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5 Self-Care Ideas for stressful times


Stress doesn’t distinguish between the young or adult, or between rich and poor. It can occur to anyone and in diverse ways, regardless of how Stress happens in our lives; it takes over the show when it does. It becomes challenging to live in the present moment or give gratitude for things and people we have in our life. This is precisely when the idea of self-care ideas finally strikes us.

self-care ideas

How Does Stress Occur?

Stress is considered behind several typical illnesses, such as headaches, sleeplessness, muscle tension, body pain. In stressful situations, our body stimulates our fight-or-flight response controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, which induces the adrenal glands, causing the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones. This, in turn, leads to increased heart and breathing rates, also high blood pressure. Stress affects your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. Everything is interconnected.

How to Fight Stress?

We have listed below five self-care ideas for fighting Stress in your daily life. Try to implement them into your routine for the best outcomes:


Start Brain Dumping through Writing

When you’re flooded with thoughts, it becomes challenging to stay in the present and concentrated. This could affect you both personally and professionally. When the Stress is just brewing, an exercise to get this under control is called a Brain Dump. Start by writing a journal. Without any special introduction or fancy formatting, just start writing any and all feelings or thoughts that are coming up. Drop every thought or idea, irrespective of how small or insignificant it is. Don’t overthink how it looks. The intention is to give your thoughts an opening to pass through. And once you write them on a paper, they will no longer swim in your head and disturb you. After writing them, just leave them as they are. Do not try to fix them. Instead, leave them to only exist as they are — not judging them as right or wrong. Try this small activity every time you feel like a lot is going on in your mind.

Sweat It Out

Moving the physical body is most curative when we feel the weight of Stress. If we’ve had an incredibly difficult day, the energy in our body is going to feel tense and unsettling. This is why it’s so necessary to move and exercise even for ten minutes a day.

Studies have found that daily exercise routine decreases overall stress levels, raises and sustains a good mood, improves sleep, and increases our self-esteem.

Find a suitable exercise regimen according to your body and commit to it. A mere 10-15 minutes of exercising can have an enormous effect on your body. Go for running, jogging, take a spin class or a yoga class, or pick up Zumba classes. Whatever gets you sweating and increased heart rate is an excellent self-care idea to keep the Stress away.


Consult a Therapist

Sometimes we still don’t feel just satisfied with writing out our thoughts and feelings. It doesn’t seem quite sufficient. In such cases, having a regular therapy session is very helpful. In a professional’s presence, we can talk about what stressful situations we’re experiencing. We can just pour our hearts out with security; we know that our identity will be protected.

When we’re feeling stressed, we simply want to release and get things off our chest, and having someone who would listen and hold space is a genuinely remedial gift. Such therapy sessions leave us feeling more empowered and offloaded of the Stress and anxiety we brought in. Having others’ viewpoints on something we are emotionally involved with can be just the right solution.

Do something unconventional

Introduce something wholly new or casual into a very dull or ordinary routine. If your day consists of the same series of events every day, making an interruption can help your productivity and creativity. This can look like playing your favorite playlist in-between meetings or taking a walk outside for lunch. It can de-stress your day and also induce new, fresh energy in you.

Many times, we’re so emotionally and mentally invested that we don’t see how that vicinity is harming our health. So, interrupt yourself when you’re feeling Stressed and try something enjoyable, casual, and delightful.

Do Some Energy Work

Energy work is activities being done to improve the circulation and energetic flow of the body, such as reiki treatments and simple meditation. In such practices, we can relax and receive the benefits of self-care!



Stress has, sadly, become a common part of our lives. It affects everyone but to varying extents. But, Stress predominantly affects our physical, mental, and emotional state. This is why routine exercise is so essential, as well as mental stimulation and emotional release. These self-care ideas, as mentioned above, will help you manage it better.

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