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RRB Group D Exam: Posts, Eligibility, Syllabus, Pattern, Faq

RRB Group D refers to the Railway Recruitment Board’s Group D category, a prominent employment opportunity within Indian Railways. It encompasses various roles such as track maintenance, porter, helper, and more. This recruitment drive aims to hire candidates for diverse positions across different regions of the Indian Railways network. As a crucial workforce, RRB Group D employees play an integral role in maintaining the railway infrastructure and ensuring smooth operations. The selection process typically involves a computer-based test, physical efficiency test, and document verification. This opportunity provides a stable career path, attractive benefits, and a chance to contribute to India’s extensive rail network.

RRB Group D exam careerguide

RRB Group D Posts

The various posts under RRB Group D recruitment include both technical and non-technical posts. The posts included under RRB Group D exam are given below.

Group D – StorePorter
Group D – EnggShunter
Helper-II (Electrical)Switchman
Helper-II (Mechanical)Trackman
Helper-II (S & T)Welder

What is the Job Profile of RRB Group D?

RRB Group D job profiles for various posts are given below.
RRB Group D PostRRB Group D Job Profile
Assistant Workshop- Mechanical

Maintenance of coaches and wagons take place in the workshop department

Ensures the security and maintenance of coaches

Assistant C&W (Carriage and Wagon)


  • Trip schedule Maintenance
  • Addressing the issues of BPC (Brake Power Certificate)
  • Pit line Maintenance
  • Intermediate Overhaul Maintenance
  • ART (Accident Relief Train) Maintenance
Assistant Bridge-Engineering

To assist in the construction of new bridges under railway authority

Ensure the availability of materials required in proper quantity and quality in designing the overall construction

Assistant Loco Shed (Diesel)- MechanicalTaking care of the overhauling of diesel locomotives
Assistant Depot (Stores)Procurement and supply of components to major mechanical, electrical, signal and telecom workshops for maintenance of coaches, wagons
Assistant Loco Shed-ElectricalThe electrical SSE is responsible for working on the TRS sheds engaged in overhauling and assembly level maintenance of 25KV AC electric Locos in electrical loco sheds
Assistant Pointsman-Traffic

To handle switches or railroad points

To control the lever to direct the train to the required tracks

Assistant Operations- Electrical

Ensure electrical supply and assists the operation manager

Maintenance of electrical appliances of the train and station

Assistant Signal & Telecom-S&T 

Works under the supervision of the senior officer

To provide signals to the trains as per the situations

Assistant TL & AC (Train Lights & AC) – Electrical

To look over the TL & AC (Train Lights and AC)

To look over the proper functioning of the trains electrical appliances and connections eg: proper functioning of signal LEDs, AC controllers, power Supplies, stabilizations etc.

Assistant Track Machine-Engineering

Repair the machines under the supervision of seniors

Ensure the availability of tools/ gadgets required for the effective working of the track machine

Assistant TL & AC (Workshop)- Electrical 

To ensure the availability of tools and gadgets required by assistant TL & AC Engineers

To look over the maintenance of lights, bulbs, fans, AC ducts, temperature control of ACs, stabilizations & all other electrical appliances

Assistant Works- Engineering

Enrolled in the manufacturing department of all kinds of rail assets like manufacturing of coaches, every appliance of trains, platforms sheds etc

Create new train designs 

Assistant TRD (Traction Distribution)-ElectricalMaintenance of electrical assets like electrical locomotives, Electrical Multiple Units (EMUs) and MainLine Electrical Multiple Units (MEMUs)
Assistant Works (Workshop)-Engineering

To assist the seniors in manufacturing

To ensure the availability of materials (tools and gadgets) required

Track Maintainer Grade IV

Maintaining tracks

Keep an eye over the breakdown of tracks

Provides proper, safe and smooth track to the trains

Look over every repairs and maintenance of the track line

Hospital Assistant-Medical 

Provide proper care to the ailing passenger during treatment

Taking care of medical aids & their requirements in the stations

Selection Process

The process comprises single-stage CBT, Physical Efficiency Test (PET), document verification, and medical examination. Candidates qualifying the CBT are called for PET. Based on the performance in CBT and PET, candidates are called for document verification and medical exam. The final selection of candidates is done based on performance in the CBT provided they qualify the PET, document verification and medical exam. The PET is qualifying in nature. Candidates can check below the complete selection process of RRB Group D exam.

Rrb Group D Selection Process careerguide

Eligibility Criteria

RRBs had revised RRB Gather qualification criteria for competitors who wish to apply for the exam in future. The least instruction capability for candidates applying to the specialized departments-Civil Designing, Mechanical, Electrical, and Flag & Telecom offices) and catering wing of Railroads must have passed Course 10 conjointly have National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) allowed by National Chamber for Professional  Preparing. Candidates who have passed Course 10 and ITI can moreover apply for the exam. Candidates can check underneath the RRB Gather D qualification criteria for Level-1 posts.


  1. A citizen of India, or
  2. A subject of Nepal, or
  3. A subject of Bhutan, or
  4. Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before January 1, 1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
  5. A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

Age Limit

Age GroupUpper limit of Date of Birth (Not earlier than)Lower limit of Date of Birth (Not later than)
18 to 33 yearsUROBC (Non-Creamy Layer)SC/STFor all communities/ categories
July 2, 1986July 2, 1983July 2, 198101.07.2001


Candidates applying for the technical departments must have passed Class 10 (High School) and have National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) granted by National Council for Vocational Training. Candidates who have passed Class 10 and ITI are also eligible for the exam..

Medical Standards

Medical Standard Visual Acuity
A-2 Distant vision: 6/9, 6/9 without glasses (No fogging test) Near vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 without glasses and must pass tests for colour vision, binocular vision, night vision, mesopic vision, etc
A-3 Distant vision: 6/9, 6/9 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 2D) Near vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses and must pass the test for colour vision, binocular vision, night vision, myopic vision, etc.
B-1 Distant vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D) Near vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and must pass the test for colour vision, binocular vision, night vision, mesopic vision, etc.
B-2 Distant vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D) Near vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and must pass the test for binocular vision, etc
C-1 Distant vision: 6/12, 6/18 with or without glasses Near vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required
C-2 Distant vision: 6/12 with or without glasses Near vision: Sn. 0.6 combined with or without glasses where reading or close work is required


RRB Group D syllabus, which is prescribed by the examination authority, highlights the topics and sub-topics that candidates need to prepare for the exam. Before starting preparation, candidates must have a look at the RRB Group D syllabus 2023. The syllabus gives candidates an idea of what to prepare for the exam. The section-wise important topics for the exam are given below.

MathematicsNumber System, Percentage, BODMAS, LCM-HCF, Simple and Compound Interest, Algebra, Profit and Loss, etc.
General Intelligence and ReasoningAnalogies, Data Sufficiency, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding, Relationships, etc
General SciencePhysics, Chemistry, and Life Sciences of CBSE Class 10 level
General AwarenessCurrent Affairs Science & Technology, Sports, Culture, Personalities, Economics, Politics


TopicNo of Questions
S.I, CI1
Pipe & Cistern1
Time and Work2
Number System6
Time, Speed and Distance4


TopicNo of Questions
Venn Diagram2
Mathematical Calculation1
Mirror Image2
Odd one out3
Statement & Conclusion5
Counting Figure2
Complete Figure1
Blood Relation3

General Science

TopicNo of Questions

General Awareness and Current Affairs

TopicNo of Questions
Current Affairs13


CBT 1 Exam Pattern

SectionsNo. of Questions
General Science25
General Intelligence and Reasoning30
General Awareness and Current Affairs20


The salary of Group D railway staff is decided by railway recruitment boards (RRBs). The RRB Group D Salary is part of the 7th Central Pay Commission’s (CPC) Level 1 Salary. The salary structure of an Indian Railway Group-D staff is as follows: 1. The pay scale ranges between INR 5200 to INR 20200 2. The basic pay is INR 18,000. 3. The grade pay that Group D is entitled to is INR 1800. 4. They also receive House Rent Allowance, which varies by city and can range from 8% to 24%. 5. The dearness allowance of Group D is revised to INR 6,120. As a result, the starting salary for Group D staff at the junior level can be up to INR 27,920, excluding travel allowance.

RRB Group D selection process comprises CBT, PET/PST, document verification and medical exam. The transgender candidates are given relaxation in the PET. CCAAs trained in railway establishment are given due weightage of marks obtained in their NCVT exam in preparation of final merit list after the conduct of CBT. Based on the performance of candidates in CBT subject to their qualifying in PER, candidates are called for document verification as per their merit and options. In case of two or more candidates secure same marks, their merit position is determined by age criteria i.e., older person is placed at higher merit and in case age is same, then alphabetical order (A to Z) of the name is taken into account to break the tie. Appointment of selected candidates is subject to their passing requisite Medical Fitness Test conducted by the Railway Administration, final verification of educational and community certificates and verification of antecedents/character of the candidates. All candidates clearing the DV are called for medical exam. RRBs/RRCs only recommend names of the empanelled candidates and appointment is offered only by the respective Railway Administrations.


RRB Group D is a level-1 job while RRB NTPC (non-technical popular categories) is a level 2 to 7 job. The basic salary of candidates selected through RRB Group D is INR 18,000. RRB NTPC salary is different for different posts. The starting basic salary range offered to undergraduate posts is INR 19,900 to 21,700. While, the graduate post employees are offered RRB NTPC salary in the range of INR 25,500 to IBR 35,400. For eg: the monthly basic RRB NTPC salary for Junior Clerk cum Typist is INR 19,900 while it is INR 35,400 for Station Master and Commercial Apprentice. The posts announced under RRB Group D are Track Maintainer Grade-IV, Helper/Assistant in various technical departments (Electrical, Mechanical and S&T departments), Pointsman. The posts announced under RRB NTPC are Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Commercial Apprentice, and Station Master.


Once candidates qualify for the computer-based tests of RRB Group D exam, then they are called for Physical Efficiency. Passing Physical Efficiency Test (PET) is mandatory, and it is qualifying in nature. In PET, the male candidates should be to lift and carry 35 Kg of weight for a distance of 100 metres in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight down and should be able to run for a distance of 1000 metres in 4 minutes and 15 seconds in one chance. In PET, the female candidates should be able to lift and carry 20 Kg of weight for a distance of 100 metres in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight down and should be able to run for a distance of 1000 metres in 5 minutes and 40 seconds in one chance.


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