Does self-motivation play a significant role in a student’s life? Do your children lack interest in studying or any other co-curricular activities? The hindrance towards these types of laziness is due to a lack of motivation. Not all underperforming students have this problem, it may also occur due to learning disorders. Before getting started about the ways to be self-motivated in school, an overview of its significance would be a good piece of knowledge. By definition, it says “an initiative to undertake or continue a task or activity without another’s prodding or supervision”. Scientifically, there are four indices for motivation. Firstly, interest in choosing a task. Secondly, effort in doing a task. Thirdly, persistence in achieving the task. Finally, the level of achievement. Higher these indices, higher will the motivation level and so will be the achievement. This statement seems to be closely aligned with the success mantra of learning. An intrinsically motivated child take duties of their own, gives lots of hard work to succeed while extrinsically motivated child performs duties for other’s compulsion or in fear of punishment. Self-motivation helps the students to adhere to their goals. Hard-work, determination, and perseverance are bonus points for a self-motivated student in school life. Students with self-motivated behaviour make choices out of their comfort zone seem to be more agile, enthusiastic and adaptable to any worse situations in school. Moreover, it enhances the cognitive skill of the students that makes them more attentive in the classroom.

Bearing its significance in mind, let us look into 9 different ideas for students to be self-motivated in schools:-
1. Keep track of your achievements
Make a record of your achievements in a diary. Try to note-it down every day. It will boost the level of motivation. Do not get hesitated to mark your smallest achievement, it can also become a part of the process of making you a self-motivated student in school. This record is a self-analyzer reminding you that each day you are achieving something. You are worthy of accomplishing more. It keeps you reminded of the efforts you put for getting a task done. There is no other way that makes you gratified of your motivated child success.
2. Change your perspective
Learning is a continuous process, it will last till death. To make learning enjoyable, students should accept the fact that education is for the advancement of mankind. It makes the students gain values to lead a social life. Students are responsible for their knowledge and learning. It is not for the teachers or your parents. This thought makes you enthusiastic in the classroom. Students become more attentive and learn their subjects by understanding the concepts. They begin to learn for gaining knowledge not for getting high marks.
3. Improve time management skills
The biggest advantage of time management is more productivity. Become more productive means more accomplishments that eventually increase self-motivation. The biggest enemy of every student is procrastination. Make sure that you have done you’re your everyday tasks. To become productive in schools, students need to be organized. Organize your tasks according to time. Break down the bigger task into smaller ones. Make sure that you spend equal time for learning all subjects. Make a routine plan with time allocation. Follow your plan to get things done on time. This will also reflect during the examination. Re-evaluatee plans regularly because you may need to change things that do not work for you. It helps to refine routine plans with do’s and don’ts.
4. Accept failures

It is natural that you experience failures in school life or even then. The point here is do not allow your setbacks to cut short your confidence. Do not get discouraged, failures happen only to those who had made a try. Think in a positive way that you have that confidence to make a try. They are the stepping stones to success. You are able to learn something new from every failure. You can analyze your weaknesses. This makes you the realization that you can do better if you try.
5. Take breaks

Unfortunately, education systems are now imposing greater workloads to the students. Students are becoming overwhelmed by the academic struggles. To have a better focus on the subjects, it is essential to take sufficient breaks. You have to refresh your mind by engaging in co-curricular activities. Utilize your physical training sessions, arts, and music classes. The refreshed mind can hasten your brain. During the break, interact with your friends to have some fun.
6. Surround with encouraging people
It is essential to maintain a support system. This can include friends, parents, teachers or anyone who can motivate you. Rely on people who can encourage you to develop new skills. It is not easy to maintain the same level of motivated mind for a whole day. Engaging with the right group of people will always help you to stay motivated. Some of you may have the question that how to find people who encourage. Remember this tip to identify a real encourager. One who appreciates your success, belief in your abilities and can guide in the right direction are your constant well-wishers. Being with them will bolster your mind with motivation.
7. Keep your standards high
Always keep your standards high. Do not step aside in fear of failure. Dream high so that you can accomplish more. While keeping your standards high, do not forget to set realistic goals. You must have a clear vision of your abilities. This will help you to strengthen your skills. Try to visualize your success in hard times. Evaluate progress to make sure that you’re on target.
8. Try to take challenges

In schools, you may confront a lot of challenging tasks. Do not get panic or move aside. You have to push yourself for becoming a better version. Do not wait for the right opportunities; utilize every offer to show up your talent. Consistent growth happens only if you step out of your comfort zone. Point out your weak parts; work on them to uncover your fear. If you have stage fear, practice in front of a mirror, deliver speeches in front of a small group and use every opportunity in your school to breakdown your weaknesses.
9. Maintain mental health
Maintaining mental health is as important as physical health for a student. Your mind can control your brain. Do not spend too much time playing games or watching television. If you seriously wish to improve your motivation levels then engage in reading your favourite books, listen to music or practise yoga in other ways stay sometimes silent in a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere for self-analyzing.