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The WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2023 syllabus encompasses a vast array of scientific concepts across Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany & Zoology). While NCERT textbooks form the core foundation, understanding supplementary knowledge deepens your comprehension. Familiarize yourself with the specific topics within each section to target your studies effectively.

  • Introduction

Unveiling the Syllabus:

The WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2023 syllabus spans across Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany & Zoology). While NCERT textbooks serve as the bedrock, venturing beyond is essential for holistic understanding. Familiarize yourself with the specific topics within each section, including important diagrams, formulas, and biological processes. Remember, mastering the fundamentals paves the way for deeper exploration.

Decoding the Exam Pattern:

Knowledge of the exam format empowers you to tackle it strategically. WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2023 follows a multiple-choice question format spread across three sections (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and two phases (Offline & Online). Grasp the duration, marking scheme, and any subject-wise weightage to plan your time management and question selection effectively. This understanding equips you to navigate the exam with confidence and focus.

Charting Your Preparation Roadmap:

Conquering WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2023 necessitates a well-defined plan. Start early, create a realistic timetable, and identify diverse study resources like textbooks, online courses, and previous year papers. Utilize practice tests to gauge your understanding, identify weak areas, and build speed and accuracy. Consider seeking expert guidance if needed for personalized support and motivation. Remember, consistency, strategic planning, and a thirst for knowledge are your guiding lights on this journey.

WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2021

NEET Syllabus 2023 Physics

Physics Syllabus for NEET 2023

Usually, students find the Physics section of NEET to be challenging of all, given the questions involve computations and the application of theoretical knowledge to answer questions. The table below provides a brief of all the chapters from class 11 and class 12 included in the NEET exam syllabus as per the NTA.

NEET Physics Syllabus 2023

Class 11th Syllabus

Class 12th Syllabus

Physical world and measurementElectro statistics
KinematicsCurrent Electricity
Laws of MotionMagnetic effects of Current and Magnetism
Work, Energy, and PowerElectromagnetic induction and alternating currents
Motion of systems of particles and rigid bodyElectromagnetic waves
Properties of Bulk MatterDual Nature of Matter and Radiation
ThermodynamicsAtoms and Nuclei
Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic theoryElectronic Devices
Oscillations and wave

NEET Chemistry 2023 Syllabus

Chemistry Syllabus for NEET 2023

The Chemistry segment of NEET is considered to be the scoring area, most questions are NCERT-based and coordinate in nature. Ordinarily, the questions in NEET from chemistry are easy to understand and answerTabulated below is the NEET syllabus for Chemistry from class 11 and class 12.

NEET Chemistry Syllabus 2023

Class 11th SyllabusClass 12th Syllabus
Some basic concepts of ChemistrySolid state
Structure of atomSolutions
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesElectrochemistry
Chemical Bonding and Molecular structureChemical Kinetics
States of Matter: Gases and liquidsSurface Chemistry
ThermodynamicsGeneral principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
EquilibriumP Block elements
Redox reactionsD and F block elements
HydrogenCoordination compounds
s-Block elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Some p-Block elementsAlcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
Organic Chemistry – Some basic principles and techniquesAldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
HydrocarbonsOrganic compounds containing Nitrogen
Environmental chemistryBiomolecules, Polymers, and Chemistry in everyday life

NEET Syllabus 2023 Biology

NEET Syllabus 2023 Biology

The NEET Biology syllabus is vast and covers a wide range of topics from both Botany and Zoology. It is essential to have a thorough understanding of the syllabus to effectively prepare for the exam. Here’s a breakdown of the key topics:


  • Diversity in the Living World: Classification of living organisms, including the five kingdoms, their salient features, and a brief account of viruses and Mycoplasma.
  • Structural Organization in Plants: Morphology and functions of the various parts of a flowering plant, including root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, and seed.
  • Plant Physiology: Plant nutrition, photosynthesis, respiration, transport in plants, transpiration, mineral nutrition, and plant growth and development.
  • Cell: The Unit of Life: Cell structure, cell cycle, cell division, mitosis, meiosis, and their significance.
  • Reproduction: Reproduction in plants (sexual and asexual) including pre-fertilization, fertilization, post-fertilization events, types of reproduction, and methods of pollination.

NEET Syllabus 2023 Biology

The Biology section of NEET comprises the most number of questions, 90 questions out of a add up to of 180 questions, given the vast syllabus it covers from Botany and Zoology. Since there are many chapters to cover in Science syllabus for NEET 2023, it is highly prescribed to follow the syllabus given in the following table whereas NEET preparation as prescribed by the NTA.

NEET 2023 Biology Syllabus

Class 11th SyllabusClass 12th Syllabus
Diversity in the Living WorldReproduction
Structural organisation – Plants and AnimalsGenetics and Evolution
Cell Structure and FunctionBiology and Human welfare
Plant PhysiologyBiotechnology and its applications
Human physiologyEcology and environment

NEET 2023 Exam pattern

NEET 2023 Exam Pattern: A Comprehensive Guide

The National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) serves as the gateway to medical and dental colleges in India. Understanding the exam pattern is crucial for effective preparation and maximizing your chances of success. Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects:

General Information:

  • Mode of Examination: Offline (Pen and Paper Based)
  • Duration: 3 hours 20 minutes
  • Language: English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu
  • Marking Scheme: Each correct answer carries 4 marks, and each incorrect answer incurs a penalty of 1 mark.

Question Paper Structure:

  • Sections: Three sections – Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany & Zoology)
  • Number of Questions: 200 questions (40 per section)
  • Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
SectionSub-sectionsTopics CoveredMarks
Physics(No sub-sections)Measurement, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy & Power, Gravitation, Properties of Solids & Liquids, Heat & Thermodynamics, Oscillations & Waves, Electrostatics & Current Electricity, Magnetism & Electromagnetism, Electromagnetic Induction & AC, Optics, Modern Physics180
ChemistryPhysical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic ChemistryAtomic Structure, Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure, States of Matter, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Redox Reactions, Chemical Kinetics & Electrochemistry, Periodic Properties, General Principles & Processes of Isolation of Elements, Coordination Compounds, Environmental Chemistry, Hydrocarbons, Haloalkanes & Haloarenes, Alcohols, Phenols & Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones & Carboxylic Acids, Amines, Biomolecules, Polymers, Chemistry in Everyday Life180
BiologyBotany & ZoologyDiversity in the Living World, Structural Organization in Plants & Animals, Plant & Animal Physiology, Cell – The Unit of Life, Reproduction, Genetics & Evolution, Biology & Human Welfare, Biotechnology & its Applications, Ecology & Environment180

Important Topics for NEET

Recognizing the important topics for the WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2023 is crucial for an effective preparation strategy. While the entire WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2023 syllabus holds significance, some topics consistently carry more weightage in terms of the number of questions asked and their difficulty level. Here’s a compilation of essential topics across Physics, Chemistry, and Biology that warrant focused attention:


  • Mechanics: This forms the bedrock of Physics and encompasses concepts like laws of motion, work, energy, power, momentum, and impulse. It’s vital to master these fundamentals for tackling trickier Mechanics problems.
  • Electrostatics and Current Electricity: Understanding electrostatics, capacitors, current flow, magnetism, and electromagnetic induction is pivotal for acing this section.
  • Optics: This section majorly deals with concepts like reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction, and polarization of light, along with important instruments like lenses and mirrors.
  • Modern Physics: While carrying less weightage, topics like atomic structure, radioactivity, and nuclear reactions hold immense significance and require thorough understanding.
  • Physical Chemistry: Understanding concepts like states of matter, thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, solutions, colligative properties, and chemical kinetics is vital for excelling in this section.
  • Inorganic Chemistry: While seemingly less scoring, topics like periodic properties, coordination compounds, and basic concepts hold significant weightage and shouldn’t be neglected.


  • Cell Biology: This fundamental unit of life forms the basis for understanding various biological processes. Focus on cell structure, cell cycle, cell division (mitosis and meiosis), and their significance.
  • Genetics and Evolution: Grasping Mendelian inheritance, chromosomal theory, molecular basis of inheritance, and the principles of evolution is crucial for acing this section.
  • Human Physiology: A thorough understanding of the structure and function of various organ systems in the human body is essential for excelling in this important section.

NEET Physics Syllabus Analysis

NEET 2020 Question Paper Analysis – Physics

The table below depicts the weightage of topics in the NEET Syllabus Physics Section, provided unit-wise after analysis of NEET 2020 question paper. Take a look:

UnitWeightage (approximate)
Physical World and Measurement2%
Laws of Motion7%
Work, Energy and Power4%
System of Particles and Rotational Motion4.50%
Properties of Bulk Matter9%
Oscillations and Waves7%
Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory2%
Current Electricity9%
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism7%
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents4%
Electromagnetic Waves2%
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter4%
Atoms and Nuclei7%
Electronic Devices7%



Unveiling the Syllabus:

The WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2023 syllabus encompasses a vast terrain of scientific knowledge across Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany & Zoology). While WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2023 WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2023 serve as the foundation, venturing beyond is essential for holistic understanding. Familiarize yourself with the specific topics within each section, including important diagrams, formulas, and WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2023 biological processes. Remember, mastering the fundamentals unlocks the door to deeper exploration and confident test-taking.

Decoding the Exam Pattern:

Knowledge empowers, and understanding the exam format arms you to tackle it strategically. WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2023 employs a multiple-choice question format spread across three sections and two phases (Offline & Online). Grasp the duration, marking scheme, and any subject-wise weightage to plan your time management and question selection effectively. WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2023 This blueprint equips you to navigate the exam with focus and maximize your scoring potential.

Charting Your Personalized Path:

Conquering WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2023 necessitates a well-defined plan tailored to your strengths and weaknesses. Start early, create a realistic timetable that accommodates breaks, and identify diverse study resources like textbooks, online courses, and previous year papers. Utilize practice tests to gauge your understanding, identify areas for improvement, and build speed and accuracy. WWW.NTANEET.nic.in 2023 Consider seeking expert guidance if needed for personalized support and motivation. Remember, consistency, strategic planning, and a thirst for knowledge are your guiding lights on this journey.


While NCERT textbooks form the core foundation for NEET, the actual exam syllabus might include additional topics or go deeper into certain concepts. It’s crucial to refer to the official NTA website for the most updated and detailed NEET syllabus.

Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany & Zoology) carry equal weightage of 50% each, with roughly 50 questions allocated per subject. However, within each subject, some topics might hold slightly more weightage than others based on past trends. Focus on understanding the entire syllabus thoroughly rather than solely relying on weightage estimates.

Practice is key! Utilize mock tests to familiarize yourself with the question format, time constraints, and pressure of the actual exam. Develop a time management strategy that allocates appropriate time to each section based on your strengths and weaknesses. Remember to factor in time for reviewing your answers before submission.

Neglecting certain sections, ignoring time management skills, and starting preparation too late are common pitfalls. Stay focused, create a realistic study plan, and practice consistently throughout your preparation journey. Additionally, relying solely on rote memorization without conceptual understanding can hinder your progress in the long run.

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