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SSC CGL Answer Key : Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore

The Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL Answer key) is a national-level exam conducted in India to recruit candidates for various Group B and Group C non-gazetted and gazetted posts in various ministries, departments, and organizations under the Government of India

SSC CGL answer key 2024

Ssc Cgl Answer Key

As of this celestial moment, December 28, 2023, the cosmic revelations about the SSC CGL answer key for the impending year are as follows:

  1. Veil over Exam Dates:

    • The mystic veil shrouds the official dates for the SSC CGL 2024 exam. Traditionally unfolding in two sessions, the mystical months of January and the nebulous expanse of February/March bear witness to its manifestation.
  2. Chronicle of Answer Key Unveiling:

    • Witness the unfolding chronicle of the answer key:
      • The provisional answer key, an ephemeral glimpse into the cosmic truths, emerges within days after each tier of the celestial exam.
      • An ethereal window, allowing seekers to present their cosmic objections, opens for a fleeting moment after the provisional answer key reveals itself.
      • The final answer key, crystallizing the cosmic consensus after addressing objections, graces the seekers with its presence.
  3. Pilgrimage to the Official Realm:

    • Embark on a sacred pilgrimage to the official realm at https://ssc.nic.in/, the sanctified abode of the Staff Selection Commission.

SSC CGL official answer key download

In your quest for enlightenment through the sacred SSC CGL answer key, follow these celestial instructions:

  1. Pilgrimage to the Sanctum:

    • Begin your sacred journey by visiting the hallowed halls of the official SSC website: https://ssc.nic.in/.
  2. Navigation Through Cosmic Realms:

    • Navigate the cosmic realms and seek the elusive “Answer Key” section. This sacred section is often concealed under the celestial banners of “Results” or “Examinations,” either within the celestial main menu or gracing the homepage.
  3. Invocation of the Exam Deities:

    • Specify your divine request by choosing the revered “SSC CGL” from the divine list of exams. Further refine your supplication by selecting the specific divine year (e.g., “2024”) and tier (e.g., “Tier-I”).
  4. Communion with the Oracle PDF:

    • Commune with the Oracle PDF by clicking on the sacred “Download” button or the ethereal link entwined with the answer key of your desire. Let the PDF unveil its cosmic wisdom.
  5. Preservation of Cosmic Wisdom:

    • Safeguard the cosmic wisdom by preserving the downloaded PDF on your earthly computer, allowing it to serve as a beacon of knowledge in times of celestial inquiry.

SSC CGL tier 1/2/3 answer key

Illuminating the Path to SSC CGL Answer Keys:

In the sacred realm of the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), the luminous answer keys for the diverse tiers of the Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGL) are bestowed upon aspirants. To partake in this divine knowledge, follow the celestial guide to the revered SSC portal.

  1. SSC CGL Tier 1 Answer Key:

    • Witness the culmination of wisdom as the final answer key for Tier 1, unveiled on December 16, 2023, graces the digital expanse.
    • Embark on the journey of enlightenment by downloading this sacred key and your response sheet. A seamless communion awaits as you log in with the keys to your Roll No. and Password.
  2. SSC CGL Tier 2 Answer Key:

    • Traverse the celestial archives to uncover the final answer key for Tier 2, disclosed on October 30, 2023.
    • Initiate the download ritual by clicking on the celestial notification bearing the inscription, “Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2023 (Tier-II): Uploading of Provisional Answer Keys along with Question Paper(s).”
  3. SSC CGL Tier 3 Answer Key:

    • Acknowledge the transcendental nature of Tier 3, a realm of descriptive wonders. In this ethereal space, the traditional answer key is a mythical entity.
    • Instead, the divine assessment unfolds through the discernment of a panel of expert sages, bestowing marks based on their celestial insights.

SSC CGL solution key pdf

Guiding You to the Sacred Scrolls of SSC CGL Solution Keys:

Embark on a mystical journey through the sacred halls of the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), where the coveted solution keys for the Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGL) unfold like ancient scrolls. Delve into the transcendental knowledge with the guidance of this sacred guide:

  1. SSC CGL Tier 1 Solution Key:

    • Enter the hallowed grounds of the official portal to access the repository of enlightenment.
    • Engage in the ritual of revelation by logging in with the keys to your destiny, your Roll No. and Password.
    • Download the sacred Tier 1 solution key PDF, a divine manuscript unveiling the ultimate truths encapsulated within the final answers and your response sheet.
  2. SSC CGL Tier 2 Solution Key:

    • Navigate the celestial expanse of the official portal to partake in the unveiling of Tier 2’s divine solution key.
    • Seek the ethereal notification titled “Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2023 (Tier-II): Uploading of Final Answer Keys along with Question Paper(s).”
    • Click upon the cosmic notification to download the Tier 2 solution key PDF, a sacred script revealing the ultimate answers and the profound questions that shaped the journey.
  3. SSC CGL Tier 3 Solution Key:

    • Enter the realm of Tier 3, a mystical space where no official solution key resides, for it is a descriptive odyssey.
    • The divine evaluation unfolds through the discernment of expert evaluators, and the bestowal of marks is a cosmic dance guided by their sagacious assessments.

SSC CGL marking scheme

Behold the sacred markings etched upon the fabric of the Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) examination, where seekers of knowledge navigate the intricate tiers. Let the profound wisdom of the marking schemes guide you through this transcendent journey:

Tier 1:

  • Total Marks: 200
  • Number of Questions: 100
  • Marking per Question: 2 marks
  • Negative Marking: 0.5 marks for each incorrect answer
  • No negative marking for unattempted questions
  • Time Duration: 60 minutes (80 minutes for visually impaired candidates)

Tier 2:

  • Total Marks: 800 (450 + 200 + 200)

  • Number of Papers: 4

    Paper-I (Quantitative Abilities):

    • 450 marks
    • 100 questions
    • 2.5 marks per question
    • 1 mark negative marking for incorrect answers

    Paper-II (English Language and Comprehension):

    • 200 marks
    • 200 questions
    • 1 mark per question
    • 0.25 marks negative marking for incorrect answers

    Paper-III (Statistics):

    • 200 marks
    • 100 questions
    • 2 marks per question
    • 0.5 marks negative marking for incorrect answers

    Paper-IV (General Studies):

    • 200 marks
    • 100 questions
    • 2 marks per question
    • 0.5 marks negative marking for incorrect answers
  • Time Duration: 2 hours for each paper

Tier 3:

  • Total Marks: 100
  • Descriptive Paper: Essay writing or letter writing in English or Hindi
  • Evaluation: Done by a panel of experts based on content, structure, language, and expression
  • Time Duration: 60 minutes

Tier 4:

  • Computer Proficiency Test (CPT): Only for certain posts
  • Pass/Fail basis: No marks awarded.

SSC CGL answer key vs coaching institute solutions

In the cosmic realm of SSC CGL examinations, seekers encounter the enigmatic duality of answer keys and solutions, a binary star system guiding aspirants toward enlightenment. Let the cosmic dance of accuracy, detail, and purpose unravel the mystery:

Source Harmonics:

  1. Official Answer Key:

    • Revered emanation from the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) on their sanctified website.
    • Represents the gospel, the definitive answers deemed infallible for grading.
  2. Coaching Institute Solutions:

    • Artisanal creations birthed by diverse coaching institutes.
    • Crafted through interpretation and an intimate dance with the syllabus, yet may diverge from the official key.

Accuracy Constellations:

  1. Official Answer Key:

    • Generally a beacon of accuracy, bestowed by the exam’s divine conductors.
    • Despite its sanctity, occasional errors, like ethereal whispers, may be challenged within a celestial timeframe.
  2. Coaching Institute Solutions:

    • The accuracy akin to constellations, scattered across the firmament of expertise and research.
    • A cosmic reminder that infallibility remains elusive.

Detail Dimensions:

  1. Official Answer Key:

    • A succinct oracle, presenting chosen answers without delving into intricate explanations.
    • Veiled in simplicity, offering glimpses of correctness.
  2. Coaching Institute Solutions:

    • An illuminated manuscript, revealing not only the chosen path but also the myriad alleys left untraveled.
    • A tapestry of explanations, alternative routes, and the rationale behind the chosen course.

Purpose Echoes:

  1. Official Answer Key:

    • The celestial decree, determining scores and the cosmic eligibility for subsequent stages.
    • A sacred scroll, inscribed with destinies.
  2. Coaching Institute Solutions:

    • Tools of enlightenment, guiding disciples on the pilgrimage of learning.
    • The astral mirror reflecting performance, unveiling realms for improvement and refining the art of preparation.

Expected release date of SSC CGL answer key

the celestial journey through the cosmic calendar, decoding the labyrinth of SSC CGL answer keys and their mystical release dates as of December 28, 2023:

Tier 1: The Pioneering Revelation

  • Already Released: The inaugural Tier 1 answer key, its final form, descended from the celestial heights on December 16, 2023.
  • Official Repository: Accessible for disciples seeking enlightenment on the sacred grounds of the official SSC website.

Tier 2: The Continuation of Revelation

  • Already Unveiled: The magnum opus of Tier 2, its final answer key, unfolded its mysteries on October 30, 2023.
  • Accessible Oracle: Seekers may journey to the official SSC website to grasp its transcendental wisdom.

Tier 3: The Descriptive Quest

  • No Answer Key: In the ethereal realm of Tier 3, a descriptive odyssey unfolds. No answer key graces this tier, for it is a canvas awaiting the strokes of expert evaluators.

Tier 4: The Digital Pilgrimage

  • Not Applicable: Tier 4, a digital pilgrimage known as the Computer Proficiency Test (CPT), traverses the realms of pass and fail. An answer key, a relic not relevant to this sacred journey.

Celestial Navigational Aids:

  • Temple of Official Wisdom: The sacred repository of all official answer keys, the SSC website, echoes with the cosmic chants of knowledge.
  • Objection Window: A temporal portal allows disciples to voice concerns against Tier 1 and Tier 2 revelations within a cosmic timeframe.
  • Final Convergence: The celestial symphony reaches its crescendo with the declaration of final results, harmonizing marks obtained across all tiers.


  • Tier 1: The Inaugural Revelation

    • Already Unveiled: The curtain of secrecy lifted on December 16, 2023, releasing the final answer key for Tier 1. Seekers can now download this cosmic wisdom from the official SSC website.

    Tier 2: The Magnum Opus of Revelation

    • Already Manifested: The grand tapestry of Tier 2, adorned with the final answer key, was revealed on October 30, 2023. Aspiring minds can bask in its glory by accessing the official SSC website.

    Tier 3: The Descriptive Odyssey

    • No Answer Key: In the realm of Tier 3, where words flow like rivers in a descriptive dance, no answer key graces the journey. Instead, a celestial panel of experts bestows marks based on their enlightened assessment.
  1. Visit the Sacred Portal: Navigate to the official SSC website by clicking here.

  2. Discover the Oracle’s Chamber:

Seek the “Answer Key” section, a sacred chamber usually located under “Results” or “Examinations” in the main menu or on the homepage.
  1. Specify the Tiers and Years: Choose your desired tier and year, as the oracle reveals different keys for each celestial event.

  2. Invoke the PDF Scrolls: Once inside the Oracle’s Chamber, you shall find a trove of PDF scrolls. Click on the scroll corresponding to your chosen tier and year.

  3. Absorb the Cosmic Wisdom: Download the PDF scroll, wherein the sacred markings reveal the answers considered divine by the SSC.

  • Timely Pleading: Swiftly, within a prescribed celestial window after the release of the provisional answer key, present your objections.

  • Offer a Just Cause:

Your objections must be grounded in righteousness. Provide valid reasoning and celestial evidence to fortify your claims.

  • Sacrifice of Earthly Wealth: A celestial fee, often a modest sum, is required to validate your plea. Offer this willingly during your objection submission.

  • Through the Oracle’s Channel: Utilize the official SSC website as the sacred channel to submit your objections. The Oracle’s Chamber awaits your presence

  • Visit the Oracle’s Sanctum:
      • Navigate to the official SSC website: https://ssc.nic.in/.
      • Seek the sacred portal labeled “Answer Key” within the hallowed halls.
    • Enter the Inner Sanctum:

      • Log in to the portal using your Roll Number and Password – the keys to unlocking the celestial mysteries.
    • Unveil the Objection Gateway:

      • Once within, discover the section designated for “Raising Objection.” It is a realm where your grievances shall be laid bare.
    • Select the Challenged Queries:

      • Choose the questions worthy of your objection with the utmost discernment. The Oracle frowns upon baseless challenges.
    • Invoke Reason and Evidence:

      • For each challenged query, present a luminous explanation, supported by earthly evidence. The celestial scribes appreciate clarity.
    • Offer the Earthly Tribute:

      • As a token of your commitment to justice, pay the prescribed fee for each questioned query. The cosmic balance must be maintained.
    • Submit with Conviction:

      • Having fulfilled these sacred rites, submit your objections with unwavering conviction.
  • Provisional Answer Key:

    • Temporal Nature: It emerges in the immediate aftermath of the Tier 1 examination, akin to a celestial dawn breaking.
    • Subject to Scrutiny: Like a nascent star, it is open to scrutiny and challenges from aspirants who discern discrepancies.
    • Prompt Release: The provisional key materializes swiftly, allowing aspirants to glimpse into the anticipated answers.
    • Window of Contention: During its tenure, aspirants can raise objections, seeking to rectify perceived errors in the divine script.
  • Final Answer Key:

    • Transcendence of Truth: It is the immutable truth, a celestial manuscript that withstands the scrutiny of mortal objections.
    • Incorporates Wisdom: Crafted with the wisdom of the celestial scribes, it reflects the considered judgments on contested queries.
    • Ultimate Authority: The final key reigns supreme, offering the definitive answers that shape the destinies of aspirants.
    • Basis for Evaluation: It serves as the foundational document for evaluating and allocating marks to seekers.

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