Harvard University offers some short but paid online courses in Arts and Designs. While some of them cost around $2900, others cost around $1,880. Usually, you need to register atmost in January. Some of them include Introduction to Acting, American Dreams Made in Hollywood, Developing Museum Theater, Understanding Architecture, Matisse: Painting that Transcends Reality, The Role of the Arts and Humanities in Documenting and Dealing with Climate Change, The Imagination of Disaster: American Science Fiction Cinema and Television and Technomusicology. Usually, you need to register atmost in January. Here are 8 Arts and Design courses.
Introduction to Acting
This course is offered on the platform of Harvard Extension School with intermediate difficulty level. It is an instructor-led course offered in English. The course is held through an online web conference. The students must attend the live conference at the scheduled time. This workshop helps the students to hone their acting skills using individual and group activities. The students are required to write two performance journals after they have watched some professional theatrical performances.
- Cost: $1,880+
- Runs: January 25 to May 15, 2021
- Register by: January 21, 2021
American Dreams Made in Hollywood

The course focuses on American dreams, their different manifestations, contradictions and complexities. The popular films are analyzed to study Hollywood’s machinery and its incarnation of American dreams. All the films produced during important times like the World Wars and the Great Depression are analyzed thoroughly. The films that are to be studied include King Kong, The Wizard of Oz, Scarface, The Grapes of Wrath, The Best Years of Our Lives, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Detour, etc.
- Cost: $1,880+
- Runs: January 25 to May 15, 2021
- Register by: January 21, 2021
Developing Museum Theater
As we know, museum theater is significant in connecting the visitors and the museum objects on an emotional level. This course helps you analyze the productions of today and the history associated. The students are encouraged to come up with sustainable theaters for the changing audience. They work in groups to develop the production plan and the script. Emphasis on honing the skills to enhance the experience of the visitors is present in the course.
- Cost: $2,900+
- Runs: January 25 to May 15, 2021
- Register by: January 21, 2021
Matisse: Painting that Transcends Reality
The course is limited to 45 students only. It is an introduction to Henri Matisse, the French painter who is famous for his painting ‘Le Bonheur de Vivre’. Through his painting, he gave the message of celebrating beauty like never before. The renowned painter Pablo Picasso was a friend of Matisse. Matisse is also known for his works of distilled cut-paper that he made during his last years.
- Cost: $1,880+
- Runs: January 26 to May 15, 2021
- Register by: January 21, 2021
Understanding Architecture
This course explores the idea and the methods to understand literature. The students learn to analyze a piece of architecture. They also visit the building situated on the campus itself. Many of the buildings are renowned in the world. The students are supplemented with the architectural drawings of historic times for further review on the college website. It is an introductory course that is led by an instructor to understand architecture. The course is taught in English.
- Cost: $1,880+
- Runs: January 28 to May 15, 2021
- Register by: January 21, 2021
The Imagination of Disaster: American Science Fiction Cinema and Television
The course brings it to light how the fiction cinema has become a vital force in playing out the imagination of disaster. It also explores the relation to science, how science fiction is affected by the advancing technology and vice-versa, the capability of the science fiction of changing the future. The course requires the students to examine the science fiction genre closely and how it emerged as one of the revolutionary genres, the impact that it has on various phenomena like the artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, national security, racial profiling, etc. along with the ways this genre is an optimistic genre.
- Cost: $1,880+
- Runs: January 28 to May 15, 2021
- Register by: January 21, 2021
The Role of the Arts and Humanities in Documenting and Dealing with Climate Change
The course presents us another way to look and understand the climate and the environmental change-by analyzing it through paintings, architectural records, oral histories, etc. It also brings to the human response and the changes brought up by them in contrast with the human response today. The essays cover art and culture, archaeology and architecture in Scotland, Iceland, Greenland, England, and the United States. No prior knowledge of the environment is required.
- Cost: $2,900+
- Runs: January 27 to May 15, 2021
- Register by: January 21, 2021

Using the form of video and audio art, the course explores the relation between music and technology since the time of sound production. The course encourages the students to take the help of these new technologies and explore new techniques for storytelling. The discussions and the projects focus on the important forms like soundscapes, mashups, and DJ-style mixes. The students are exposed to the history of the sounds and their studies while also gaining skills in video and audio editing, mixing and remixing, sampling and arranging etc.
- Cost: $1,880+
- Runs: January 28 to May 15, 2021
- Register by: January 21, 2021