the syllabus consists of intellectual capacity checks that task college students’ problem-fixing competencies and sample popularity abilties.

Dates and Venues

Dates and Venues for IGKO
Event Period
– Exam Date: October 2021 (Exact dates vary)
– Result Declaration: December 2021
– Conducted in Schools across Participating Countries
– Online Exam Option Available


The IGKO generally conducts its tests throughout numerous faculties globally in October, with consequences declared through December of the identical year. This technique guarantees huge participation and well timed popularity of students` instructional achievements in popular know-how and associated fields. Additionally, the choice for on line tests extends accessibility to students, accommodating numerous getting to know environments and selling inclusivity in academic assessments.

Number of IGKO Results 2021-22 

IGKO Results 2021-22 Statistics
Number of Participants
– Total Participants: Over [insert number]
– Classes Covered: 1 to 10
Regional Participation
– Participating Countries: [insert countries]
– Schools Involved: [insert number of schools]
Online Participation
– Percentage of Online Exams: [insert percentage]
Top Performers
– National Toppers: [insert number]
– State Toppers: [insert number]
– Class-wise Toppers: [insert details]



Results 2021-22 mirror a party of educational excellence and highbrow interest amongst college students from various backgrounds and regions. With participation spanning instructions 1 to ten and regarding severa colleges globally, the Olympiad has efficiently assessed and identified college students` know-how in standard awareness, present day affairs, and crucial existence abilties. The effects now no longer handiest spotlight pinnacle performers at countrywide and nearby degrees however additionally underscore the Olympiad’s function in selling important questioning and holistic improvement. Moving forward, IGKO maintains to encourage destiny generations to discover and excel in broader instructional pursuits, making ready them for demanding situations in an interconnected world.


2021-22 represent extra than simply educational achievement; they constitute a adventure of exploration and getting to know for college kids worldwide. By assessing know-how throughout more than one disciplines and fostering abilties crucial for private and highbrow growth, IGKO encourages a deeper expertise of world troubles and prepares individuals to navigate a dynamic destiny. The effects now no longer handiest commend pinnacle performers however additionally validate the willpower and attempt of all individuals, reinforcing the Olympiad’s dedication to nurturing well-rounded people able to making significant contributions to society. As IGKO maintains to evolve, it stays a beacon of instructional excellence and proposal for destiny generations.


to the willpower and educational prowess of college students who participated on this prestigious Olympiad. Through its complete evaluation of standard know-how, present day affairs, and existence abilties, IGKO now no longer handiest acknowledges character achievements however additionally promotes a deeper engagement with various fields of study. The effects spotlight now no longer simply educational excellence however additionally the improvement of important questioning and problem-fixing skills crucial for destiny success.

FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)

Question: Who become the primary President of the US of America?

Answer: George

Washington. Question: Which planet is called the Red Planet?

Answer: Mars.

Question: Who wrote the well-known play “Romeo and Juliet”?

Answer: William Shakespeare

Question: What is the capital town of Australia?

Answer: Canberra.

Question: Which river is the longest withinside the world?

Answer: The Nile River.

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